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On a day in the life of a man who dreams

Posted: December 10th, 2005, 2:19 am
by Ryan Orr
On a day in the life of a man who dreams,
He found himself approaching boredom and sleep.
Back tattooed to a chair while the library air carried remnants of whispers
From the voices in there.
Flutters of whispers dispelled with care,
So as not to upset the literarily scared;
So as not to displace the content unaware.
His breathing steadied, his eyelids grew heavy,
And his fingers touched softer and softer the pages of history.
Such books were stacked high surrounding his curiosity.
Thought he might dig deeper to soothe his animosity,
So he scoured the references with livid ferocity.
But now, after hours of processing atrocity,
‘It’s too much’, he thinks, ‘Too much, only dreams can revive me.’

It was last of his thoughts before the world melted, swirling,
Dripping hot wax into visions unfurling.
In full control he let all he knows lead him.
What people, how people, why people are greedy.
How capitalists make big industry of the needy.
Why most of his friends living street lives die bleeding.
Not clear on facts yet, but he’s sure enough got a feeling.
‘Cause it feels like the ones who could change it ain’t gonna.
The ones with money and power don’t wanna.
So what’s left for men trying to live life righteously?
He doesn’t want to admit he’s over the edge, but he might just be.
He can’t remember a time that calm could set in and his mind could unwind.
It’s a dog eat dog, but there’re wolves below the poverty lines.
Crazies that ain’t afraid to be killers.
You gotta be hungry and angry, you gotta be desperate and willing.
You gotta have your whole life slipped out from under your feet
And be dragged, kicked and trampled through merciless streets.

He saw how that might just lead up to the decline
Of good men, tormented and anxious inside.
Stifled into gradual imminent rage, forced to see only the darkness of days.
Left with the brunt of the compromised ways, one day finds himself grippin’ a gauge.
With intent to hit up prey on the fly and be silent.
Be known and be feared, infamous, violent.
“Only ‘cause I gotta” always seems to justify it.
Justify trading your life for my quiet.
Justify hunting you down for to drain you.
“It’s all I’ve been left with, there’s nothing else I can do.”

He spent all his life accepting this and toiling to keep his family safe.
Most days he doesn’t mind life, but on some the hate is too great.
Too much to rid one the superfluous weight.
Children, a lover, a mother to fend for.
It was last of his thoughts reaching the bathroom door.
Hand through the still dark flicking the light on,
He stood two feet back from his own reflection.
Stood taking in the height, width, straight, proud, strong.
Two feet on hard cold and two hands on a gun.
And he stared sharp through the glass and into the eyes for a mad minute.
Then he ripped a hole in the chest, held the hole open and put his heart in it.
“Keep this for me,” he said, “while I have to be gone, and if I don’t come back,
You be sure that that lives on.”
And the system that swore to fulfill his desires,
Made light of his angst and threw his hope in the fire.
And the fire hissed mockingly, like the blazes of hell,
So bruh bear put rock salt in his shotgun shells.
He sought out the fiends in the dark alleyways and stairwells.
Vowed vengeance to be his should the nerve never leave him.
Thought a moment of violence, should his reflection believe him,
Would suffice to relieve him, though his family might grieve him.
He said, “I’ll be God damned if I’m gonna stand beside myself,
Seeing myself and not feeling my wealth.
I’ll be God damned if I’m gonna bend to the will of another man’s plan,
With both of my hands I cast out their intention.
With all of my voice I shout out this dissention.
I want to scream my complaints so the saints can hear me.
I want all those who breathe to see me and mine clearly.
I want the earth, sun, moon, stars and God to fear me!

But just as his frightened ego tipped the scales of hypocrisy,
He bolted awake, sat up straight and stiff in his seat.

Sweat trickled his face and his clothes stuck to his chair.
His mind, an exhaustion, gasping the library air.
Slowly the splattering of fear drained from his bones
And he studied the room to find he was alone.
Naught but a stack of the past was his neighbor.
Hesitant, his brain returned attentive to his labor.
The work of attempting remembrance of paths walked by the makers of
All we know to be true.
The answers of why we are me and you, what makes us falter, and what now can we do?
His breathing fell steady and his eyes stayed wide,
He felt smiley importance bubble up from inside.
And he vowed to his double to honor such things,
On a day in the life of a man who dreams. ©2004 E.E.Music

Posted: December 10th, 2005, 12:45 pm
by Axanderdeath
This is great!

the rhyming...

liked it alot are you new here?

Posted: December 10th, 2005, 8:52 pm
by tinkerjack
Thank you

Posted: December 11th, 2005, 2:56 am
by Ryan Orr
Thanks for the comments, y'all. Yeah, I'm new here. I was referred by iblieve of the DARC poets society. If you're not already checking them out, give it a shot. Good stuff goin' on over there, too.

Posted: December 11th, 2005, 7:40 am
by tinkerjack
I tried to sign up there but I just could not figure out how to do it. Going to try again.