Raking Lizards

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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Raking Lizards

Post by Lightning Rod » June 6th, 2006, 4:46 pm

http://members.tripod.com/chinfahshin/l ... ard003.jpg

Raking Lizards
for release 06-06-06
Washington D.C.

I think I am experiencing Current Events Burnout. Keeping up with the news is part of my job, but lately I have been forced to ask myself, "Can these idiots get any stupider?" So far the answer has been, "Yes."

For one thing, many people seem to think that building a fence or a wall is going to keep out illegal aliens. There is all this talk about 'securing our borders.' This has to remind me of the story about Joan Vollmer Burroughs. Joan was the amphetamine freak common-law wife of William S. Burroughs. She subsisted on benzedrine inhalers. They were living in Louisiana. Everybody else in the house were junkies, so when they were all in bed and the children were asleep and the dishes were washed and the floors were waxed, Joan would still be looking for something to do at three in the morning. There was a dead tree standing in the back yard. In this tree there were tree lizards. Joan would take a rake into the moonlight and rake the lizards out of the tree. She would rake them down and they would run back up the tree. This is the essence of the Sisyphus story. Ultimate futility. It also describes our efforts to 'secure the borders.' We are just Raking Lizards.

Then there is the "Protection of Marriage Amendment." There are many things that I don't understand in this world. I don't understand NASCAR for instance. Why would you want to pay to see that which you can observe on any freeway at rush hour? Is it just the paint jobs?

And I don't understand why we are wasting time even talking about gay marriage. Talk about fiddling while Rome is burning. There are actual problems out there. Brutal and unjust wars, an AIDS epidemic that is killing a million people per year, global warming, the rape of our economy by the oil companies, my lawn needs mowing. You know, real problems.

But instead trying to solve our real problems the government wastes three days on a doomed Constitutional amendment trying to decide who gets to fuck who. But that's the fundamental issue in all politics, isn't' it? Who Fucks Who?

The 'Protection of Marriage Amendment' is raking lizards too. Do the fools in the peanut gallery (fundie Christians) think that a Constitutional Amendment is going to stop homosexuality? I don't think so. No more than Prohibition cured drinking.

This brings me back to William Burroughs and Joan. Burroughs was a notorious homosexual. It is unclear whether the relationship he had with Joan was conjugal. They just liked each other and, you know, worked as a team. It had every earmark of a marriage. After all, he blew her brains out with a gun. Sounds like marriage to me.

But since Burroughs was a flaming queer, was this really a marriage between a man and a woman? It could be a deep Constitutional question. Or it could just be raking lizards.

America is not so much a nightmare as a non-dream. The American non-dream is precisely a move to wipe the dream out of existence. The dream is a spontaneous happening and therefore dangerous to a control system set up by the non-dreamers.
--William S. Burroughs
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

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Post by firsty » June 6th, 2006, 4:51 pm

rakes! snakes! queers! fears! lizard pie and so am i and screw the who who's dreaming where my grass grows. america is chasing its tail.
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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Post by Dave The Dov » June 6th, 2006, 5:57 pm

One night during a heavy night of drinking that William and Joan were doing. Joan remarked by saying these famous last words,"I think it's time for our William Tell act". She then placed a glass on her head to which William took aim with his gun and fired at it. He missed hitting the glass and hit Joan instead. She was killed instantly and Burroughs would be charge with her death. But he was let off seeing how the authorities saw that it was accidental. As for that "amendment" I see it as Bush taking aim at it and missing just like William Burroughs. But George isn't going to get off like Burroughs.
Honda CR-V
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Post by iblieve » June 7th, 2006, 1:35 pm

I try to keep up with the news but its all fucking smoke and mirrors, the truth hidden and the important issues never mentioned. Example; did you know that one in six children born in America will have some form of autism, its a epidemic but is anyone trying to deal with it, fuck no. There are so many other issues that I think more important than gay marriage, like here in Oregon they want to spent millions to fund a Nascar Race track but the same fuckers cut school funding every year, I guess those issues go hand in hand, those left uneducated will need something to keep them amused when they get off work at Burger King.

Funny I was thinking about all this shit yesterday and wrote this poem.

Transcript: Bush’s Emergency Cabinet Meeting

Boys we’re expecting the shit on capital hill to explode
drown us all, how can that much shit be contained in
fabricated boxes of all's well and do tell how to cover up
when soldiers run amuck?
Let’s say collateral damage, tempers flared, a few dead
Iraqi’s who cares, sweep them under the rug of resistance
and terrorist thugs to protect the home land.
Speaking of Homeland Security funding Martha’s
vineyard 1 million, New York cut 40 percent, they have
no national monuments, We spread the money out to
the more vulnerable areas in states where our major
cash cows live, should be some hefty campaign
contributions coming our way.

(bullshit lies, corruption flourishes the director of homeland security a defector,
selling out for greenback visions of grandeur.)

Please strike that last thought.
Yes sir.

No one will care, we cut education, those fuckers can’t
do the math, besides, the price of gas has them
distracted, jobs impacted sent to foreign soil. With the
immigrants working for 2 dollars an hour they’ll be
glad to make minimum wage.

Then we sound the call to arms, protect the institution
of marriage, blame the gays, no homo-butt fucking
marriages, abhorrent acts against God!!!! Hell they will
rally around that flag boy, let’s have a national fag
burning day, yep that’ll bring them out in droves, Now
how do we get them to vote Republican again, chances
running thin? I know we’ll promise them prosperity, a
small tax break, and the big businesses can make
everyone work overtime election day, why time and a half
will buy their gas for a week.

Hey we figured that out pretty quick, lets go find us a
young boy to sodomize, tight ass is good for a
politician's dick. Chaney you took your Viagra?
What, why damn aint you got that bad ticker fixed yet,
pay some poor nigger to give you his.
No ass for you tonight.

iblieve :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
DARC Poet's Society.

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Post by stilltrucking » June 7th, 2006, 2:48 pm

Nice eye again clay. I really liked the racking lizards story. But I don't exactly see eye to eye with ya.

The hidden agenda is the courts. Did you note his comment about "activist judges" That was in his speech about the proposed amendment. This will help him pack the courts with judges with moral clarity. At least seven years to get an amendment ratified. You can appoint a lot more Scalias and Roberts to the judiciary in that time. When we elect Condoleeza Rice president she will continue the process. Just my take on it. You ever hear of Leo Strauss at the University of Chicago? Never mind. Never underestimate your enemy.
http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases ... 224-2.html

Yeah with all these major issues there is no time for little biddy things like lead poisoning.

The next time you are in DC admiring the grandeur of the wide boulevards, the majestic monuments, and the marble halls of justice:
Think about the lead water pipes carrying drinking water to the black children.

Ain't that a shame. The lead levels in those children's blood is way higher than it should be. I wonder if they could find a few million dollars in the next highway bill to fix that.

I like Camus' version of The Myth Of Sisyphus. The only philosophical question is suicide. He has Sisyphus walking down the hill chilling and listening to Captain Beefheart on his Ipod as he admires the sceenery. When he gets to the bottom he is rested and fresh and ready to roll that rock back up the hill. And then it rolls back down and he strolls after it again. Not exactly how Camus said it but that was my take on his little book about Sissypuss.

sorry I ramble.

Dav as I remember the story Burroughs did not want to do it he felt too sick or stoned to try, but she kept after him to do it.

If I had my way there would be more Nascars on the tracks and less four wheelers on the road :P

Where is SooZen?

The nice thing about studio eight is you can always play to your base and trash NASCAR. Except for SooZen.

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Post by stilltrucking » June 7th, 2006, 3:46 pm

Well how about this. Some good news I hope.

EPA Eases Monitoring of D.C. Drinking Water

By David Nakamura
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, June 2, 2006; 5:15 PM
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has formally reduced its oversight of D.C. drinking water after new test results showed that the level of lead in the water has remained below federal limits for a full year.
WASA discovered excessive lead in 2002 and reported it to the EPA, but the extent of the contamination was not disclosed to the public until a Washington Post story in February 2004 revealed that tap water in 4,075 out of 6,118 homes tested by WASA had excessive lead. Many homes had lead levels above 300 parts per billion.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/co ... 00835.html

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Post by jimboloco » June 7th, 2006, 4:53 pm

a lady at work wearing a blood red bracelet
i says what's it for?
she goes. "abortions"
she digs bush and cheney
likes to joke about how she was a hippy chick
real sweet but she just does not get it
so i says unborn babies are killed in war
especially this unnessary upon lies

some folks just don't get it
they are programmed into that control system
dubya dont like abortions
she votes for him
a warmonger
leapin lizardz, annie
daddy warbucks wants you too
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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Post by stilltrucking » June 8th, 2006, 11:39 am

We are sheep
But who's flock do we belong to.
Yeah Bush is a noble god fearing religious moral man.

He would never get a blow job in the whitehouse
He has no pubic hair on his tongue
ANd that is good enough for me.

He talks to God and god answers him
I wonder who that guy Jeusus is that he says he knows
It don't sound like nobody I know.

Eat. Drink and be merry; because tomorrow you might be in Uah

All Polls Aside, Utah Is Keeping Faith in Bush

"When I watch him, I see a man with his heart in the right place," said Delia Randall, a 22-year-old mother from Provo, the hub of a county that gave Senator John Kerry just 11 percent of the presidential vote in 2004.

"I like George Bush because he is God fearing, and that's how a lot of people in this area feel."

"I'm against the war in Iraq — and what happened with Hurricane Katrina, well, it was a failure by everybody," said Ron Craft, a sales manager in Provo who said he was a devout Mormon and a strong conservative who considered himself independent politically. "I tend to judge a person by their character. And President Bush reminds me of President Reagan. He's a man of principle."

"He's strong, and he doesn't waver," said Jaren Olsen, 18, a freshman at Brigham Young, the nation's largest religiously affiliated private university, who is from Albany.

"I like that he is for the family, that marriage should only be between a man and woman. And the war, we need to finish what we started."

"I'm not sure of anything he's done, but I like that he's religious — that's really important," Ms. Pulsipher said.

"This is a community committed to faith, family and freedom, and that translates to consistent popularity for George Bush," said Mayor Lewis K. Billings of Provo.

"People here like so much of what George Bush has done," Mr. Billings said. "I think he's got support on almost everything — except immigration."
"I like his honesty," said Allison Wilkey, a mother of three.


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Post by firsty » June 8th, 2006, 11:53 am

those idiots are living in the wrong country and screwing things up for the rest of us.

this is why revolution is sometimes necessary. even if it's just to reaffirm what this nation is all about - freedoms, freedom of religion, not just of a particular religion or any religion at all. that people voted for bush despite awareness of his deadly failings simply because they perceive some religious conviction is one of the definitions of stupidity, or at least it should be. in the dictionary, next to stupidity, they should have a picture of every idiot who calls himself an ameican and who voted for bush because they perceived him to be a man of convictions.

hitler was a man of convictions. so was son of sam, not to mention the moron who started the mormon faith in the beginning, that wacko whatshisname.

men of conviction are closedminded and foolish. voting for someone simply because he believes strongly in things, even tho those things are wrongheaded, is just plain fucking stupid. those people should be smacked. we should bomb utah. fuck them, assholes.
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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Post by stilltrucking » June 9th, 2006, 2:14 pm

"Religious conviction is so important in a leader, in the Straussian picture, because all the rest of us who are not philosophers or gentlemen - Strauss calls us "the many" - supposedly need a religion. The reason we need a religion is that, essentially, all we are capable of are exactly those distasteful passions that Hobbes tried to con the world that everyone is guided by, even the philosophers. A religion then is indispensable in keeping these immoderate passions in check, because religions tell people that there is a moral order in the world: that the good get rewarded and the evil punished. As Thomas Fleming, editor of the US journal Chronicles, observed of the Straussians, "They certainly believe that religion may be a useful thing to take in the suckers with.""

http://www.quadrant.org.au/php/article_ ... cle_id=921

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Re: Raking Lizards

Post by mnaz » June 11th, 2006, 3:03 pm

.... why we are wasting time even talking about gay marriage. Talk about fiddling while Rome is burning.
Well said (& what should be painfully obvious by now)

What kind of fools do they think they can forever take us for?
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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Post by stilltrucking » June 11th, 2006, 5:23 pm

obvious is in the eye of the beholder.
some of us have a "flair for the obvious"
some don't
P T Barnum said they are born 3600 to the hour.

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