
Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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Post by Lightning Rod » August 19th, 2006, 7:19 pm


for release 08-20-06
Washington DC

American Culture is obsessed by crime and criminals. We loved Bonnie and Clyde and John Dillinger and even Scarface. Just look at the dozens of television shows devoted to the subject.

I thought Dragnet was an egregious enough glorification of the police state, but now we have a show for every specialty in the cop shop. We have Cold Cases and district attorney shows and judge shows and detective shows. There are shows about fictional crime and fictional depictions of 'real' crimes. Then you have the 'reality' shows like Bad Boys where the gestapo is shown with its shiny black boot on the neck of the criminal meth-head trailer trash enemy of the people. And then you have the complete and utter whoredom of some of the tabloid cable shows like Nancy Grace who I suspect is really John Walsh in drag. America's Most Wanted is actually the American Idol of Crime, complete with call-in numbers. Just dial 1-800-ISNITCH.

I haven't even mentioned local news shows, where every editor worth his salt knows that something about a high speed chase shot from a helicopter stirs the blood of the viewing public. And if it bleeds it leads.

And we love our trials, oh yes we love our trials. It's an American tradition that goes back to the good old days in Salem, Mass. We have murder trials and monkey trials and treason trials and trials about what the definition of is is. We tuned in to the OJ trial so much that the ratings of Days of Our Lives dropped by thirty percent. (I just made that up. It's called a statistic.) The Ken Lay trial was truly Shakespearian--vast amounts of money and power and greed ending in death. High drama.

But what we really love are crimes and trials where sex is involved, especially sex with children. The only two appropriate subjects for poetry are sex and death. The same is true for news.

Now the Jonbenet Ramsey case pops back up in the news like a dirty penny. I thought I had mercifully seen the last of Jonbenet. But no. On Thursday night the first ten minutes of all major network news broadcasts were dedicated to the Jonbenet case. It's gonna be dejay view all over again. Expect to see all the ten thousand miles of stock footage of Jonbenet and her parents unearthed. Again and again.

And this guy that they arrested in Bangkok (I'm not even going to dignify him by mentioning his name) looks like some twisted version of Mr. Rogers. I don't trust anybody who wears his pants up to his nipples. But let him enjoy his fifteen minutes.

What astounds me is the spectacle of it all. This is a murder that occurred ten years ago. Sure, she was a cherubic little girl whose mother tricked her up to look like a hooker or a member of the Irish Travelers and her death was a tragedy and deaths mean more somehow if the deceased is a young beautiful girl. but there are people dying today. Every day our young princes and princesses are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq.

But America loves a fairy tale. We loved Jonbenet and we loved princess Di and we loved the benighted John Kennedy Jr. Celebrity is synonymous with aristocracy.

The Poet's Eye sees how Karl Rove must love the perverse diversion represented by the Jonbenet saga. It keeps our minds off of the real problems facing our world and off the subject of the sad performance of this administration in addressing them. But she sure was cute.

When you close your eyes
You can hear the music playing
You can see her dancing underneath the spotlight
And when she sleeps she dreams she’s back in Hollywood
Back when all the world was young
She was someone’s baby doll
--Green Pat
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

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Post by Dave The Dov » August 20th, 2006, 6:59 am

The beauty and the death of it all.
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Post by Doreen Peri » August 20th, 2006, 10:57 am

I loved Fred Rogers! I cried when he died.

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Post by mousey1 » August 20th, 2006, 11:10 am

I'll think of you, of this well writ article when I'm ensconced in front of the boob tube my eyes glued to Entertainment Tonight, munching my chocoholic delights fixated, my yen for the real show stopping news of the day satiated.

Ahhhhh, the sad commentary, we know what sells and we buy it continually.

The state of the world makes me quite sick
I'm glad I've got my happy schtick
to get me through...
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Post by Doreen Peri » August 20th, 2006, 12:10 pm

whoops... forgot to comment on the column... ;)

It really gets me that this murder has had such media frenzy. What is the average # of murders committed in the world every day? I googled this question and couldn't find an answer but it's safe to say that at least ONE person gets murdered every day somewhere in the world.

Why is this murder any more important than all the rest? Every life is valuable.

It has to do with how the parents dressed her up for pageants. It has to do with turning the child into a celebrity of sorts and it's really upsetting that they made this story headline news for soooooo long! And now it's back!

Thanks for the column, Clay!

Just one question.... Do you think writing about it adds to the media frenzy? :)

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Post by Zlatko Waterman » August 20th, 2006, 3:54 pm

Well written piece, LR, as usual.

You all know I don't have a tv and don't ever watch them ( except when I walk through a department store and can't see the merchandise without looking at one hanging from the ceiling for eight seconds . . .)

The mass media love to sell products with suffering semi-infants.

Remember the duration of the Elian Gonzalez saga?

Any interest in him now?

( from mediafeedingfrenzy.com)


Press Release--November 22, 2000

Media Feeding Frenzy in Florida

TV Coverage Tops Lewinsky Scandal, Deaths of Di and JFK Jr.

WASHINGTON, DC—Network evening news show devoted more coverage to the electoral fallout in Florida than to the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal and Princess Diana’s and John F. Kennedy Jr.’s deaths during the first week after each story broke, according to the most recent ElectionWatch report from the Center for Media and Public Affairs (CMPA). The study also shows election coverage received more than half the attention in only seven days (183 stories) as Elian Gonzalez did in his entire five-month ordeal (360 stories from 11/25/99 to 4/25/00).

According to Dr. Lichter, "This story reminds us that the media can educate the public as well as titillate them."

These findings are the most recent results of CMPA’s ElectionWatch project examining coverage of Campaign 2000. ElectionWatch provides regular updates of how the broadcast networks are covering the candidates, the issues and the campaign. Major findings reflect the 183 stories covering the Florida recount on ABC, CBS and NBC evening news from November 8th through November 14th.


Topic Stories in first week

Election Deadlock 183
JFK, Jr's Death 148
Okla. City Bombing 146
Lewinsky Allegations 142
Columbine Shootings 142
Princess Diana's Death 103
OJ Simpson Verdict 64


( a wicked little slice: "The marriage of JonBenet and Elian")




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Post by GordonWilson » August 20th, 2006, 7:43 pm

yes lr,

right of course, it's all so worthless and trite in the big scheme of things.

however, you only add to it. i love your writing as usual, but i hate it when you contribute to these kinds of stories. by doing a piece on how ridiculous it is that the media spends so much time hyping stupid things, you are only perpetuating the topic. right here on studio eight, you've brought in the ramsey case.

studio eight is where i still come (and sorry i don't write much these days, but rest assured, i'm still reading it all, aplenty) to ESCAPE the foolishness of the mass media's obsession with tabloid journalism.

despite that you're slamming it, you're really only adding to it here, i figure. instead of writing the typical l-rod cutting edge subversive out-of-the-box view, you're jumping on the bandwagon.

heheh. so there, ya old coot. talk more about idiot george bush or something; i'm far more receptive to that repetitive drivel.

your pal on the high seas,

p.s. have i mentioned how much i hate glenn beck?

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Lightning Rod
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Post by Lightning Rod » August 20th, 2006, 9:39 pm


You're right. I'm a whore just like the rest of them.

That's a great Glenn Beck impersonation on your avatar

(What's the emoticon for:

"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

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Post by GordonWilson » August 20th, 2006, 10:01 pm

YOUCH! You know where to hit a guy where it hurts...

For the love of god (if he's yer thing), PUH-LEEZE never make even remote comparisons between me and Glenn Beck! That's just low, low, low!

Fer the record, Clay, your piece on Yawnbenet Ramsey was bang-on. I'm just so bloody sick of hearing about it!

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Post by firsty » August 21st, 2006, 11:04 am

i'm growing increasingly convinced that what is really selling here is the vicarious facination with people with the immoral ability to get as close as possible to our prettiest things. jon benet's mommy dressed her up to look like a whore and, therefore, america wanted to bang that little girl, just like they wished they were on the resort beach shore with that holloway chick, drunk and naked and fighting over something.

the media exposes the most dramatic of the bad and worst of our society. the most stirring part of this whole renewed drama is that creep staring into the camera, saying, "hug me, love me, o how i enjoy this attention. and all i had to do was fulfill my own twisted desires."

thailand sure is full of sexual deviants, tho, isnt it?
and knowing i'm so eager to fight cant make letting me in any easier.

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Post by jimboloco » August 22nd, 2006, 11:10 am

I don't trust anybody who wears his pants up to his nipples.
i missed the temples n Bangkok too
sorry to say but my gawd
that fool's pants was hiked up real high fer sure!

no l rod
your succint choice of topics is right on target

more urkel power to ya, dude
yer angle is acute
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Post by stilltrucking » September 23rd, 2006, 5:21 pm

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Post by stilltrucking » October 5th, 2006, 9:22 pm

I never did like this column Clay. I could not find anything humorous about it. I wonder if the murder of those Amish children will have the same fascination for the tabloids as her murder.

They say the one modern concept that the Amish have embraced is mental health.
Dear hearts and gentle people.
They carry on
Caring for
The families of the victims
and the killer's familt too.

Does this have anything to do with Yawnbenet?
There must be an answer besides the burqa

Where is Andrea Dworkin when we need her?

They say the milkman was haunted by his dreams
And Nietzsche laid the source of evil in god's lap.

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