Illegally Blonde--Ann Coulter and the Ditzy Chicks

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Illegally Blonde--Ann Coulter and the Ditzy Chicks

Post by Lightning Rod » June 13th, 2006, 11:43 am


Illegally Blonde (Do They Really Have More Fun?)
Ann Coulter and The Ditzy Chicks

for release 06-13-06
Washington D.C.

I've been watching television lately. It's part of my homework. How can I comment on the mindless blather of our culture unless I know what the mindless blather is? The confluence of stories about Blondes in the News has been fascinating to me.

All over the cable wasteland I find babbling blondes or grey headed pundits talking about babbling blondes. The two most recent Babbling Blondes are Natalie Maines (lead singer of the Ditzy Chicks) and Ann Coulter. (unless you count Glenn Beck as a blonde).

Both of these 'blondes' are making the same blonde blunder. They are losing the support of their fan bases. This often happens when we are mixing show business with politics. Coulter is offending even the most black hearted conservatives with her strident and insensitive rhetoric and Maines is biting the hand that feeds her by alienating the flag-waving country music crowd. But country music is really not country music anymore, no more than blondes are really blondes.

These seem to be the burning questions: Are the 9-11 wives bigger opportunists than Ann Coulter and Is George Bush really a Texan? Could he secretly be a blonde? Why don't we have blonde and brunette states instead of red and blue states? What do you call it when a blonde dyes their hair brunette? Artificial Intelligence.

I was raised as a blonde. Well, it wasn't platinum blonde like Ann Coulter or Natalie Maines, it was what they called 'dishwater blonde.' But even dishwater blondes can be clueless, so I was a Young Republican. My hair is graying now. I've got better sense. Call me an ex-blonde.

I don't think Ann Coulter is really a blonde. I'll bet that the hair around her balls is darker. Besides, she is too smart to be a blonde. Or, at least, she is smart enough to know that controversy sells books. Just like Natalie Maines knows that it sells records.

It's called the Banned in Boston Principle. It's a time-honored publishing technique. If you can generate controversy, you can sell copies. Mel Gibson is almost a blonde, he knew this when he made The Passion of The Christ. And Scorsese knew it when he promoted The Last Temptation. The DaVinci Code got publicity that money can't buy by being controversial.

If Ann Coulter is really so incensed about the wives of 9-11 victims using their grief to make political statements and publicly declare their opposition to the war, she should check out her buddy John Walsh. He has built his whole petit Nazi broadcasting career on his public grief over the abduction and murder of his son. He's been enjoying it all the way to the bank for years now.

And hey, Ann, why not take a pot shot at Jackie Onasis as well. She obviously enjoyed the death of her husband and used her public grief and sympathy to marry an even richer man than Kennedy. What a disgrace. At least Jackie had the sense to be a brunette.

Oh, and while you're at it, Ann, take a look in the mirror. (no, I don't mean the dark roots) If you are so insulted by these women who use their losses to achieve political awareness, what about you using your slanderous, shrill and stupid public remarks to sell books? It smacks of the pot calling the kettle brunette.

The Poet's Eye wants to see people as individuals, not as blondes and brunettes. I like The Ditzy Chicks. I think they are fine musicians. But they should stick to music and not wade into waters over their blonde heads. My opinion of Coulter is well known. I wouldn't fuck her with Tom DeLay's dick, and I certainly wouldn't put it in that nasty hole she calls a mouth. Get some more peroxide, Ann.

There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer
but diamonds are a girl's best friend.
There may come a time when a hard-boiled employer
thinks you're awful nice
but get that ice or else no dice.
He's your guy when stocks are high
but beware when they start to descend,
It's then that those louses go back to their spouses
Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
--Jule Styne, Leo Robin from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
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Post by Dave The Dov » June 13th, 2006, 12:53 pm

Hmmmm this controversy sells has been going on ever since now. So this is nothing new to me I call it "hypeaganda".
1950 recession
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Post by iblieve » June 13th, 2006, 5:35 pm

I love your intelligent humor, nailed Ann's balls to the wall so to speak. As for fucking her, wouldn't her balls get in the way? Loved this one my friend. "C"
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Post by stilltrucking » June 13th, 2006, 11:44 pm

I think they are fine musicians. But they should stick to music and not wade into waters over their blonde heads
There you go. :)
I think you left a winky off there :wink:
Or are you just trying to sell books :lol:

Yeah I wish Niel Young, Bruce Springsteen, Kris Kristofferson, Bob Dylan and those other pecker heads would shut up too.
But not Toby Keith
We need him.

Hey you might have been a Young Republican, but at Least You were not a Log Cabin Republican. Remember them at the 2000 Republican convention. Back when there was a big tent of compassionate conservatism.

"We believe the American people elected the better man to lead our nation," said Rich Tafel, executive director of Log Cabin Republicans. "We applaud President-elect Bush for becoming the first Republican President to actively reach out to gay and lesbian Americans and to seek their votes, and we look forward to working with his administration."

You a bad old man LR

I hope I can live long enough to be one too.

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Post by mnaz » June 14th, 2006, 1:13 am

I say.... Speak your mind, Natalie Maines, or anyone else. Loud, and as often as you like.... "They should stick to music and not wade into waters over their blonde heads"..... Bzzzt.... I'm sorry, our judges can't accept that answer in its current form.

Two things here: A). This is not Nazi Germany, or "Nineteen-Eighty-Four", at least not yet, and B). While Maines will never be confused with anyone's Einstein, as far as I'm concerned, her comments are close enough to the mark to challenge various "over their heads" notions. Hell, I'd be ashamed if the President, a man who has signed off on so many crimes that we'll probably never know the extent of it, a man who hired the likes of the Swift-boaters, those abject thugs, to help him win re-election, came from my home state. And I'm pretty sure I'd state it out loud, for the record, at some point.... musician or not. God, I hope so.

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Post by the flaming ace » July 1st, 2006, 10:31 am

a nice video o th chicks on latenight letterman
ain't ready ta make nice
a real cultural phenom fer which we can all be grateful
but this little comment, elrod
I like The Ditzy Chicks. I think they are fine musicians. But they should stick to music and not wade into waters over their blonde headz, duh,,,,
There you go. :)
Hmmmm this controversy sells has been going on ever since now. So this is nothing new to me I call it "hypeaganda". :shock:
I say.... Speak your mind, Natalie Maines, or anyone else. Loud, and as often as you like.... "They should stick to music and not wade into waters over their blonde heads"..... Bzzzt.... I'm sorry, our judges can't accept that answer in its current form. :?

I think you left a winky off there :wink:
Or are you just trying to sell books :lol:
is that somemindboggled bullshit, amigas,?
why dontya stay on th porch and let th wild bitches run wid da big dawgz? 8)
infact a lyric from th song says somthin like'
"somebody wrote me a letter,
just shutup an sing, or yer life might be over?
but i ain't ready ta make nice, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
dude yer lappin in th face of th screamin bansheez!
i'd taker eazy if'n i wuz ya'll,
reprogram them tapes, man,
aan don get any splinterz in yore buttocks
an whilst yer a rockin

smoke a dooby
cruzifried jocularity
an ann coulturdz
still believez she'z baad
zo why not focuzz
on something
abit less fat·u·ous
if ya know what i mean
cuz i ain't got a clue.
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Post by mnaz » July 10th, 2006, 5:24 am

.... just shut up and sing.


I think not.

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Post by jimboloco » July 10th, 2006, 11:52 am

I guess Muhammid Ali should have just shut up, stayed Cassius Clay, gone into the Army, and then Lordy, quien sabe ?

I mean really, are we supposed to be citizenry at th same time that we are pursuing our varied talents.?

The highest office in the land is the citizen. Spozedly. Unfortunately, when we don't allow our felons rehabilitative voting rights, we also disspell much dissent, diffused already, so U2 can be a public persona, state your opinion, and get blacklisted from the Baseball Hall of Fame, name your game.
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Post by stilltrucking » July 10th, 2006, 1:27 pm

the name of the game
fame and fortune
" like a rose"
Muhammid Ali -I met him back in the sixties, he was walking down 14 st NW in DC surrounded by adoring kids.He had stopped to shake hands with them. I asked a dumb honky question, he just shook his head and repeated my question with a "I don't know..." and an incredulous expression.

Here's looking at yoo Lr. just noticed that banner.
It is a very comforting looking eye ball _~a little sceptical. 8)

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Re: Illegally Blonde--Ann Coulter and the Ditzy Chicks

Post by Michael » July 23rd, 2006, 10:45 am

LR, I must agree with the consensus, here. My answer may not be as creative as theirs, though.

I read this phrase in the letters to the editor all the time – “limousine liberals”. The implication is one can not be wealthy and be progressive at the same time.

Of course, the “other side” has an advantage. One can be wealthy and be wealthy at the same time. Large corporations, after all, have as their mission, “We will make as much money for our CEO as possible and he/she will donate her/his salary to the Republican Party (mostly)”.

As far as Maines and Coulter are concerned, you’re talking oranges and Adam’s apples. Coulter, after all, makes his living as a pundit. Maines is stepping out of her element, but is in her element as an American and an American fortunate to have a public microphone.

Is Utah Philips an entertainer, a politician, a story teller? What is Utah Philips? He makes record/tapes/CDs/mp3’s or whatever is right around the proverbial corner that will soon make mp3’s obsolete.

My label for Utah Philips is truth teller. So it can be said for Natalie Maines.

From the letters to the editor again: Michael Moore is like P. T. Barnum. As long as there are enough people to watch Moore’s films, he’ll keep making them. There’s a sucker born every minute. I guess I’m a sucker. This is probably mostly written by those who’ve never seen a Moore film.
Lightning Rod wrote:I don't think Ann Coulter is really a blonde. I'll bet that the hair around her balls is darker.
I can say this about this particular column. It is not without humor.

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Post by the flaming ace » July 23rd, 2006, 12:55 pm

we love the lightening rod
he's a weathervane
an honored mutant visionary
and leanard cohen and utah phillips an th dixie chicks
leaps and bounds
from here to there
group hug!
digging on michael's
welcome community
we gonna survive with dignity
and let it be known
the garden is growing!
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Post by stilltrucking » July 27th, 2006, 9:57 am

We love LR our Samurai of mean streets.

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the flaming ace
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Post by the flaming ace » July 29th, 2006, 11:55 pm

hey zeus
i hoope we didn't hurt th hombre's feelings
did we drive him ditzy?
he must be at th beat beach
a scribblin
digging th waves
an sea oatz
not without humor
or protruding eyeballz
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Post by stilltrucking » July 30th, 2006, 11:49 am

I been sitting here waiting for some news from the Big Show this week end. News from the Fringe.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 23rd, 2006, 5:25 pm ... n%20monroe

I suppose he touched a nerve jimboloco

Satire is not pretty.

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