a Like (a lover's day love poem/story)

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a Like (a lover's day love poem/story)

Post by sooZen » February 10th, 2006, 9:24 am

Like Frida and Diego we are apart, yet together
me, high up in the aleppo pine, my roost with a view
Mexico and the cement river between
the teeming masses, the freeway and the mountain
the mountain, a granite monolith outside my windows.

i spend the day lost in art, bills and news of something new.
Surrounded by my reference books, my beads, my wire, my art supplies
and my chirpy bird Sky who sings along with Sting.

You down below, in your cave-like space with few windows
except for the one in your studio also facing South, like mine.
There the easel holds the latest creation.

I can peek in the window from my perch and see...
the masking tape technique you have perfected
the drips like Jackson, adopted and yours now
the geometrics (you said you can't let them go...yet.)

You have a knack of disappearing in a flash
especially if i want or need you. I search for you.
But, off tinkering in your eBay closet
pouring over old rock posters from the sixties or other bits,
ephemera you are prone to collect. Paper and canvas
surround you in your hole in space. You live like a mole in
a papery nest.

Like Georgia and Stiglitz, me collecting twigs and stones
or looking through the branches of the dying Mimosa
from my perch on the deck. Me in my New Mexico
you in your New York. You taking pictures in the yard below me
the bird bath and a geode looking all like the moon and the universe.

You filling the dog water dish and wandering about the yard,
smoke in hand or lips. I like to watch you.

We like to live in separate spaces together, together but apart.
I see your back more than your front. I memorized it,
hunched over the computer, streaming...philosophistic or just
working. I watch your back.

I chirp like my bird when happy and crawl away into my space
when sad, closeted in my studio in the pine
hoping creativity will heal me.

You are more even, more middle way, neither up nor down
I like that about you...

I like what you like: Miro; Santa Fe Canyon Road; museums and galleries; Caulder and Rothko; Dan Namingha the contemporary Indian art man; Chihuly and glass; quiet spots with a view; sunsets and rises; the Stones, Miles, the Dead and Van the Man...beauty and beauties in all forms.

We are alike but different. We like to talk, companionable, content like lovers, friends and neighbors. We can argue civily, most of the time.

I live upstairs, you live in the basement. We eat, sleep and make love in the same spaces. Together but separate.

Like long, lost friends, we have found each other in this time. I like you, you like me. Like river and stone, together but separate.

Freedom's just another word...


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Post by stilltrucking » February 10th, 2006, 12:09 pm

your story made me happy
thank you

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Post by Arcadia » February 10th, 2006, 12:27 pm



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Post by mtmynd » February 10th, 2006, 1:23 pm


What a lovely poem for our cloudy morning.

Thank you for you... I am one lucky man!

In love without words,


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Post by Artguy » February 10th, 2006, 10:20 pm

Frida & Diego...amazing story...I am presently working on a portrait of Frida cradling Diego in her bosom....monkey on her shoulder...blue house in Coacan in the background and other stuff.....

Wonderful poem Sooze

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Post by judih » February 11th, 2006, 12:13 am


crotchety images of volatile voices - tearing away at a piece of art - throwing brushes out the window
tossing wires down the toilet

cursing the heavens that invented such tools

then caressing a pigment, cheek to cheek with a miraculous bead


lunchtime reminders - food sometimes happens
songs and saxophones sometimes beckon

a beautiful existence, sometimes impossible


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Post by sooZen » February 11th, 2006, 6:45 am

Thank you all for the read and the kind replies...

ju...I know 'xactly what you mean girlfriend!

Kurt...I would really like to see that painting when finished. Frida was/is an inspiration for me. I don't have her kind of pain but my small pains are enough to seek her wise counsel. Although Diego was bigger than life, her small, o so personal drawings and canvases, mostly overlooked in her time, speak to me.

Being in proximity to the border, Frida is close to where I work in my studio.

Here is my rendition of Frida:


It took me a long time to round up all those doodads. The collage prints of her art are made by me, including some colored pencil work. Some of the charms (the pottery birds and fruit) are from Guatamala from when my mother visited there. It also includes two of my wirework beads. This piece is now in a private collection.

(I hope this image is not too large for S8 but I cannot reduce it, for I cannot replace it.)
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panta rhei
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Post by panta rhei » February 11th, 2006, 9:37 am

together and apart
ever flowing into each other
apart from one another
close and far
back and front

yin and yang
one, but two
whole made of
ever moving parts

i and i
you and you

knowing each other's tune
their solitary sounds
and how they symphony together

(wonderful piece, soo!)

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Post by sooZen » February 11th, 2006, 10:20 am

Honey!!! You're home...(you are home aren't ya???)

thank you for the beautiful response...

missed ya...gotta tell about the big trip to the big A, my little A. :wink:
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Post by panta rhei » February 11th, 2006, 10:26 am

back i am, yes... at least physically.

little A still vibrates with big A's vibes....

hey, soo.
good to see you!
i am still waiting for your shoes, as you will probably do as well...

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Post by sooZen » February 11th, 2006, 10:42 am

shoes smoos...I am just glad to SEE you my darlin' pal!
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Post by panta rhei » February 11th, 2006, 10:43 am

... can you see my big smile now - from ear to ear?

sent you an e.

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Glorious Amok
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Post by Glorious Amok » February 11th, 2006, 11:38 am

wow, that is unquestionably, undeniably, irrefutably the most beautiful poem i have ever read.

and that is the most beautiful necklace i have ever seen.

"YOUR way is your only way." - jack kerouac

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Post by sooZen » February 11th, 2006, 12:39 pm

A...got your E. Hah! ...and all the stuff...sent you one too.

Glorious, Hi my darlin' girl...why you made me blush, see...- :oops:

Thank you very, very mucho.

Think Peace my friends...

Freedom's just another word...


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Dave The Dov
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Post by Dave The Dov » February 12th, 2006, 7:33 am

Beautiful necklace
Beautiful poem
Beautiful all around
BMW 600
Last edited by Dave The Dov on March 19th, 2009, 1:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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