
Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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Post by Lightning Rod » August 9th, 2006, 6:38 am


for release 08-09-06
Washington DC

Benjamin Franklin is my guide and spiritual mentor. He invented the lightning rod, after all. And I know that his cuddly, grandmotherly portrait is one of the reasons why I'm so fond of hundred dollar bills.

Franklin was the Bill Gates of his day, a technological revolutionary. We need Ben Franklin right now. We need his inventiveness, his enlightenment and most of all we need his diplomacy.

For all of my affection for Condi Rice, she is about as diplomatic as a Darth Vader dominatrix. She needs one of those little plastic Klingon foreheads. Then she would really be convincing.

Contrary to the actions of our president, diplomacy is a more refined procedure than talking to Tony Blair over your shoulder with a mouth full of food and saying that Syria and Hezbollah need to, 'stop doing that shit, and it's over.'

And you don't start diplomacy off with the phrase, "what you need to understand is...blah, blah." This is standard parlance for our government. How many times have you heard Bush or Rice or Cheney preface a statement with this clause? "What the American people need to understand....or, What the Iranians need to understand...etc.) The practical translation of this expression is, "you have to see it my way." It represents an authoritarian mindset. It is not diplomacy.

The difference between dictation and discourse is a simple turn of phrase.

Franklin's lightning rod is the perfect technological embodiment of diplomacy. The lightning rod mediates the forces between heaven and the earth, the positive and the negative. It is a receptive instrument, not a dictatorial one. It doesn't tell the energy in the clouds what it 'needs to understand.' It merely provides a safe route for lightning's inevitable journey to the ground. That's diplomacy.

Franklin also invented bifocal glasses, another embodiment of technical diplomacy. Bifocals allow us to view the world both close-up and at a distance. Given the number of short-sighted decisions made by this administration, I think they could use some bifocals. I wonder how Condi would look in a pair?

The war that we are witnessing between Israel and Hezbollah reminds me of a crude sports event. Daily, the scorecards reflect how many Katushkas hit Israel and how deep behind the line of scrimmage that the bombs have struck and how many innocent civilians are dead. And you can't really tell who is fighting with whom, there are so many proxies. Is this simply an ancestral fight between Judeo-Christians and Muslims, an atavistic battle between Isaac and Ishmael? Or is it a fight between Iran and the US with Hezbollah and Israel acting as proxies? Are the Lebanese just unlucky enough to be providing the stadium for this soccer game?

Who knows?

Ben Franklin would have known. He was a realist. He would have known that Hezbollah is not a terrorist group, but a Shia nationalist organization. They have hospitals and schools and community centers. They minister to the needs of their people. They are a grassroots organization and that's why they have grassroots support.

Franklin also proposed the idea of daylight savings time. He was enlightened. He was thrifty. He wanted to use the natural light of day to its best advantage. It was a bold notion to shift the clock, to move time.

If old Ben were conducting diplomacy today he would probably have another bold notion. It might go something like this: Israel is a country in the Middle East. It has an area of slightly over 20,000 sq km. and a population of six and a half million people. Its neighbors on all sides hate it and some have vowed its destruction. The existence of the Jewish state of Israel is the primary cause of tension in the Middle East. The Jews are a migratory people, they have experienced diasporas and exiles and captivities. Why not just give the Israelis a quarter of the state of Wyoming? They would get mobetta land and not have to face hostile neighbors. They could roam and raise sheep just like Abraham did. Then we could just watch the Sunnis and the Shia fight it out.

The Poet's Ear hears the angelic strains of the glass armonica, Franklins greatest invention. The music of the spheres. Perfect harmony. Diplomacy.

"Of all my inventions, the glass armonica has given me the greatest personal satisfaction." – Benjamin Franklin
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Post by mtmynd » August 9th, 2006, 10:07 am

Good one, L'Rod.

You wrote: "Why not just give the Israelis a quarter of the state of Wyoming?"

Soo and I were talking the other day about giving the Israelis Baja California... a fair exchange from Mexico for all the people we've taken in across our porous borders. Not a bad idea given the fact that the Baja is near the sea and rather like Israel. Perhaps not the 'Holy Land' but a nice spot well-protected by the U.S. and the possibility of harvesting the potential of Mexico's natural wealth may do everyone good. It'd sure beat 60 years of Mid-Eastern war with no let up in sight.

Ah, Ben Franklin! Yes... a good role model for any worthy American. One of my favorite quotes of his: "Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to prosper," shows his class rather well.

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Post by firsty » August 9th, 2006, 10:57 am

the jewish people should have been given germany. it's not too late. that country is still full of racist skinheads. japan changed for the better. germany, not so much. israel is a failed experiment. you cant drop a half million tons of bratty children into a prison full of pedophiles. thats probably not a great analogy, but it makes my point.

sure, give em wyoming. just not near the militants of course. or, we could give them new jersey. some shoreline, some forest, lots of grassland and farming, too. it may push out the mafia, but the state could use some cleaning up overall.

or, we could just do what we really need to do with the whole middle east. fucking assimilate into the 21st century, howbout. back in the good ol days, if a person wanted religious freedom and safety from persecution, they got on a fucking boat and headed to ellis island. it's common worldwide knowledge that things suck on the right side of the atlantic as far as those things go. shit, the koreans know how to do these things. and the jewish people have already set up shop in hollywood and brooklyn and miami. within 10 years, every israeli citizen could have his or her own whatever shop in soho or east LA.

it's time for the US to assert some diplomacy and tell the world to fuck right the fuck off and we're not going to bother funding or arming these militaries anymore. lets get back to the huddled masses. lets bring the lebanese refugees to las vegas and we can build a new jerusalem right there, with hotels and a beach within walking distance from a full scale model of the wailing wall. with that many hookers and other vices around, there will be no time for sectarian violence. we could have strippers ripping off their burkas, gamblers in long sideburn locks, zionists asserting their right to sit at the slot machines.

america has something for everyone. we could use a louder islamic voice in american politics, if you ask me.
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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Post by jimboloco » August 9th, 2006, 2:40 pm

dumbya and the neoconz are a far cry from good old ben Image www.deceptiondollar.com

me too
I thought th same
Baja California
let'em buy out Ensañada
vaya conmigo
bathsheba baby
(ve vill go to ze dezert togezzzeerrr)

Wednesday, August 9, 2006
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click on it and scroll across the timer to
and you can hear my last call-in with radioactive rob
on with th show
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
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Post by mnaz » August 10th, 2006, 2:31 am


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Post by MrGuilty » August 14th, 2006, 12:13 pm

She needs one of those little plastic Klingon foreheads. Then she would really be convincing.
"Yes Jim", she is a human, but not as we know it.
It doesn't tell the energy in the clouds what it 'needs to understand.' It merely provides a safe route for lightning's inevitable journey to the ground. That's diplomacy.
The existence of the Jewish state of Israel is the primary cause of tension in the Middle East.

Maybe so Clay. But I think it is the plight of the Palestinian refugees. Maybe it is the same problem. If the refugees come home will that be the end of the Jewish state?
What you say about Hexbollah is also true of Hamas.

Why not just give the Israelis a quarter of the state of Wyoming?
Yes there was a boat load of Jews on the St Louis trying to get to Wyoming, but we would not let them in so they sailed back to Germany.
In 1939, over 900 Jews tried to escape persecution and death in Germany by boarding a ship, the St. Louis, headed for Cuba. They thought they had the proper ...
Not exactly trying to get to Wyoming, but they were trying to get to any port in a storm. There was no safe harbor for them in North America or South America.

The St. Louis Blues--Fritz Hirschberger

http://www.chgs.umn.edu/Visual___Artist ... blues.html
Don't forget about that Franklin Stove. I used to have one.
Good eye LR, graciaas
I used to be smart

Free Rice

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