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A Tarot Card Reading of America's Future

Posted: June 18th, 2011, 7:20 pm
by stilltrucking
Our country's past, present, and future, as predicted by a mystical iPhone app

America's Past: The Five of Swords (Reversed)

Let's start with America's past on the world stage. Here, we turned over the Five of Swords, which is from the Minor Arcana, or the 56 cards in the deck that represent the swords, wands, cups, and pentacles.

The image shows a strong figure in the foreground grasping three swords, with two more swords lying on the ground. The man looks on confidently, in possession of the field of battle, as two enemies retreat in dejection. The card signifies conquest and the completion of objectives.

But the card is reversed, meaning an opposite interpretation, or a restriction on the original meaning. The reversed Five of Swords can signify loss or an empty victory, a sense of victimization, and feelings of failure and humiliation.

So how does this apply to America's past? The picture of triumph and conquest in the original Five of Swords could refer to World War II, when the United States won the spoils of victory.

The reversed image may capture America's difficult military experience since 1945, including stalemates like Korea, defeats like Vietnam, and successes that felt hollow like the first Gulf War. We've struggled to recapture the glory days of D-Day. Where did all the victories go?

America's Present: The Empress (Reversed)

What about America's present? Here, we turned over the Empress, which is one of the heavyweight cards from the Major Arcana (the 22 key images in the deck).

The empress sits on a throne, wearing a crown emblazoned with stars, and carrying a scepter. Bountiful grain, forests, and a waterfall surround her. The Empress card symbolizes creation, nurturing and sustaining--a harmonious and natural balance.

But again, the card is reversed, meaning an opposite or restricted interpretation. This could refer to America's difficult recent experience of creation--or building stable regimes in Afghanistan and Iraq. The high hopes with which we began these adventures have given way to conflict, uncertainty, and unintended consequences.

With the card upside down, the natural harmony is lost. The empress falls from her throne, the trees are uprooted, and the water drains away. This suggests ecological damage, which may signify America's failure to lead on environmental issues like climate change.
America's Future: The Two of Wands

Tell me something I don't know: What about America's future? Here, we're back to the Minor Arcana with the Two of Wands.

A man stands on the battlements of a castle, holding a globe in his right hand, while grasping a wand in his left. A second wand is attached to the wall. Mountains stretch away into the distance beyond the sea.

Finally, we get an image that is not reversed. The wands signify growth, energy, creativity, and patience. The card suggests caution and determination--taking stock before striking out on a great project. The man is confident in his self-knowledge and in the individual path he has chosen.

The card may signify that America's future lies in Asia. In the picture, the figure seems to be looking at China on the globe.

In the wake of interventions in the Middle East, the United States will pause and contemplate its true path. From behind the barricade of Fortress America, there may be a period of wariness and reflection.

But an idealist and visionary society like America cannot forever stare out to sea. The United States will embark on grand projects again--perhaps next time in Asia. The idea of independence and non-conformity may refer to American exceptionalism. The country will continue to sing its own song, and strike out alone if necessary.

Overall, the three cards tell the story of a troubled past and present, and a cautiously optimistic future. Should we shut down the international relations departments, and hand professional forecasting over to Mystic Meg? I hope not because this would put me out of a job.

But what does it say about the state of expert prediction that a tarot reading is not clearly worse than many analyses we read? ... re/240592/

Re: A Tarot Card Reading of America's Future

Posted: August 2nd, 2011, 12:28 pm
by mtmynd
interesting reading here...

Re: A Tarot Card Reading of America's Future

Posted: August 2nd, 2011, 12:45 pm
by stilltrucking
I thought so too Cecil. I was not trying to be sarcastic.

Re: A Tarot Card Reading of America's Future

Posted: August 2nd, 2011, 2:27 pm
by mtmynd
i didn't see any sarcasm in it, amigo.

Re: A Tarot Card Reading of America's Future

Posted: May 12th, 2012, 9:22 pm
by stilltrucking
where the heck is everybody, I have not seen Doreen post anything in a long time, and I saw hester's banner today and missed her for a long time. Did you catch the full moon last month, did you get any pictures if you did see it.

Did you catch the bit about the most recent discover of a cave with Mayan calender going way beyond 2012?
Mayan calendar discovery suggests world might not end in 2012 (+video) ... 2012-video
Come to think of it I have not see you around for awhile either. You doing okay?

Re: A Tarot Card Reading of America's Future

Posted: May 13th, 2012, 10:26 am
by mtmynd
I'm here... floating in and out, cloud-like,
an ethereal move based upon no thing
observing our world and its apparent dissolution:
the inevitability of change that is more urgent
than ever before as things and stuff deteriorate
while the hu'man heart reconditions itself for Now

Re: A Tarot Card Reading of America's Future

Posted: May 13th, 2012, 2:04 pm
by stilltrucking
I'm here... floating in and out, cloud-like,
an ethereal move based upon no thing
observing our world and its apparent dissolution:
the inevitability of change that is more urgent
than ever before as things and stuff deteriorate
while the hu'man heart reconditions itself for Now

happy to hear you are still observing

the big picture .

Re: A Tarot Card Reading of America's Future

Posted: May 14th, 2012, 12:29 am
by mtmynd
the big picture is slow
when we can traverse
light years in moments
and still smile in multiples

Re: A Tarot Card Reading of America's Future

Posted: May 14th, 2012, 2:48 pm
by stilltrucking
8) :) :) :) :) :)

Re: A Tarot Card Reading of America's Future

Posted: March 5th, 2013, 1:10 pm
by Arcadia
my today´s card from the Osho transformational tarot: The magical begging bowl! :lol: :wink: