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Us and Them (first poem I ever wrote, 33 years ago)

Posted: August 19th, 2006, 9:30 am
by lenny
Time after time, always, trying to rhyme
my life with theirs, who seem without cares;
who don't dare to question what life's really about,
never stopping to ask or express any doubt.

In amidst the crowd, so false and so loud,
but don't speak of truth, "Come down off your cloud!"
A stick in the mud, their image of you
'cuz you can't act as well as they do.

If you just sit quietly, they'll ask, "What's wrong?"
For to remain so silent one must surely be 'gone'.

To be different you must be mad,
to be the same makes them so glad,
as they then feel 'normal',
the world's number one fad.

Three billion to one, sometimes we may feel,
tired, scared, alone - can this home be real?
Where ne'er a joy can exist without pain
for soon as it's born by law it is slain.

No, here is not home, of this I am sure,
for here is little, joyful and pure.
And the time has come when I must cease trying
to rhyme my life to this world's lying;

but to go beyond, I must,
armed with faith, love and trust.
To my true home I will find my way
'til ev'ry sorrow is washed away.

early lenny

Posted: August 19th, 2006, 10:09 am
by Arcadia
so you were....?? Thanks for sharing it with us!!!!!!!
I have the registro of writing in the margenes more or less since I was fourteen but I can't say wich was my first poem/poem!.


Posted: August 19th, 2006, 10:35 am
by stilltrucking
Three billion to one,
I think the odds are even higher now.

I liked your poem lenny.
I can't remember the first thing I wrote
But I can still remember the first thing I read
Little Dog Ready at Home, that would be about sixty years ago.

Posted: August 19th, 2006, 3:19 pm
by mnaz
Though I work and flow by various rhythms, I could never rhyme my life to the world's lying, either. I could never lose touch, completely. Vietnam would not have me. I would refuse its abomination if it continued when I came of age-- which might have caused a rift between myself and said world, long-lasting and deep. That is an extreme case, granted.... the lying comes at you in subtle ways, many of them having to do with undue worship of symbols..... or numbers..... all right here in full view of numberless galaxies, no less....

Good read for me, lenny.
thanks for posting.

Posted: August 19th, 2006, 8:09 pm
by lenny
Thank you all for taking the time both to read and comment. It is always appreciated.
