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Bush and the Peter Principle

Posted: December 16th, 2008, 9:04 pm
by Lightning Rod

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Bush and the Peter Principle
for release 12-16-08
Dallas, Texas
by Lightning Rod

I'm sure that President Bush is glad about Illinois Governor Blagojevich. Finally someone has lower poll ratings than he has.

You have to feel sorry for Dubya. He is a man who reached his Peter Principle, his level of incompetence, as a frat boy. The gentlemanly thing for him to have done would have been to just stay on as lifetime president of Skull and Bones and leave running the country to people who know what they are doing and won't steal more than their honest 2%.

But I believe he tried. He did the best he could. And, goshdarnit, I like the man. I would have a beer with him any day. I'm very democratic about that--I will have a beer with anyone. But it's hard to imagine such a clueless person as Dubya adequately managing the affairs of our vast and complex nation. The job was just beyond his capacity. So, he trusted other people to do the hands-on policy work and those people had other agendas than guarding the welfare of the American people. They wanted more than their honest 2%.

Now, because many people were stealing more than their honest 2%, way more, we are seeing what amounts to the golden curtain call of the Bush II administration. In case your memory is as short-term as mine, I will remind you of the 'Savings and Loan Bailout.' It's what Bush I accomplished to deliver a golden parachute to his cronies and family after they had worked a Ponzi scheme on our financial markets.

Now we see a mega-sequel to that train-wreck. It's called the Wall Street Bailout. In short, the foxes who have been guarding the henhouse for the past ten years have extended their greed to the point where the markets are collapsing again and the trillion dollars that the taxpayers have ponied up recently won't even begin to cover their credit card bills. It's their kiss goodbye, their golden parachute, 'so long suckas!'

It's not surprising that the world is chuckling right now because of the Florsheim Flinging incident in Iraq. The president was doing an obligatory curtain call at the dismal end of his administration to salvage some semblance of dignity from our misadventure in Iraq when an Iraqi reporter struck a blow worthy of Abbie Hoffman. It was a harmless attack. Is that an oxymoron? It was the perfect artistic expression of indignation and contempt without being deadly. A thrown shoe. Completely symbolic.

The whole shoe throwing episode will of course be emblematic of this world's opinion of the Bush era. Political slapstick.

The Poet's Eye envisions a new career for Gdub. It's not as a senior statesman or a humanitarian like many of our former presidents, no. Bush's post-presidential career should be in comedy. Leno could probably use a sidekick for his new prime time show. It would reverse a long tradition of show-biz people going into politics. We could have politicians going into show-business.

Peter's Corollary states that "in time, every post tends to be occupied by an employee who is incompetent to carry out his duties" and adds that "work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence".--wiki

Posted: December 22nd, 2008, 8:23 am
by tonyc
Hi Lightning Rod, long time since I've been here.
I've always loved to read your writings, I'll have to stop by more often.
Still beating ole Bushy huh?..good job, keep up the good work.
Let's pray that Obama appoints a special prosecutor to investigate Bush and his gang of pirates, America and the innocent victims who lost their lives because of his lies deserve justice.
I pray to live long enough to see the day that Bush is in handcuffs, crying like a baby as he huddles in a fetal position.
Merry Christmas to you and yours....
Your long lost freind (from Liberty Unites)..

Opps, I forgot..
Here's a nice game, enjoy..

Posted: January 16th, 2009, 5:05 am
by Nazz
I never once thought I might like to have a beer with Dubya, you know, democratically and all. At least not after 2002 or so. Uh, no.