The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling

Post by Lightning Rod » February 4th, 2007, 11:41 pm

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The Sky Is Falling, The Sky Is Falling
for release 02-05-07
Washington DC

I'm starting to think that Global Warming is sort of like the Democratic version of The War on Terra. It's the Fear Factor aspect of political rhetoric.

It's the oldest ruse in human history. "Something terrible is about to happen, but I can protect you from it." This is a line used by every religion and political party or demagogue.

I have long stated my observation that there is not ten cents worth of difference between the major political parties in this country. They are like Ford and GM or Lowe's and Home Depot. To get elected to office, politicians of every color have to sell influence, and they have to sell it for money because it takes a lot of advertising to sell any product be it toothpaste, laxatives, movies, or candidates. It takes money to make money and it takes money to make votes. And nothing but sex sells like fear.

Enter Chicken Little. I don't know if he looks more like George Bush or Al Gore. "The sky is falling!" "The terrorists are coming!" "The polar bears are losing their turf." It all sounds like a refrain from the same song to me. It's a song called Fear.

Some pundit may be able to convince you that if you recycle your beer cans or if you drive a Prius, that somehow you can eliminate or at least retard global warming. Fergittaboutit. Use all the coal fueled electricity that you want and drive a Hummer and burn leaves in your yard. The Earth is large, much larger than you. You can't do anything to harm the Earth no matter how many pictures of melting ice that you see on TV. The Earth will adjust to whatever excesses that you can concoct. The question is whether WE can adjust.

Oh yes, humans may go the way of the wooly mammoth and the sabre toothed tiger the great sloth and the dinosaur, but the planet will survive, at least until the sun goes out.

The problem is that we take ourselves too seriously as a species. Just sixty thousand years ago, we were Neanderthals. And just 40 thousand years ago we were Cro-Magnons. Now we are Homo Sapiens. In another twenty thousand years, if we are wise with our seed, we will be called something different. We will be called Homo Cybrus or Homo Datum or Homo Something Else. Maybe Homo Stupidus. I think we should go back to Homo Erectus because the name itself suggests procreation.

We can analyze ice cores from Greenland and ocean sediments and tree rings, but none of this tells us what to do about our burgeoning population and its concurrent fuel requirements and the necessity of converting energy to our needs.

According to a recent AP-AOL News poll, about three out of four Americans say they expect global warming will get worse, . It doesn't matter what the AP-AOL polls says. Things are going to melt and freeze and there will be tornadoes and hurricanes and earthquakes and we will need fuel and water no matter what three out of four Americans think. It's called Nature.

"It's not too late," said Australian scientist Nathaniel Bindoff, one of the co-authors of the report issued last week by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. "The worst can be prevented by acting quickly to curb greenhouse gas emissions", he said. Oh sure, what are we going to do? Read by candle and go back to the horse and buggy? I'm sure Exxon-Mobil will be tickled by that.

No, things will continue the way they are going. But I have confidence. If I have to sell beach-front property in Oklahoma, I will just count myself as one of the survivors. We'll just have more pastureland in the Yukon.

If The Poet's Eye sees Al Gore win the Nobel Prize and the Academy Award in the same year, at least he will deserve the Academy Award. It's for acting.

I wake up in the morning and I wonder
Why evrything is the same as it was
I cant understand, no, I cant understand
How life goes on the way it does!

Why does my heart go on beating?
Why do these eyes of mine crying?
Dont they know its the end of the world?
It ended when you said goodbye
-----Sylvia Dee / Arthur Kent, as done by the Carpenters


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Post by judih » February 5th, 2007, 12:04 am

timely as always, L-rod.
Just last night there was an Israeli scientist speaking about 'global warming' and how the juries out how much the earth is warming up (one degree? or more?) and how this is a recurring phenomenon in earth's history.

How much is man responsible or how much is it due to the sun's activity which varies.

Whatever it is, humankind could forget the big picture and simply upgrade our quality of life by allowing fewer pollutants to infiltrate the air and in general clean up what can be cleaned up.

Wouldn't it be great to have rivers to swim in? Ah, yeah.

So thanks, Clay

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Post by mtmynd » February 5th, 2007, 11:08 am

this was dedicated to Bush/Cheney was it not..? :lol:

before the gas combustible engine hit the streets there was horse shit and urine on every street from NYC to LA... hardly conducive to good health or hygiene. gas provided the switch to a less polluted environment 100 yrs ago.

we are in a new millennium that seeks change as did the change from horse shit to gas fumes. it's that act of survival we are all connected to... very powerful, indeed. if our air and water, if the soil for our crops continues being poisoned by the products of the oil age, and we willfully continue accepting that as the only way to survive as we have, then we surrender to our demise.

it takes science and honesty to see what is happening to our planet. those that scoff at their findings only resist the need for far greater change. the scoffers are the same ones that preferred horse shit to automobiles. guess who won out?

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Post by mnaz » February 5th, 2007, 2:04 pm

I agree with judih. Why not get started on reasonable cleanup efforts? Re: both the "War on Terror" and global warming. It's not that these things are complete fabrications with absolutely no basis in reality, and therefore do not deserve any of our attention. They do. The only question is degree and type of response. The problem lies in disproportionate and/or inappropriate response; politicians imposing sweeping, draconian "solutions" (and possibly enriching themselves and their corporate friends in the process), a la Bush and Cheney's bloated bonanza for defense contractors in Iraq, to name the most egregious example.

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Post by Ann Bingham » February 6th, 2007, 6:22 pm

The earth will do what she must to preserve may mean the annihilation of human kind, such as it is....but uh who am I to worry right?

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