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I'm sure his grave is restless

Posted: March 14th, 2024, 11:50 am
by saw
fuck John Wayne
and The Marboro Man
icons of cheapsteak tough
purveyers of stoicism
they laid the groundwork,
among others....
for the desensitizing
of the world, inventing
the tear-away jersey
of empathy
and now those morons
want to demonstrate
their muscle by backing
the vile orange non'human
who says if you rob a store
you should be shot on site
forget due process, because
dictators make their own laws
he wants to rule the territory by pretending
to be religious, patriotic, big and bad
while only lining his golden parachute
and laughing his way to the bank
the choice is clear..... fascism or democracy
or at least a facsimile of democracy for godsake
and not another hitler wannabe with a comb-over
and a spray-on tan and the temperament
of a five year old.....a known felon !
my dad fought for three and a half years
in europe to prevent this shit
he lost a lot of good friends.....
I'm sure his grave is restless
does anyone know how to read anymore ?

Re: I'm sure his grave is restless

Posted: March 14th, 2024, 1:38 pm
by Doreen Peri

Re: I'm sure his grave is restless

Posted: March 14th, 2024, 5:08 pm
by sasha
what need have we for books?
we have direct pipelines to Truth!
Newsmax, Fox News
the University of YouTube!
The Holy Church of Meta!
only libtards care for books
books are old and musty
full of moths and worms and
worst of all...

dangerous ideas

indoctrinating our young
with heresies like:
people who don't look like you are just as good
vaccines save lives
climate change is real
that maybe trafficking in human beings
deserves rebuke
that maybe our treatment of those who were here before us
isn't entirely above reproach
and that who someone chooses to marry
is none of your fucking business...
no joke! books actually say that!
they should be banned
banned and burned
burn 'em, I say
burn 'em just like those who promote them
will surely burn in Hell

Re: I'm sure his grave is restless

Posted: March 15th, 2024, 2:38 pm
by mnaz
The worst part is, we're doing it to ourselves.
We are buying the snake oil con.

Talk about an own goal in our elimination match in the Big Soccer Tournament of the Coming Apocalypse.

I keep wanting to tell myself it won't be, or couldn't be, as bad as I imagine it will get.