Sunday Stream (188) ~ (put title here)

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Post by mtmynd » December 3rd, 2008, 4:42 pm

Yo! K&D... I would like to comment to your first reply and have been thinking about it for a couple of days when I boot up the p.m. and see another post. Nice. I like that. (psst... you're 23! Born in 1985, I assume? Care to reveal your Sun sign? If i'm not mistaken your Chinese astro sign is a Monkey, yes?:))

Re: first reply - I have to begin this with some level of kudos... not too loud or not too shallow but, like the three bears, just right (if I can), That was quite possibly one of the more complex things i've heard from you... ""thymonic" ? Thymos? Plato? wow... taking me to days of long ago and beyond... then toss in Eros on top of that! ;) I had to google Thymos and do a little read-up on that just to find the groove I think you are/were in. Never too old to learn and if one feels they are, they remain nowhere else.

I believe you were going for the sense of collectiveness, i.e. a big group hug when all the young soldiers agree on a common enemy and have full trust in all to defend each... no matter the cause... a universal concept that is very difficult to argue against if you're on the other side of 'their' belief. I certainly can't disagree that was a major influence on what was going down with that handful of young attackers... a collectively held belief that what they were doing was THE RIGHT THING to do... and in so doing their actions were very well planned out and executed (providing they did the planning themselves... something we yet do not know, if ever). As far as their carrying out the attack with the conviction they had to have had was in and of itself remarkable (not to give them any kudos here but to comment on their ability to do what the plans (evidently) called for which was rather complex using 10 - 16 people for this major disruption and slaughter of innocents.

But again, I emphasize, the psychology of these young men... the anger and frustration, and quite possibly the repression of desires, had to be extremely helpful to pull off what they did with the coldness and ruthlessness they exhibited during the ordeal... murdering a 14 year old girl along with her father is a despicable act no matter whose 'army' they are serving.

Again, K&D, thanks for chiming in... and again, I do appreciate it very much.




Posts: 7752
Joined: August 15th, 2004, 8:54 pm
Location: El Paso

Post by mtmynd » December 3rd, 2008, 4:52 pm

DtD... I've found time to reply to you, finally. it took some thinking squeezed in with time but, along with truck's great reply, this is what I would add -

If Ghandi where alive today and witnessed the Mumbai attack I'm quite positive he would have condemned it totally as it was beyond any doubt a cold and ruthless attack that was nothing short of murder... no moral justification in it at all.

But I am also convinced that after he justifiably condemned the attack, he went forward with where he was prior to the attack. The attack has ended and what few attackers survived are under custody. Ghandi can return to lving Peace and preaching Peace. To do anything less would not be Ghandi, imho...

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