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bring on the spectacle

Posted: February 27th, 2024, 3:30 pm
by saw
forget about the truth
it's so subjective...haha.... and elusive !
a sidewinder slithering the lobes
of your easily programmed mind.....
honesty and literacy are so passe
but trinkets and baubles shine on and on
so give it a rest, come down off that horse
that remembers how it was to gallop
through fields of investigative jouralism
and tell stories to the world waiting
on an explanation for bad behavior
and well.......bad behavior might just get
you elected into the highest of offices
and remember all we need is shiny stuff
to keep us in line.....
we crave the garish, drink up the kool aid
without being prompted
it's the osmosis of advertising ,
it's like a cross between a truth serum
and a sedative

Re: bring on the spectacle

Posted: February 27th, 2024, 5:37 pm
by sasha
I'm trying to kick my outrage-porn habit, but having only limited success. At least I realize when I'm binging on it, and know that even the viewpoints I agree with are more than a little skewed. But it's a powerful drug, and I can't seem to get enough of that angry rush of self-righteous contempt it delivers, something its purveyors are well aware of. Ever notice how the thumbnails YouTube present to you seems to evolve over time? The more you watch, the more they send your way - and the more you watch. Goddamn the pusher-man.

One of these days I just might feign an interest in Uruguayan folk dancing, and see how their recommendations reflect that....

Re: bring on the spectacle

Posted: February 28th, 2024, 2:18 am
by mnaz
"Outrage porn."

Pretty much describes it. Well done.

Everything is porn. I knew it would come to this. We have everything and nothing (very Zen) in the explosion of tech and everything and nothing and I suspected it would come to this sooner or later or maybe later or sooner.