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Thank You Valerie Plame, We Need More Sex Appeal

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 11:43 am
by Lightning Rod

Thank You Valerie Plame, We Need More Sex Appeal in Government

for release 03-19-07
Washington DC

If I were Joe Wilson and had a wife that looked like Valerie Plame, I would want to keep her under the covers too. What a fox. She's the perfect Bond girl, lithe, blonde and savvy and, above all, secret. Can't you almost imagine her in a neglige in Budapest seducing information from some decadent government official? And that sexy little overbite just drives me crazy. I'm sure Hefner's people are in touch with her already about the possibility of a tasteful spread in Playboy. Her internet searches probably rival Paris Hilton's.

Espionage is so romantic. Secrets are such nasty and tantalizing things. I can just see the Walther PPK tucked under Valerie's garter belt, nestled against her thigh. Give me a moment to catch my breath.

Perhaps I am smitten with Valerie Plame because she reminds me of Ingrid Bergman or Lauren Bacall, businesslike but vulnerable, like a China-doll--cool and pristine but she will break if you drop her. After being cloaked in secrecy and silence for the duration of this investigation and the Scooter trial, Valerie emerged like some ephemeral spirit to testify before Congress last week, the outed spy, the woman scorned by her own government. It reminded me of a scene from Casablanca, C-Span should have shot it in black and white. It was also reminiscent of Anna Nicole's appearance before the Supreme Court. Girls gone wild. The blonde meets the bureaucrat.

OK, enough of this poetic patter. Yes, I've got the hots for VP but that's nothing new, the girl on the Aveeno commercial drives me nuts too. Don't mind me, I'm just Lightning Rod.

But Plame's testimony before Congress was refreshing. What this town and our government needs is a little more sex appeal. This administration has been marked by the most dour and prohibitionist and uptight people and behavior. George Bush has surrounded himself with cold and barren women (Rice, Miers, Hughes) and men with no humor or personality (Cheney, Rove). If Roberto Gonzales could do a hat dance and shout arrrrrrrriiibbba!!, then he would probably not be so unpopular. If Dick Cheney could crack a real smile instead of his usual evil grimace, I'm sure things would go easier for him too. There is some light, we have the twins.

Sure, power in itself is kinda sexy, And money. But even these things are rendered impotent when cloaked in multi-layers of piety and jingoism and hypocrisy. Yes, Washington needs a make-over. We need more sex and fun in government.

The American people can tolerate bad policy and corruption and theft and all manner of political skullduggery. They can forgive theft, adultery, buggery and whatever it was that Bill Clinton did with that cigar, but what they can't stand is a bad show. It's no wonder that this Republican administration is slipping at the box office.

I thought Geena Davis was a good choice for president. Strong, athletic, almost mannish, but still sexy. Most people think that Dick Cheney was the guy who put the Vice in vice-president, but could you imagine what Courtney Love or Heidi Fleiss could do with the office? And sure, Condi has had a good run as Secretary of Altered States but just imagine Julia Roberts (in her Erin Brockovich role) or Cameron Diaz or Halle Barry as our diplomatic face to the world. These are women that you couldn't possibly say no to and you would believe anything that they told you. Plus they can close a deal. Yes, this town needs more sex appeal.

The Poet's Eye usually has a gleam. I was amused for awhile by the comedy of errors aspect of the Bush regime. They were so easy to lampoon. But it's becoming like a tired sit-com. You know the punch-lines before they even finish the straight lines. The characters are predictable. And they are utterly sexless. We need more sex in government.

Lets get sexy
Lets get sexy
Sounds so good
Sounds so good
Fightin' is rightin'
Fightin' is rightin'
Lets get sexy
Its so much more exciting
---Black Eyed Peas

Posted: March 19th, 2007, 1:46 pm
by Arcadia
is she sexy...??? (we can be really odiosas with politic-women!).

Posted: March 21st, 2007, 8:40 am
by jimboloco
LR 's got a definate grasp on pop culture and it's possibilities
power to da people

i think what the man is saying that a better sense of cultural aesthetics
will absolutuutly expand the national trust
and it is so true now even several national media
already know the resistant overcontrolling strange set of fools
who are sitting in power
a definate lack of style no doubt

also muy interesante
ya know hwo we are all clamoring about an outed CIA agent
one can only hope that she had some sense of ethical dimension whilst in the Company
one can only hope that the CIA will ever reform and become a promoter of good
instead of providing muscle for economic hit men
thugs for the World Bunk

one can only hope
yet there was George Tenant
who never was,
standing there straighht faced whilst Dumbya lied to America del norte

one can only hope
Ms Plame she is dolled up no doubt
and her hubbie a hero

what Arcadia,?
is she sexy?
a whole lotta women are sexy
Hillary is hot with
shades of Eva Peròn
cultural icons become rational functional citizens emerging?
lets have a celebration party!

where is Madonna the madabouthersexywoman when we need her?
no doubt enjoying days without makeup
feeling happy and sad
not singing songs for anybody
just her abopted African child
but anyhow she got the prize

after thhe war
after my rebellion
had the courage to resist
paid the price
long ago my fall from grace
debbie p said i didn't care who i did it with
it could'v been anybody
back in the day
before aids
surrounded by babes
should'v been smiling
i was crying

sexy ladies
saved by the belles
now am married and well

this week i helped the first black FBI agent in Ammerica del norte to die
a modest fellow, spoke 4 languages
it was a really decent dying
long time FBI friends were there
men and women,
they all took turns holding his hand
gently stroking his arm

his FBI partner said i looked familiar
i sad i was among America(del norte)'s least wanted

one can only hope they spend less effort monitering me and my anti-neocon anti world bunk, anti- IMF, anti-agency for international development (that covert subversive agency oversaw the phoenix assassination proram in the Vietnam War, also provided intel data about activities of the NLF insurgency in provinces surrounding the greater metropolitan Saigon area,,, thereby giving the army and air farce what they needed to defoliate and plow down several provinces, making them un-inhabitable, thereby forcing the survivors into said metro area, urban refugees, i saw it all ) (sucks in breath)fellow antiwar military veterans and more time tracking down embezzlers like the fûcking Pentagon slush funds etc eh?

Posted: March 21st, 2007, 1:21 pm
by Arcadia
hola, jimbo!!

Posted: March 21st, 2007, 2:14 pm
by Lightning Rod
what a solo, jimbo!

it made me remember what I was trying to say

Posted: March 22nd, 2007, 9:51 am
by jimboloco
ha ha
i've been a slump lately for studio eight
gott catch up some
but it was fun
an got a mountain of stuff left to do

needless to say i was inspired by both your column of poetic bop prosody and by the gaucho sister's surprise!:idea:

Hola Lola la ladrona!

there's a whole section of humanities called american studies that deals with pop culture and how it manifests into social manifestations! :oops:

so how about it
was she a "good" CIA agent?
Is there hope for the intel community?
I don't see it so far

Posted: March 22nd, 2007, 10:16 am
by mtmynd
elRod... "C-Span should have shot it in black and white."

damn if that wouldn't be fantastic. i like that idea... alot. sent me rollin' -

news shot in saturated colors ala CSI: Miami; in B&W; sepia tones; background music... turning news into a visual feast for the eyes - hell with content! who gives a rat's..? content's all over the internet.

good 'un, amigo. :wink:

Posted: March 25th, 2007, 8:45 am
by Dave The Dov
They put the blame on Valerie Plame!!!!
Is Playboy calling her yet or has she been exposed too much by now????
u.s. recession

Posted: March 25th, 2007, 9:06 am
by jimboloco
ha ha!

Posted: March 25th, 2007, 1:47 pm
by mnaz
I fail to see the humor in any of this...

but then, i suppose that explains why i never quite get the joke;
why i'm never ready to troop up and go defend bechtel's "freedom";
why i can't vote for core-rotten politicians based only on '(R)' or '(D)';
why i lack the inner toughness to just not care that much anymore...

yeh, i suppose absurdist prose is a litmus test-- and in many ways it seems a viable way to get through the hideous glory of this overcrowded planet, this noise-ruined life, yet i still don't get it. i grew up reading of atrocities-- muslims, christians, stalin, hitler, the dinnertime vietnam body counts, read so stoically and unflinchingly by cronkite each night-- ism schism izzm ad nauseum, ad infinitum, so i've had every opportunity to become patriotically numb... after all, my country's atrocities have been far more benign than her eternal enemies, made for television or not... yeh, it seems pretty clear by now that i simply don't fit in with so many gunslingers and porn farmers. i lack inner toughness. i don't seem to be a match for this place, despite what joe campbell said. and it's my day off, so let the drinking begin... i gotta go down to the arches and get some freedom fries...

in other words, well done.

sure... why not?

jesus saves.

Posted: March 25th, 2007, 2:34 pm
by Dave The Dov
Liberate thy self the world around you!!!! :D
stimulus plan

Posted: March 27th, 2007, 10:53 pm
by Michael
mnaz, what are you trying to say? It would take inner toughness to jump bones of Plame? Now that I think of it, between what you write and what LR writes, it may take inner and outer toughness.

I think that you and LR are actually saying the same thing, believe it or not. I think that you’re both saying, “Fuck it, I don’t give a fuck anymore.”

The only difference is that LR uses a distraction while you use you.

LR, if you get too good at this distraction shit, The Regime may start looking to hire you.

To friendship,

Posted: April 11th, 2007, 8:22 am
by the flaming ace
down in flames with valerie plame
and all the other pros
i ain't talking no ad absurdumb proze

there is a possibility for a change
political power for common good

why not?
the merging of pop culture and proletarian schmooze
radical chic finally makes the scene
with more than a hip magazine

creative transformation then can begin
when power to the people is more than a clenched fist slogan
hunter thompson's memorial a prayer for us all
"ordinary people can accomplish great things"
barak obama says in his book of dreams
with the resources and dedication behind them
and also toward community
if you get my drift
not just about him
or michelle in the white house
but about a realised populism
dreams no longer deferred
transformation of military-industrial maw into
diplomatic know-how and military peacekeeping skills
it has a chance to happen now
unbelieveable yet possible
and the vision of this new populism
paving the way

have a happy happy talk
ya got to have a dream
if ya ain't got a dream
how ya gonna make yoer dreams come true
simple vision
change in policies
redirecting resources
everybody happy but the creeping neo-cons
those sleazebag chickenhawk warmongers

i got my wings from chappie james
last of the tuskegee airmen
buffalo soldiers with wings
he sang joshua fought the battle of jerico
and sent us off to war

what about search and rescue? patrolling for pirates?
dropping supplies into beseiged refugee centers
and securing their perimiters from marauders?
this is what we need and yes to get al-quaida
whilst changing our tune and reducing the conflict
and the absurdist lies the masters of war want us to buy
whilst the monies go into deep pockets.

where is daddy warbucks when we need him?
somebody with a clue!
high speed dive recovery!
whew! :mrgreen:

Who is she really?

Posted: April 12th, 2007, 6:12 pm
by buzztoerag
I think I've seen her disguised as a Victoria Secrets model in some of those commercials....

Posted: April 13th, 2007, 5:34 am
by the flaming ace
“Fuck it, I don’t give a fuck anymore.”

i think that the moment this state is reached, one has already hit rock bottom, it's no secret, victoria, yet one must carry on, which is really what we are doing, satire is the perfect mode of telepathos.