Dirty Little Secrets

Commentary by Lightning Rod - RIP 2/6/2013
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Lightning Rod
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Dirty Little Secrets

Post by Lightning Rod » December 3rd, 2006, 9:49 pm


Dirty Little Secrets
for realease 12-04-06
Washington DC

During my career as a dope dealer, I devised many stashes. I had stashes for money, stashes for dope, stashes for cars and stashes for my own person.

I built a house with a room that was like a chinese puzzle box. You had to slide a piece of trim, then a baseboard, then a piece of panelling in sequence until you came to the removable floor tile which covered the buried safe. That was during my Sherlock Holmes period.

You don't really own something unless it's stashed, hidden, known only to you. This principle is expressed in the custom of not telling anybody what you wish when you blow the candles out on your birthday cake. Unless you keep the wish a secret to yourself, you don't own it and it won't come true.

People stash all sorts of things
They stash money, usually in off-shore banks or in their matresses.
They stash dope.
They stash booze (mini-bar in the toilet tank.)
They stash feelings, especially resentment.
They stash love letters and secret writings.
Sometimes it's hard to tell whether we are stashing things to hide them from others or ourselves.

When I was a child, maybe five or six, I had a fantasy that I would play in my head just before I went to sleep at night. I had a secret cave of treasures like in the Arabian Nights. It had many rooms and only I knew about it.

One room was full of naked women. Even at that age, I was obsessed with sex.

One room had a tree in it that grew dimes. It was covered with dimes. I was six, ferchrissakes. If I had that fantasy today, the tree would be covered with cashier's checks or credit cards. When the dimes fell from the tree, they fell into a vat of quicksilver.

My uncle was a dentist and he would give me small beads of mercury to play with. He showed me how to polish a dime with mercury. When you rubbed a small bead of mercury on the dime, it would shine brighter than when it was new. This was before even doctors appreciated the toxicity of the substance. There remains the possibility that my mercuric imagination is a result of my childhood poisoning and I'm really not brilliant like I sometimes imagine, but just mad as a hatter.

When I was a teenager, I stashed my pet snakes and lizards and hamsters and my stack of playboys in the crawl space under my house. There was a trapdoor in the floor of my closet. It was the looking glass, the rabbit hole, the magic wardrobe, the Bizarro World, another dimension. It was the entrance to my secret world. Even then, I was trying to live my fantasies.

Once I had a secret garden. It was a sub-terrainian pot plantation.

One Saturday I encountered a guy driving a back-hoe down the rural road not far from my homestead. He worked for the local Electrical Co-op but since it was Saturday, he was not on the clock. With the inducements of a twenty dollar bill and a case of beer, I convinced him to dig a hole for me on my property. I told him I was going to build a a swimming pool. He dug a perfect 14 x 14 pit with perfectly straight walls. The guy was a real artist.

But what I built was not a swimming pool. I built a barn over the pit and made an underground greenhouse. I grew some astounding plants in that greenhouse. I was very proud of my agricultural efforts, but I never showed it to anyone. I figured that if nobody saw it, nobody could say anything about it. The power of my garden was that it was hidden. It was my secret stash.

Fantasies are secrets, or they should be. We should hold them close and guard them like wishes from a smoking birthday candle.

It is possible that I have arrested my magic by telling you these secrets. But I have more secrets and wishes untold.

The Poet's Eye is peeking. What are your secrets?

I'll keep you my dirty little secret
(Dirty little secret)
Don't tell anyone, or you'll be just another regret
(Just another regret, hope that you can keep it)
My dirty little secret
Dirty little secret
Dirty little secret

Who has to know?
who has to know?
--All American Rejects
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Secrets that bound me

Post by Jeff » December 4th, 2006, 4:24 am

My own personal secrets have been tested due to my own misconceptions of trust and my inability to fight for what is right. I have had to turn my back on my own secrets that hold so dear. Due to my own personal secrets such as obligations of family, child support, college all these secrets have to have some real meaning. It’s like I would be putting my own secrets and beliefs in front of me and I find myself fighting with regards to be out a job, without any means to not support myself. Can you think of anything worse than not being able to believe in your own ethics and regard because you have to harbor your beliefs due to possible jail time from not paying your child support. Losing your car because you cannot pay the bill. Loose your apartment because you cannot pay the rent. Welcome to my prison in which I harbor like a continuum through space and time. I suffer from my own neglect to better my cause. I myself will feel free to disagree with the quarters that own me. Tear the catacombs that have bound me to my own besmirched obligations. This despair I’m sure that others feel and I’m not alone. To have lied in this bed of benighted course that has no meaning to me. I want to take control and help myself and to fight for what is right.


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Post by mtmynd » December 4th, 2006, 11:36 am

"What are your secrets?"

Wotdafuk? Would they any longer be secret??

Some secrets remain so long past the time of remembering. Have you noticed that? Once in a great while they pop into mind and bip! "I forgot all about that one..." It's like burying a private some thing only years later it comes back for some reason or another and you smile, knowing that yeah! it's there, (or so you hope), and you put it on your list of to-do's. (Maybe you, L'Rod have got a great stash of monies lying in secret somewhere that your mercury-riddled mind has forgotten about, eh? :lol: )

Then there are those secrets that eventually come to light if only for the reason they weren't so secretive in the first place. We've carried them as if we'd be imprisoned for life if anyone ever knew about it. Then one day we discover that so many others have done or wished to do the same thing. A relief comes over us and we feel free of that or those secrets... even to the point of laughing at ourselves for ever hiding those things in the first place. To think we've repressed this or that only for our own fears... until the next revelation comes along, some day in our silent moments.

Thoughtful and honest Eye, CBJ!

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Post by Arcadia » December 4th, 2006, 1:33 pm

secrets, secrets.... well, I'm curious, I guess I'll have to invent new ones!

two things that maybe you don't know about me:

1) I like to eat the inside of the pumpking's seeds when nobody see me.
2) I have something like an anonimous/spontaneous/autoconvocated internet coach. He or whatever started sending mails this year. It seems he's training to run a marathon.

and about birthday's wishes I have to confess I'm very conventional and abstract at the moment to blow the candles (health, love, work), fantasies's details happen always in unexpected way in other time.

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Post by stilltrucking » December 5th, 2006, 10:33 am

There are no secretes on the Internet. My life on the screen is an open book. Everywhere I go the chicken sees.

I don’t know if it is the effect of the drug I took many years ago but I find it very difficult to keep secretes from myself these days.

Thanks for writing
I always enjoy your columns
Even when we don’t see eye to eye

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Post by Doreen Peri » December 5th, 2006, 2:29 pm

The trouble with secrets is, as stilltrucking just said, once you put them on the internet, they are no longer secret.

So, obviously, you're unconcerned about keeping your secrets secret which makes it clear that you have no secrets.

The thing about exposing your entire past on the internet superhighway is that some people might not take too kindly to it.

I wasn't going to reply to this column but I felt compelled to do so after thinking about it for a couple of days.

There are things that have happened in my past which I wouldn't want to share with anybody but close trusted confidants. As you know, my daughter is now a member of this site. I don't think it's a good idea for her to know everything about your past which you feel like sharing with the world. I'm not sure she's mature enough to accept your speaking so highly about your previous illegal activities.

I know I'm not mature enough to accept it. :roll: I mean, if you want to talk to me privately about it, that's one thing, but to post about these events here on this discussion board... well, frankly, I'm not too hip on it. I was joking about my maturity. I think I'm mature enough to know what should and shouldn't be shared.


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Post by stilltrucking » December 5th, 2006, 10:35 pm

Not exactly what I meant doreen. Sorry I did not express myself better.

I was thinking about foot prints, cookies, tracking software, data mining and stuff like that.

I don't know if I agree with you. Do you remember Teddy's bad story on litkicks?

Maybe just a work of fiction, I can't remember what board she posted it too.

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Post by Doreen Peri » December 6th, 2006, 12:02 am

I don't know what footprints, tracking software and data mining are, 'truckin'. *shrug* sorry. I know what cookies are! I just had 3 ginger snaps and man were they good! mmmmmmmmm

No, I don't remember Teddy. I do remember Litkicks, though.

I have fond memories of that place. Too bad they screwed it up. I miss it sometimes. I'm glad they kicked me out after they screwed it up rather than before.

Yeah, it's hard to tell truth from fiction on the internet. True enough.

I guess it's easier to call it fiction if you post on a stories board or a creative writing board. Then again, people make stuff up all the time when they write columns so maybe Lightning Rod was making up this whole thing. *shrug* again. Beats me. I wasn't there.

Just saying that even if it IS fiction, some people may read it as if it's not so if it were me writing fiction, I'd preface the piece to say it was fiction or title it as a story or post it in a creative writing board. Otherwise, some people might not be able to tell the difference and to me, I wouldn't want people to think my made-up story was true if I was talking about stuff that could jeopardize my life, yanno?

I used to write stories all the time. I've written stories about murder before. I've got a novel idea about a murderer which I am thinking about writing in the first person. Does that mean I ever committed a murder? No! Of course not!

So, I see your point.

However, maybe you can also see mine. :D

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Post by stilltrucking » December 6th, 2006, 1:24 am


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