Foley Effect

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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Foley Effect

Post by Lightning Rod » October 6th, 2006, 6:11 am

I think it was his eye! yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture --a pale blue eye, with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees --very gradually --I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye forever.
---Poe, Tell Tale Heart
Image ... educed.JPG

Foley Effects
for release 10-06-06
Washington D.C.

The Poet's Eye is blinded. I'm on overload. Bombarded. Caught in a shit-storm, a hail of pedophilia and murder and excuses and finger pointing and betrayal. It's almost too much for a sensitive soul. I'm tempted to pull the covers over my head and never watch cable news again. It's just so disgusting.

I'm waiting for the government to declare war on homegrown whack wierdos who have a fetish for shooting high school girls in the back of the head. Or how about war on sicko congressmen who think that the Capitol pages are their own personal harem and can't keep their instant messages in their pants?

It's just too much. It's like a disaster movie. I'm dizzy from watching helicopter shots of chases and crimes in progress. There is a ringing in my ears.

On any Hollywood film project you will find the Foley artist. This is the person who does the ambient sound effects, the footsteps and the horse hooves and squeaking of doors.

Now there will be a new interpretation of the term "Foley Effect." The Mark Foley scandal is destined to be the soundtrack for the upcoming mid-term elections. It will be there like footsteps and the rustle of skirts and the clink of glasses, just under the surface.

Why is this story so resonant? Why do we care if some semi-drunken congressman got a little frisky in his emails with Capitol pages? It is because this is emblematic of the endemic abuse of power that exists in our government. This is the ambient sound track. This is the dimension of bumps and scratches and passing cars that makes any scene real, the things that are always there but that you never hear consciously.

The supposed purpose of the Capitol page program (besides getting cheap labor) is to instruct these bright young people on the workings of our government. What better teacher than Mark Foley? Isn't government and politics a matter of who sucks who and who pays who? I would say that this is a realistic object lesson.

The Foley man makes imaginary thunder. He does it by shaking a big sheet of metal. It's not real thunder, but you believe it because of the context of the movie. The same is true of the Mark Foley affair. We are ready to believe the worst. Trysts in the Capitol cloak room? Cyber sex, ohmygod!

The American people love this kind of story. Oh yes, it's better than Desperate Housewives. We love to see Jimmy Swaggart doing his tearful mea culpas for fucking prostitutes in motels after he had been so holy holy holy. We love to see Jim Baker doing the perp walk. We love to see Bill Clinton's contrition for his adventures in the humidor. We love to see Mr. Moral America Bill Bennett take a dive behind his gambling jones. And we love to see a congressman who was on the bandwagon for protecting the chastity of children on the internet get caught diddling with these same children...on the internet. It takes a good Foley man to simulate the sound of a pie in the face {splatt!).

This guy is supposedly smart enough to be a congressman, right? Doesn't he know that anything that you say or write on the internet is sealed for all history and instantly retrievable? And then the idiot used the old "AA" excuse when he should have said that he was investigating internet predation.

Hypocrisy is the tender red meat of humor. Show me hypocrisy and I'll show you a joke just waiting to happen. Listen to the sound effects.

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made
And the sign flashed out its warning
In the words that it was forming
And the sign said, "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls
And tenement halls"
And whispered in the sounds of silence
--Paul Simon
"These words don't make me a poet, these Eyes make me a poet."

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Post by STUPID BOB » October 6th, 2006, 7:59 am

Turns out his visit to the "help me I'm a drunk" farm was really a visit to the Scientology Center in Clearwater to pick up an award. And the weird goes on . . .

Foley and Scientology: disgraced congressman linked to CoS?
Here's a snip from a post on

There's this, from

"An attorney for Foley, a Florida Republican, confirmed Monday that the former congressman is in an alcoholism treatment center. The fax was apparently sent from Clearwater, Florida, but Roth would not say if that's where Foley is being treated."

So, apparently Foley has gone to a detox center in Clearwater, Fl. What's in Clearwater? Scientologists! So, I followed my intuition and did a little Googling, thinking perhaps Foley is drying out with the Sea Org there. This is what I uncovered:

On May 24, 2003, the "Clearwater Business Association" hosted a brunch in the Fort Harrison’s Ballroom, for Florida Congressman Mark Foley (R).

Also present at this event was "Republican State committee woman" Nancy Riley. Foley is featured on a Scientology web page promoting their anti-psychiatry front group C.C.H.R. ("Citizen's Comission on Human Rights"). The "Clearwater Business Association" (C.B.A.) appears to be primarily a way to bring politicians into the Scientology fold, by way of Scientologist Brett Miller (second from left in photo below). The primary affiliations of the C.BA.appear to be Scientology, W.I.S.E., and C.C.H.R., and not local businesses." (scroll down)

WTF. Hold me, I'm scared.

Link. Image: "...Mary Story from the Church of Scientology and Brett Miller from the Clearwater Businessman's Association present leatherbound copies of Dianetics and The Way to Happiness to Republican State Committee woman Nancy Riley and Congressman Mark Foley..." (Thanks James Home and Shelly Rae Scott)

Reader comment: Al Hunt says,

So that's why he was doing this via email. I understand that Scientologists have to do all their molesting silently.

Update: many BB readers who are also fans of South Park have pointed out the eerie similarities between this cluster of news and The Super Adventure Club.

Ajit says,

Following Florida Congressman Foley’s resignation after ABC uncovered his sexual advances towards teenage Pages, there is been a lot of talk about the cover up, specifically by the House speaker who knew about this problem a while back.

Conspiracy of Silence is a documentary from 1994, supposedly banned from the Discovery channel, that documents the pedophile ring within Washington. The quality of the video is quite bad and it clocks in at 55 mins but it is interesting to see how insular Congress is and how little things have changed. Link to video, link to blog post.

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Post by stilltrucking » October 6th, 2006, 9:20 am

Hypocrisy is the tender red meat of humor.
Show me the hypocrisy of five murdered children. That story don't have no legs. It lasted maybe 24 hours. No body cares. I have not read anything more about it. The last thing I heard about it was on the BBC a couple of days ago.

Foley's got the ink.

If you would take out the bit about the Amish children this would be a lot better column in my opinion.

SB I suppose I should let it slide but I am pretty fucking near out of control here. It worked for perezoso maybe it will work for me.

Whatever else Clay I wish I was half the writer you are. I just disagree with you sometimes. But then again insanity is a hobby of mine. It runs in my family. I am Crazy Jack son of Crazy mike, the youngest son of a youngest son

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Post by STUPID BOB » October 6th, 2006, 10:07 am

stilltrucking wrote:
Hypocrisy is the tender red meat of humor.
SB I suppose I should let it slide but I am pretty fucking near out of control here. It worked for perezoso maybe it will work for me.
Gosh, ST -- I've been out-of-control all my life. You have a lot of catching up to do. :-)
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Post by Zlatko Waterman » October 6th, 2006, 10:41 am

Simply incredibly clever.

I love the wordsmithing here-- and the observation about the phoney thunder deserves to be engraved in silver along with the best of Mark Twain.

"When God decided to create human beings, first he made school boards. That was for practice . . ."

--Mark Twain

Someone said the abstract expressionist painter Mark Rothko was "Yahweh's stenographer." I think Foley must be Yahweh's Vaseline Applier.


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Post by stilltrucking » October 6th, 2006, 10:49 am

Thanks for the info on the Scientology connection.

I was tripping one night around Dupont circle when they tried to recruit me. Took me back to their mansion and started coming at me. The thing that prickled the hairs on the back of my neck was when I heard the bolt on the door lock. I don't know if they realized I was tripping but they came at me for a couple of hours. I kept talking and talking finally they let me go.

To this day when I hear people going on about being "clear" it gives me flashbacks to that night.

I am glad I got to hear you on Cabaradio. That's what I get for loving you.

That last line you added to the lyrics
Cracked me up
Thanks for the music.

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Post by Zlatko Waterman » October 6th, 2006, 10:57 am

Nice comment here on Foley-esque BUSHPORN:


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Post by Dave The Dov » October 6th, 2006, 2:52 pm

Image if you will the sound effect of someone who plays with political fire and gets burned.
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Post by mnaz » October 7th, 2006, 3:24 pm

masterful and incisive-- amplified by your confessed weariness.

you speak for many, lightning rod.

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Post by mtmynd » October 7th, 2006, 8:30 pm

The reason I like the Foley story is only because it tarnishes the Repubs and that can only help the situation.

On the flip - beware of Rove's counter-attack. I don't believe he'll take this without a fight.

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Post by Dave The Dov » October 8th, 2006, 6:20 am

Everybody out there in D.C. is making a run for it.
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Post by stilltrucking » October 8th, 2006, 10:17 am

I agree Cecil, Hastert is the real scum bag here, even more than foley in a way. Remember when he gutted the ethics committee when they tried to censure DeLay?

Deleted a personal comment here sorry clay
I'm waiting for the government to declare war on homegrown whack wierdos who have a fetish for shooting high school girls in the back of the head.
The Amish have embraced one aspect of modernity, they have built mental health centers in their communities.
But there was no help for the killer in his communtiy. Cause the government has already declared war on mental health.
Budget cuts on all kinds of useless programs, like that

It would be a hell of a lot better column you had left that bit out.
Just my stupid opinion. But you know the nine openings are hardly enough to express all my opinions. I am full of them. full of something
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Post by stilltrucking » October 8th, 2006, 11:30 am

Sorry Clay I do not mean to get personal. I can't tell you how much I admire you. I am just an ass hole full of opinions. In the past couple weeks I have woofed at Cecil, Firsty, and now you. Maybe I am hoping if I can be as big an asshole as perozoso the management here will put me out of my misery.

My personal opinion is that pedophiles should be used as organ donors. They say there is no cure for them.
That is the fucking shame about LSD, a very useful therapeutic drug. THe native american church has had pretty good luck with peyote to cure alcoholics. There was a guy at Hopkins who was having good results using alkaloids to treat mental illness of all kinds.
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Post by stilltrucking » October 8th, 2006, 2:13 pm

I tried to edit those comments above. There were Amish at the killer's funeral. Maybe it was because they wanted to make sure he was dead. But I don't think so.

Re: Harry Cohn's Hollywood funeral

I just don't understand you sometimes clay.

Look who is talking :roll:

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Post by jimboloco » October 10th, 2006, 7:01 pm

I like the concept of the "foley effect" in stage productions, and saw an article in the Times of st Pete today thatt stated the Foley story is grabbibg all the attention away from the governor's race, in which the underdawg Democrat is left alone in terms of media coverage for the more dramatic and sensationalist news of the Foley affair.
Events denying Davis a spotlight
The Democrat needs headlines to narrow a governor's race gap, but the other party's scandal is grabbing them.

Thanks for staying the course Lightnin Rod.

Oh we drive thru Clearwater from time to time and you can see the scientologists wandering about in their light beige slacks and shirts, men and women, all alike.

I read the bio of William Burroughs and he started to get into Scientology and then split, something about the compulsive controlling aspect.

I went to a Scientology place in NYC in 1981 at the requerst of a fellow I was working with at a restaurant. I was down and out, estranged, ten years after the rebellion from Nam, etc, and was looking for hope. I took the free lesson number one. It was this: when you come to a passage and you do not understand it, do not proceed until you understand it.
Then I saw another statement that said you had to be in control of every conversation you were engaged in.
It gave me the willies, along with the glazed eyes, sort of like stoned, but only on tripped out bullshit.

I told the fellow it was not for me. Then later another fellow at work asked me how it went and I told him "it was funky." I think he knew what I meant, like loco.

In terms of the ghastly things that are ongoing inside America, one can only surmise that the aggressive nature of the power and elitist crazy policies suck up our national resources away from more humane and balanced investments in social infrastructure. and don't worry, Foley will get his pension.
Last edited by jimboloco on October 10th, 2006, 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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