Foley Effect

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Zlatko Waterman
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Post by Zlatko Waterman » October 10th, 2006, 7:20 pm

Dear Jim and all:

Here's a good website ( a particle of the whole analysis) on the "thought control" aspects of Scientology:

I have had some scientologist friends in the relatively distant past. The ones who were captured by EST

and Bhagwan

were much more interesting.


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Post by jimboloco » October 10th, 2006, 7:29 pm

Ah the Orange people, yes!
the year before I was down and out in NYC living at the Providence Hotel on the Bowery, working at Pastrami an Things, taking drawing at the Art Students League
I was in Santa Cruz Calif, and got invited to the Orange Peoples meditation center. We put on blindfolds and whirled about like dervishes and fell down at the end and layed there all dizzy. Jesus Christ all mighty, and I was also pulled into a Sun yung Moon place off the street by an enticing young woman, whew! and some other time way back in 1972, during the period I was getting out of the Air Farce and active with VVAW New Hampshire, a young woman disciple of Guru mararashi came tripping thru and stayed at the apartment I had rented with two other VVAW vets. She fucked them both and gave me an invite, which to my dismay, I turned down, my greater compassion seeing that she was in some kind of needy place. I took her to a Quaker meeting and she spoke about her devotion to the Guru. Ram Dass at least had some sanity about it all.

My sister ren away from home at age fifteen after being severely beaten by her dad, my step-dad, after coming home late one night from a concert at the Grande Ballroom in Detroit. She left soon after, during the night, out the same back window she'd left for the concert. She joined a Krishna Commune.
Now after twenty years of that, and fifteen years after leaving, she is very cautions about giving her autonomy away. Thank goodness.

Then there is of course, the lemming-like insanity this country engaged in rushing off to war in Iraq. Absurd.

I read a book by Jerry Rubins in which he described the EST experience. You had to hold your pee. Mercy.
Last edited by jimboloco on October 11th, 2006, 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zlatko Waterman » October 10th, 2006, 8:20 pm

Dear Jim:

There was once a woman I was "semi-romancing" who was an EST disciple.

Every time I said something, she replied:

"Well. I can see you've made a decision about that!"

( the important thing about her "training" being that one didn't make decisions).

Thanks for your history with the "human potential-ia". I have a long one, too. I'll tell it to you sometime.


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Post by stilltrucking » October 11th, 2006, 12:21 am

Beautiful Margaret, I pity the man without sisters. One can never have too many sisters.

Believe it or not there are worse things a daughter can endure from her father.
worse than beatings
the ultimate theft
theft of childhood

Ram Dass

He got egg in his beard with a housewife in NYC, the only scandal I have ever heard about him. He has never tried to hide what happened. That was over thirty years ago.

He talks about it in this film.
Fierce Grace

This is a nightmare for me Clay. But I have never been afraid of my nightmares. Such a twisted mind. The banality of evil. They say he could not look anyone in the eyes. Thinking about that acquaintence of yours on death row. The one you wrote about a while back.

Stay the course Clay. I only wish I had a dad like Jack Coburn or Dan January.

Funny thing is that my sister has forgiven him, but she still is haunted by her anger at her mother. We have talked about it for years. She felt so betrayed. She thought her mother had done nothing to stop it. But my sister was wrong. We have reconstructed the events, filled in the gaps in her memory, she did not realize that her mother did do something about it, she put him out of the house. And that was a death sentence for a man like Crazy Mike.

Yeah you touched a nerve with this one.

Nothing to do with all this.

The Amish say forgive and forget. I admire their faith.
If only my sister could forgive herself for the anger she felt towards her mother. It pains her so.

The sins of the fathers
The sins of the daughters
Inflicted on their sons.

The gift of a dysfuntional family
That keeps on giving.
After this life of mine
My siblings are the most precious gift my parents gave me
His insanity made us so close

I got so many hard drives
Tons of mangled paper
full of bits and pieces of my life
This is my legacy to my family
Going to put this web address in my last will and testament.

Long live studio eight.

Zlatko I would like to read that story. I would like to read the Zlatko The Waterman story too, I have not found that one here or on litkicks.

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Post by jimboloco » October 11th, 2006, 7:36 am

n today's st pete timez
Mike Luckovich October 11, 2006

Bob might be stupid
but he aint entirely dumb.
concerning Zmon's post link:
One becomes a Scientologist by (to varying degrees) substituting L. Ron Hubbard’s perception of reality for one’s own. Scientology is not swallowed whole; it is accepted incrementally via a carefully constructed series of agreements into which the individual is led, bolstered by profoundly invasive hypnotic techniques, peer pressure, hard-sell tactics and "whipped up gung-ho." (1) This is a subtle, effective process that inhibits evaluative thinking and entraps people "through deceptive manipulation of our best qualities: loyalty, courage
sounds like all - Amerikana to me. When are we gonna have a mass awakening? Chrizt Allmighty help us please. lemmings to war one more time? When will the American people and our elected representitives show some prescience? We won't be fooled agin?
Where is Ram Dass when we need him? :shock:

Zlatco was almost seduced by an EST graduate.
She was fantasizing about Werner wazzisname.
I guess Zlatco didn't like being called that name when she was trying to get inside his artsy fartsy schmocky chemise? :oops:
I'm tempted to pull the covers over my head and never watch cable news again. It's just so disgusting. ...............
Why is this story so resonant? Why do we care if some semi-drunken congressman got a little frisky in his emails with Capitol pages? It is because this is emblematic of the endemic abuse of power that exists in our government. This is the ambient sound track. This is the dimension of bumps and scratches and passing cars that makes any scene real, the things that are always there but that you never hear consciously.

The supposed purpose of the Capitol page program (besides getting cheap labor) is to instruct these bright young people on the workings of our government. What better teacher than Mark Foley? Isn't government and politics a matter of who sucks who and who pays who? I would say that this is a realistic object lesson.
I had to re-posit these salient points.
Mercy LRod
you give me hope that the end times will at least be scrutinized with an informed clarity, thankz.
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Post by stilltrucking » October 11th, 2006, 8:58 am

Yes Hastert is a Foley artist no doubt
I am already bored with that story

The murdered children
The war against wacko's is what interests me
A man who was afraid of his dreams.
How many men coming home from Iraq with real bad dreams. My brother Homeboy a flight surgeon at Randolph when the POW's came home from Vietnam. He treated some, their stories of how they survived inspired him to become a psychiatrist.

No idea why Clay brought those murders into this column
You flamed him about disrespect for Marlilyn
Me about children
Yes satire is not pretty
Yes it is a war against wacko's no doubt
Fortunately the Amish are not affected by cuts in human resources.
They have built their own mental health centers
Sad that the killer did not have one in his community
There is no cure for pedophiles they say
So it probably does not make a difference.
Use them as organ donors maybe
"and throw their brain in a hurricaine."
"RE: John Prine
"Dont bury me in the cold cold ground
I'd rather have them cut me up and pass me all around"

excuse me I pissed in my pants again

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Zlatko Waterman
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Post by Zlatko Waterman » October 11th, 2006, 9:22 am

Unfortunately, Jim:

You are right about the School for Suckers ( literally) in Congress.

Grab your ankles and say: "I feel your pain. But stay the course!"

The joys of the Hive Mind ( speaking of the human potential movement, in which I freely participated at one time-- about 1973-1979) are many. And besides, I got a lifetime of things to make fun of ( including myself!).

Looking back, it was all mostly like watching the movie MY DINNER WITH ANDRE-- have you seen that film?

( a website--above-- which also includes "questions" for study)

The questions included add to the atmosphere of "human potential movement reminiscence" I mentioned above.


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Post by stilltrucking » October 11th, 2006, 9:31 am

Been suckers since Suetonius wrote about the most noble Roman of them all (that is what a TV preacher called Augustus, drawing parallels to Reagan and Bush and the Pax Americana)

Old augie liked to have the little slave boys swim between his legs.

Yes I have been programed by a cult myself dang me, those Quakers have ruined me.

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Post by jimboloco » October 11th, 2006, 10:38 am

Two themes tie the entire dialog together: (1) should we live spontaneously in the moment, disconnecting ourselves from the purposes of our actions (a la Hindu Karma Yoga), and (2) what is the purpose of the theater. Andre answers yes to the first question and argues that experimental theater can help facilitate this. Wally answers no to the first question and argues that theater has the more modest task of awakening us to new views and issues.
from Z'z last link

i saw mind walk
nice scenery
i sided with the poet
and know of a nuclear engineer who has become
anti-establishment activist
forgot his name

i want to like have a day off and do #1
but i gotta call and make sure they cancelled my subscription
then pick up two little kittens
one for us one for step-daughter's family
and sit and wait to see if beat stepson calls off from picking up auStin
after school

the kid's gotta be protected
what can i say
speaking if which
here's a spontaneous act
to play!

be here nowImagemateys!
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Post by stilltrucking » October 11th, 2006, 12:45 pm

Don January :oops:

But I am my father's son
I live with a rich heritage of paranoia
I have lived long enough to have compassion for him
and myself

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Post by jimboloco » October 11th, 2006, 2:43 pm

paranoia is only excessive worry.
lova ya, hombre!
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Post by stilltrucking » October 13th, 2006, 10:25 am

Life is like a dream,
You only think it's real
Cause you're born a sucker
For that kind of deal; ... dahold.htm
put code for Jean-Louis Old Buddha

She has brothers here, I have brother in laws. It is very sweet
but this has nothing to do with her.

Stay the course brother
Pardon my paranoia
I only post this here because I still got lot’s of karma to burn on Studio Eight
Hard for me to stare at a computer these days
Jimboloco like an old friend to me
Someone I knew in high school
Who went to war
And came home changed fore ever more

I felt compelled to write this
Waking from dream of you once
You remind me of a friend from college
Who went off to another war
Now my street samuarai hero
You write like a dream
A good one.

Jimboloco asked if I am looking for pity
Yes maybe so
Pity for the children murdered
The people killed by the greedy bombs of those who lust for filthy lucre

Trying to take a hiatus
My eyes so weary
As I Try to deal with my inanities here

I can’t remember what the personal comment I deleted was above

I think it was pretty innocuous. Something to do with no getting it.

But you get it plenty amigo

But I find nightmares useful
If not recurrent
Apparently he was having the same dream over and over

No jim
not one to worry anymore
once in while I used to lose a little sleep over money
but once I realized Alamo Rose, (my mother) was right about that, it has not been a problem.

Last february after that CT scan, I had many of sleepless nights
but then I quit smoking and slept like a baby
Now smoking again

Yes you are right jimboloco
looking for a pity fuck :lol:

My last vagina she gave me this picture, she is dead now so I hope she don't mind if I post it. She was an art teacher for elementary schools. Kindergarten kids. I had to stop by the school one day to drop off something she asked me for. They sent me down the hall to her class room, I could here them before I got to the door. Sounded like a very joyous chant. She got them to repeat nonsense lines while they were doing there cutting a pasting. A trick she had learned to help them...
stay focused? concetntrate, get their creative juices flowing, I forgot what she said exactly. This was almost 27 years ago, my memory is failing. I feel like HAL in 2001. Mary had a little ....


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Post by jimboloco » October 13th, 2006, 5:32 pm

i told the zen sensei
"i don't get it."
I tossed the sitting cushin aside and left the room,
trashed dokusan

I said
"i ain't got a clue"

that night i left
ain't going back.
Last edited by jimboloco on October 14th, 2006, 9:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by stilltrucking » October 14th, 2006, 5:44 am

Nebuchadnezzar had a dream
So did Charles Carl Roberts IV

Maybe I am talking too fast jim.
I am only allowing myself one pack of cigarettes and one post a day
So maybe I tried to cover too much ground in one post.

I will tell you what I am talking about
The sickness in our culture
The objectification of girls as sex objects
Are diamonds a girls best friend or is it the burqa?
Here is a list of vocabulary words for this post.

Night Mare
courtesy of jimboloco

One recurrent nightmare I had a couple of times.

I have not had it since I left the road, . I would be just topping a hill with a forty tons and a when I got to the top of the hill I could see a red light at the bottom with a line of cars waiting and a school bus too. As I started down the hill the airbrakes failed, I was rolling down hill faster and faster. The first time I had the dream I awoke in dread. The second time I had the dream started looking for something to run the truck into as I was rolling towards the intersection, a tree, or an open field hopefully. Freud descibed the dreaming mind as an unconscious artist. I think we resolve problems in our dreams.

But if I had dreams like Carr, night after night????
Sounds like a gothic horror novel to me, or a H. P.Lovecraft story.
don't need no vampires or supernatural monsters, we got plenty of natural monsters walking around.

Clay bit off a big chunk here when he mentioned those murdered Amish children. I am grateful for his inspiration.

I suppose I posted that picture by my girlfriend to cheer me up. Nothing to do with all this, but children and women always cheer me up.

Sorry Clay another weird pointless ramble from me I suppose.

Murder and suicide, are hot button issues for me 24/7.
I am Just a frustrated doctor, twelve years of pre-med.
Freud wrote a little book called The Question of Lay Analysis
All he really did in the end was analyze him self.
Plunged to the bottom of that dark sea within us.
He was the archeologist of my soul.

All I can do is lean towards the light.

Dam wasted another day here talking about this shit.
Tomorrow going to GO with wireman
My soul brother.
trashed docusan
What is all that about? I googled docusan can't find nothing. I got my walking zen practice going again. About ten miles so far this week.

Take care of yourself jimboloco
so many Vietnam vets leaving early
we need them bad

You too Clay
I suppose you think I am sucking up to you again

I awoke from a dream about you one night
Another nightmare:
To paraphrase Dylan’s Talking World War Three Blues
You can be in my nightmare if I can be in yours.

I had a toilet that leaked, sleeping on a bare mattress with the smell of urine in the air. The echoes and noises and smells enough to give you PTSD too. Not to mention the blood shed. I can’t remember you actually being in the dream, but as I surfaced to consciousness you were the first person that came to mind, and I thought of you reading Voltaire like Buddha in a cell.

My brother homeboy had a chest full of medals before he retired
He looked like Audie Murphy
He did not take them too seriously because they were for having the cleanest bed pans on his ward.
I would award you the street samurai congressional medal of honor if I could.

"You've got to accentuate the positive
Eliminate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative
Don't mess with Mister In-Between
You've got to spread joy up to the maximum
Bring gloom down to the minimum
Have faith or pandemonium Liable to walk upon the scene "

Johnny Mercer


Clay I hope you will cut me some slack on this one. It was a fine Poet's Eye. I just tripped out on the mention of the murdered children
I appologize for the rambling rant.
Another day another post.


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Post by jimboloco » October 14th, 2006, 9:15 pm

clay digs it
digging clay
you the hobo professor
the antidote for madness
no problemo
ps doKusan
kill th buddhahahaha
dokusan A private interview between a Zen student and his master. It is an important element in the Zen training, as it provides an opportunity for the student to discuss problems in his practice and to demonstrate his understanding
you are sitting facing the wall dingalalaling
zen master ringz his little bell
bong bong bong the next zen person bangs the gong
you jump up
walk to the dokusan line, sit and wait
move up next dingaling
bong bong goes th gong
dingaling dingaling you bang th gong bangagong
then walk to th dokusan room
see th teacher
bow, sit and talk
"i ain't got a clue"
he says "no expectations"
you rise carefully replace th mat, bow
as you leave,
dingaaling follows
not a trace
wxcept that a bit later th zen teacher came in and explained proper dokusan etiquette
like i said
ain't got a clue
trashed the dokusan room
need the crazy wisdom masters
like you
with some faith.
Last edited by jimboloco on October 23rd, 2006, 3:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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