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Posted: August 19th, 2004, 10:37 pm
by Glorious Amok
i lie, awake, listening
to the kettle which ticks
gently and with a metronome's patience
where i keep it simmering
over low heat, warming
for i imagine i will once again
have the craving for fresh cinnamon tea.


Posted: August 20th, 2004, 2:23 am
by magicmystery
OK... that's me and my Earl Grey....

I can tell you don't have the kind of kettle that plugs in.... now the question...
Gas or electric?....LOL

briefly... a painful experience I once had.... forgot the damn thing was on upstairs.... boiled dry and shot molten metalic shit everywhere... ruined my grandmother's oilcloth floor.... luckily my grandfather came home from his afternoon shift before more tragic events could occur.

From that point on, I used an electric kettle with an automatic shut-off.

I like the ticking description.... it's almost as relaxing and reassuring as the tea.


Posted: August 20th, 2004, 7:08 am
by abstroint
Your poem may indeed be about tea but I took so much more away with me from the words you constructed. An indication of a great poem for me is whether I can feel the texture in words. You have definitely implied some texture.

You have also inspired a new series that began just moments ago here:


Thank you for sharing!

Posted: August 20th, 2004, 8:29 am
by judih
wow. glorious a
a wonderful aura of cinnamon today

i just lit a cinnamon/grapefruit oil blend in the diffuser.

and cindy! how cool your response.

it's a good day


Posted: August 20th, 2004, 9:37 am
by Glorious Amok
abstroint, i should have known you'd recognize it, this poem has absolutely nothing to do with tea, and everything to do with drinking up a nice fresh cup of metaphor. LOVE the teapot tho!

MM, this kind of kettle does have its own sort of 'automatic shutoff' too. but also, it's own 'automatic turn on' and that one i seem to have less control over.

judih, cinnamon & grapefruit??? while i have long believed that cinnamon is the finest spice on the planet, and i know it makes a great accompaniament to many other flavours, grapefruit is one combination i haven't yet tried... thanks for tuning in.