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Barack Needs to Get Dangerous

Posted: March 2nd, 2008, 1:50 pm
by Lightning Rod
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Barack Needs to Get Dangerous
for release 03-02-08
Dallas, Texas
by Lighting Rod

If Senator Obama wants to assume the mantle of John Kennedy, he needs to display the danger of genius. What he needs is a little cachet of scandal. He's too squeaky clean. He needs to have some financial improprieties, extra-marital affairs or something.

Most modern presidents who have enjoyed great popularity have had extra-marital affairs. Roosevelt had a mistress. So did Eisenhower and he wasn't even a democrat. Kennedy had notorious peccadilloes. There were women in Lyndon Johnson's life who didn't have 'bird' in their names. Clinton was living out his JFK fantasies with Monica and the Cuban cigar. Americans prefer a leader with a healthy sex drive. It demonstrates power.

Even John McCain got a boost in the polls when the story broke about his involvement with the pretty lobbyist. It said, "There's still some life in the old man."

It's hard to discount the power of sex appeal in almost any area of life, school, business, careers and politics. It's equally difficult to put your finger on exactly what makes sex appeal. Sure, there are the obvious things, good looks, intelligence, humor, prowess. But The Poet's Eye also sees that one of the ingredients in the recipe for sexiness is imperfection. Consider Marilyn's mole.

When John Kennedy ran for president he carried a bag of heavy wrenches. He was a Catholic. He was from a rich and privileged family and had a playboy image. He had little experience. But he had presence, was an inspiring speaker and he was sexy.

Barack O'bama is such a gifted speaker that if he added an apostrophe to his name he could convince you that he was Irish. But he's too perfect. To be a real rock star, he needs to be a closet queer or have a crack habit. Something. He needs an imperfection, a beauty mark.

If the 1960 election had been determined on the basis of the experience of the candidates, Nixon would have won hands down. He was vastly more experienced than Kennedy. But in that election, the American people chose not on the basis of experience, they chose on the basis of hope and inspiration and the risks and possibilities of change. And sexiness.

Barack has a native sexiness and he speaks the same JFK message of change and hope and inspiration. But The Poet's Eye wants to see a little more of the bad boy. Sure, Barack busted a move on the Ellen show the other day but it was slightly reminiscent of white boys trying to break dance. Get naughty, Barack. You will be a shoo-in if you do.

I and mine do not convince by arguments, similes, rhymes;
We convince by our presence.
--Song of the Open Road, Walt Whitman.

Posted: March 5th, 2008, 5:56 pm
by stilltrucking
Not sure I would want to get that dangerous. I think it would be very dangerous to cheat on a woman like Michelle.

Enjoyed reading your Poet's Eye
as always

Posted: March 13th, 2008, 6:51 pm
by libberator
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

Obama may not be a sexual innuendo,
but at least he has the guts to inale,
hell he wasn't even in london when he tried it.

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 8:51 am
by jimboloco
yah Obama got a nasty preacher friend
who said the unthinkable
dem crows done come home ta roost

currently into pot again
yet i wonder
its impact

lack of motivation

ja, mon
gonna smoke it up and lock up th pipe

ah now well done
dear old dad
died april 17, of '48,
six days before april 23, your 23 birthday, 60 years ago,
my pipe stored away in your old army airforce storage trunk.
with ron kovic's enlarged face,
a veterans magazine, when "born on th 4th of july" came out
pondering deeply, within the shadows of the trunk,
in the corner of my backyard storage place,
my power spot for restraint,
leaving it there,
a pipe half full
to leave as will and reason demand
to seperate thhis flawed demand
intoxicating tho it be
bettern rum fer shore
o'reilley's irish crream an
sinful starbucks coupage del sol
a sodden fool who knows thhere is a better way
for me this is an obcession
not a mere occasion
time for a change
to reflect on that clarity and repose
that hopefully emerges
after the withdrawal phase
making strange joke in candy cauldron
bought some chocolate fudge, mercy,
told the maidens i was gonna get th "fudge" outa here"
and said that i would say "fudge" more often in thh future

they was this kid calvin in highschool
when he got angry he always ssaid "fudge"
the audacity of hope,
being creative toward healing,
it's kool
he may not be dangerous, but
he's living n th edge,

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 1:04 pm
by Arcadia
nasty racist preacher who told the indecible

oh..., is it so grave?
no idea about it!

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 1:09 pm
by stilltrucking
he has many appologists

For the first time since she can remember Michelle is proud as punch to be an american'

as long as I have wandered this far out on a tangent I might as well
post this bit about Obama's mama
Sounds like he was a fortunate son.

A Free-Spirited Wanderer Who Set Obama’s Path

on an unrelated personal note
can you tell when I am stoned jimbo?

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 1:21 pm
by jimboloco
evidently, by comparison, the good reverend wright's remarks
rendered those previously utterred by geraldine ferraro
to be somewhat harmless, inocuous,
in comparison, er,
relatively speaking, as it were

obama made a similar comparison in his speech
tuesday mawning, msnbc,
in which he contrasted the minister's remarks with his own
birthright grandmother,
who had slung off some rather pungent racially charged superlatives
on more than an occasion,
and he disagreed with her, yet did not estrange himsef from her,
as the larger picture involved a deeper interaction,
of nurturing and dicsipline,
and opportunity seeking parentage,
and so as he emerged into a wider community
he saw the varieties and had a malcolm x moment,
like on th road to mecca,
where he saw that he shared a deeper humanity,
because of his faith,
and so did not estrange himself from the old preacher,
a former mentor,
with whom he disagrees vehemently on the angry remarks

he says he understands the source of the older generation's complaint,
jim crowe,
an he says, dig,
while not forgetting history,lets not be victims, lets find a common complaint
and unite with the larger field of folks
who got th same issues

he does it well,
he sees with an intellectual depth
into things,
not a light weight
he's a slugger
for michele, i'm fonda michele,
she's undercover, too,
taklks about his international, multi-cultural ackground,
and how that impacts his vision of america
as in good company,
in sttead of as an unwholly armed imperial sponge,
she also talks about his experience community organising,
driving church groups to lawyers,
advocating with local government and rent owners for better
access to health care, rent relief,
essential needs,
a real earthy feeel for what fuels daily life in th city,
southside chicago,
not much warmer, tho,
it's warmer down in cairo

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 1:32 pm
by stilltrucking
Yes lets forget it.

How many times in the next eight months will the american public watch a video clip of that preacher's saying got damn america on republican attack adds.

Piece of cake

As Adlai Stevenosn said during the 1952 campaign

"I can get the vote of every intelligent thinking american, but it is not enough, I need a marjority" mangled quote probably I will google for it
A supporter once called out, "Governor Stevenson, all thinking people are for you!" And Adlai Stevenson answered, "That's not enough. I need a majority."

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 1:37 pm
by jimboloco
what exactly was the preacher's name,
would like that clip
Obama confronts racial division in US

here is a link to an abc news video clip,
Obama's Pastor: God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 1:45 pm
by stilltrucking
I am standing by obama jimbo
THe preachers name is Wright
I posted something about him a couple months ago.
I was disturbed by his praise for Louis fartssokind
What a great man he is.

Not so much disturbed by his jew baiting as his (farrakans) hand in Malcom's murder.

I will see if I can find my post
my dog going to explode if he don't get out for a walk

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 1:47 pm
by jimboloco
<a href=""><img width="158" height="111" src=" ... vSyrm7fQ--" alt="Is Obama's Pastor a Liability? @ Yahoo! Video" title="Is Obama's Pastor a Liability? @ Yahoo! Video"></a>

Posted: March 18th, 2008, 7:37 pm
by stilltrucking
He preaches Black Liberation Theology I just heard.

Someobody on the NPR talking about it, traces the word dam back to the hebrew bible.

It means something but I forgot what already, divine something.
Wondering how izzy is doing
She had a post about her church.
She wondering why the people are so happy after church and she was not.

The theologist explaining about the Hebrew origins of "dam" also said that people don't know what black churches are like. Wright is the norm he said. Black folks know white churches but not visa versa.

Black liberation theology started 1965-1966 a group of black preachers got together to found it because civil rights progess not moving fast enough.

Posted: March 19th, 2008, 6:11 am
by tarbaby

Posted: March 20th, 2008, 2:48 pm
by jimboloco
SO? :evil:
standing by the O man, too


Posted: March 20th, 2008, 3:03 pm
by stilltrucking
So what :?:

"I used to stand and wonder
now I only stand." ---jitterbug