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Posted: June 23rd, 2022, 9:09 pm
by creativesoul
The mattress absorbed the water
Like a sponge I sank

I told my friend I was as going to pretend I had no problems for one hour
The dog is acting suspicious
I would explain
But there really is not much I can do about the leak - the water or the dog

The hamster wheel is not still for long
Things like food used to taste good

Now everything tastes the same

The leak made a design on the floor
By the front door

I’m confused by what day it is- the time- how fast it’s flying
I catch up with you on a call

Re: Leak

Posted: June 24th, 2022, 7:52 am
by creativesoul
We talk about your visit
Here : I live so differently then in America
I am almost afraid to expose my hippie soul

Re: Leak

Posted: June 24th, 2022, 7:58 am
by creativesoul
I look up things that I want from America
It’s an interesting list
One is a “ real hamburger “ -
I mean the kind- French fries and cheese

Cheap t shirts to paint in.. pilot. Black ink
pens- I’m desperate for them

Golden acrylic paints
I use paint from the Chinese shopping center
It’s just kind of not that great

Maybe all of it will

Re: Leak

Posted: June 24th, 2022, 8:02 am
by creativesoul
Italian leaks into Spanish -
Because it’s a river of language
Flowing out to sea
English tried to hold her ground

Oh but she is lonesome

- is the only choice -
They speak so fast here

Re: Leak

Posted: June 25th, 2022, 9:30 am
by saw
love the rambling thoughts
so important to acknowledge
the train ...rolling down the tracks
it is you ....a snapshot
a photograph of a moment in thought
not to be taken lightly
and not to be given too much significance
it's just a moment
when your thoughts meet the world
as monumental as anything else on earth