Almost Cut My Hair

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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Almost Cut My Hair

Post by Lightning Rod » January 1st, 2007, 10:58 am


Almost Cut My Hair

for release 01-01-07
Washington DC

I'm an optimistic person. I look for the best in people. But why don't I feel a sense of optimism about the new year--2007?

Maybe it's because everywhere I look there is death. Three thousand of our young men and women have left their blood in Iraq for nothing. The Godfather of Soul has said 'I feel good' for the last time. Jerry Ford lies cold in the Capitol Rotunda. Saddam Hussein has achieved broke-necked martyrdom on You Tube. Happy New Year.

When I was young and stupider, I had a string of parties on New Year's. You are nobody if not invited. Then there were all the years when I played music for other people's parties
and at bars and nightclubs slipping in the patron's vomit. It was a living.

Now, New Year's is the night that I don't dare go out. I've grown better sense. I'll just watch the ball drop on TV. Safer that way. I want to see the new year.

So, I watched the Times Square New Year's "Party." It was so orderly it made me sick. How can you have a million person party with no booze? It's a sign of the times, but it just made me sad. Plus, Dick Clark, the ageless host for our New Year's parties, didn't look or sound so ageless after suffering a stroke this year. Bless his trooper heart, but he could barely talk. Just too symbolic. Let's welcome the new year with a palsied slur.

There are positive notes. The internet is still alive and being policed by thieves and poets. Global warming hasn't progressed from the cozy to the infernal yet. Who needs polar bears? We still live in a land where an idea can make someone a billion bucks. There's always the lottery.

I'm ambulatory. I still have things to look forward to. Wait! I feel my native optimism boiling up like the Kundalini snake from my root chakra. I can't suppress it. Maybe '07 will be a four and a three or a six and an ace or a five and a two, a smooth pass at the crap table. Why am I still seeing snake-eyes and boxcars?

Perhaps it's because I'm a poet and a baby boomer, so naturally I would be thinking of death or at least health insurance as we move into the new year.

The Poet's Eye doesn't know what it will see in the coming year, but let's look together. Happy New Year!

Must be because I had the flu' for Christmas
And I'm not feeling up to par
It increases my paranoia
Like looking at my mirror and seeing a police car
But I'm not giving in an inch to fear
Cause I missed myself this year
I feel like I owe it to
---Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

The Poet's Eye

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Post by jimboloco » January 1st, 2007, 4:47 pm

closed out the old year with testimony on community radio
call-in show on pot
talked about covering for a patient in hospital who wanted a smoke, man
I gotta get the clip for you
and so I acted naturally,
yes indeed.
We are the baby boomers who became the old folk-rockers,
root chackras and instant karma,
let it shine on and on and on

In December 2002, just before the Iraq War started, I outed Colon Powell
same radio show, his UN testimony a sham,
little white vial with fake anthrax
held up for all the world to see,
staged scenario of lies and contentious forgeries,
by the distinguished man of state,
a former field officer in Nam one level up from Captain Messina,
twice removed from Lt Calley,
outed him for coverup of MyLai
and predicted the lies about WMD's on-air
my local newsman Rob Radioactivity,
still on air,
still playing bets.
keep making it real.
a show on a pot advocate, Radioactivity, wmnf radio, last Thursday, 2006, mercy! ... yr_191.MP3 starts at the tail end of Democracy Now, Angela Davis, yes,
at 50:45 minutes on the clip , my yippie hippy flower power underground stream testimony 8)
Happy New Years amigos!
Box Car Willie an Snake Eyed Sue :lol:
old ogden nash poem
pot is not

i would say that pot is not bad
(the still small voice within)
I have resumed smoking pot since my stepson moved in town
a couple of years ago

I have to say that I stopped taking anti-depressants
I am responsible
and know that marijuana is helping me.
Jim St Pete
It's harvest time
goodbye 2006
[color=darkcyan]i'm on a survival mission
yo ho ho an a bottle of rum om[/color]

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