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Posted: March 20th, 2023, 3:34 pm
by edsiejka

by Edmund Siejka

It was getting colder
Sun slowly
From the afternoon sky.

Taking off his glasses
He studied the front steps
How was he going to get a heavy dresser up there?
His wife asked, “Are, you sure you can do this?”
Turning, her eyes focused on the nearby homes
She thought she saw a curtain move.
“No one is coming out to give us a hand” she said

“We don’t have those kinds of neighbors,
We’ve got to do this ourselves before it gets dark
Tommy’s going to have to help.”

“But Tommy’s only thirteen.”
“He’s got to help. Anyway, he’s big for his age.”

Exhausted, they moved the dresser into the bedroom
Tired she said “I did as much as I could.”
“We’ve had a long day” he replied
“So, lets get takeout.”
Flashing a grin she answered, “Sounds good to me
Chinese or pizza?”
“How about Chinese?”
“Let me ask Tommy If he’s OK with Chinese.”

Calling from the other room
“Tommy wants pizza.”
“Christ everything’s for him.”
“Well, he did help.”
“When I was his age, I did what my parents said.”
Lowering her voice, she answered “Well, he’s your son too so why don’t you talk to him?”

Looking around the bedroom
She couldn’t help but notice,
“By the way there’s scratch marks all over the floor.”
Red faced he answered
“Listen, no more aggravation today. We’ll do something about it later. Pizza is fine with me.”
“OK, I’ll call and you pick up. Does that work?”

Leaning against the kitchen counter
Thoughts that were always near the surface
Bubbled upwards
Making her wonder
Why are husbands so fuggin’ stupid?

Re: Neighbors

Posted: March 20th, 2023, 11:02 pm
by judih
Edmund, thanks so much for bringing this bit of reality into my morning.
I can see so much into another household, so unlike my own - it's a gift! (I guess you could say that I'm a neighbor here)

Re: Neighbors

Posted: March 21st, 2023, 3:43 pm
by creativesoul
I like them kinda stupid
The smart ones are bossy