Sunday Stream (190) ~ As 2008 Comes to a Close

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (190) ~ As 2008 Comes to a Close

Post by mtmynd » December 28th, 2008, 2:01 pm

As 2008 Comes to a Close
I began 2008 with Stream #146, Reality Clock (Jan 06, 2008) and ending it with this, #190, for a total of 44 Sunday Streams posted this year. Combining the number of views these 44 Streams have had to date totals nearly 24,000 views.

The Top 5 Sunday Streams for 2008 -

1.) #153 - awakefullness - 1100 views
2.) #170 - the god expression - 920 views
3.) #150 - Consider your Self- 887 views
4.) #160 - being betwixt and between because - 874 views
5.) #174 - Hearing Om - Seeing Light - 815 views

These top 5 viewed Sunday Streams generated 4596 views.
Thank you readers!
y Muchas Gracias!

As anyone that participates on Studio 8 will agree, views are why we, each and every writer, are all here: we hope to find readers that enjoy what we have written and the only definite way we know others are at least perusing our words is thru the number of views each post receives. Replies? All of us enjoy replies. A reply 'seals the deal'... it's the assurance that what we have written has been read and not just browsed thru. No. To receive a reply gives us writers a level of confidence that somebody "out there" reads our stuff. We all know how pleasant a feeling that is, even if the reply may be a bit strange or even on the negative side, a reply says to us "somebody is reading". And yes, views are cool. No doubt. Given the number of views various posts have gotten, it would be ridiculous to think all those views would be replies. Replies are the candles on the cake. The views, the are the frosting.

I wish I knew of some long lost magical formula writer's knew of that would generate views and replies, (and even $$$ if we were published !), but I have never felt I've even been close to the discovery of such a formula. I feel it safe to say no writer, no matter their fame, is so confident to feel that everything they write and make public will be accepted. Like anything an artist does and makes public, it's all a crap shoot.

This gamble that writers indulge in, especially in the professional (re: money) field, is and always has been a gamble. "Will anyone really care what I write?"- we ask ourselves. We will never get an answer until we put it out there, and the first time, the second time... it could even be the 100th time if we have the persistence, before anyone bites on what we, the writer, has written.

Here in my home town of Phar Lepht (ELP), I'm reminded of two writers who call this their home :

1) Bobby Byrd, poet. This man has been pumping out poetry for years. He has several books of poetry out there. His styling is one that really moves this writer - I think Bobby is one of the finest poets I have had the privilege to read. I have a collection of his books that mean a lot to me. He and his wife are also owners of their own publishing company, Cinco Puntos Press.
( )

2) Ken Hudnall, writer. This man is so prolific it staggers me. He has close, if not over, 40 books out and on top of that he has his own radio show and gives ghost tours four times a year in our home town. His specialty is ghosts, the curious and mysterious, and he even has a book out on conspiracies. He's also quite a character.
(books -
(radio -

The reason I have introduce these two people is to give a couple of examples of writers that are unknown to you and your family and friends. They are not really common names in Phar Lepht, either. But they persist because they enjoy, even love, what they do and they do it the best. As far as Bobby Byrd... he's a poet. We all know how poorly books of poetry sell and Bobby is no exception. (however! if you ever get a hankering to read some mind-blowing poetry, give Bobby a thought)

This is the same scenario world wide - so many wonderful and talented people in every art imaginable (and even unimaginable) that it's impossible to get to know all of them, much less even 50 of them. There's simply too much talent and not enough money in the world to support all of them/us. Thank goodness there are amateurs... we abound. Amateurs outnumber the Professional thousands to one, at least, and I'm just thinking the 'fine artist' versus the loner that is doing their thing in isolation or the amateur that's enjoying creating their expression using virtually every known item one can think of to make their idea a reality. And of course, those artistic professionals that have to rely upon their peers for a job because their own visions have not yet proven to be acceptable.

It's a wonderful world, this other half that seems to bring something special to the 'Table of Mankind' to feed our imaginations with ideas, what I call The Three E's - Entertainment, Education and Enlightenment... all for the love (amateurs) of doing and sharing whatever it is we do with others, even if that others is five people or 5,000,000 people... it's getting that first response that gives the impetus to continue on... the view... the reply... they are fundamental to the continuation.
Happy New Year!
Until next year, I shall remain,

28 December 2008
[the end of the year]

pic of the week:
~the contemplator~



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Post by Artguy » December 28th, 2008, 9:08 pm

My Sunday without a stream is like a Sunday without coffee and the paper...just gotta have it. Thanks Cecil for another year of insight...

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Post by Arcadia » December 28th, 2008, 11:55 pm

gracias a vos, dear Cecil, for write and be here each sunday!!! :D

feliz año nuevo para vos & toda la familia!!!!!!!!



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Post by Doreen Peri » December 29th, 2008, 1:03 am

Hi Cecil.... I don't always reply but I read every one.

And obviously you have a large readership by the views! I'm convinced there are quite a few people who come here regularly ... lurkers... who aren't registered and don't participate by posting. But they read!

You deserve a lot of readers, Cecil! This site isn't big by any means...but at least it's something. I hope you will put your material in book form one day!

Thank you so much for your insights, your poetic and spiritual vision... and your ability to relay truths we can all connect to. I love "Sunday Stream." Kurt said it right. A Sunday without a Stream is like a Sunday without coffee and the paper. It's part of our lives. And we are grateful.

It's been what? 4 years? ... a long time.... and this site is so much richer because of your contributions!

Happy 2009, Cecil! May it bring wonderful surprises and blessings to you and SooZ and Nate!

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Post by mtmynd » December 29th, 2008, 9:53 am

Kurt, there's many a time I give you some thought when I have little in mind to write about : "I wonder if artguy could relate to this?" as I mentally scroll thru various topics. Thank you for being here and taking time to reply. It's very much appreciated.


Arcadia! amiga mia... I'm often silenced when I don't see a reply from you, but that is only my own impatience. My smile returns when I see your name under replies, which is often. Muchas gracias a usted! You, also are very much appreciated.

<center> :D </center>

Hugs to you Dor'! I know you read these Streams, as you've often acknowledged. It's not always necessary to reply as there are so many good writers on this board. I'm often humbled when I think of the reception I receive here on a mostly weekly basis, and I do enjoy the challenge this board in particular brings to my writing. When I first began the Sunday Stream was back in the Litkicks days and you were there, too. And thanks to you I had an outlet to continue when S8 came along which I immediately took advantage of!

So thank you, Mz Peri, for including me in your S8 crew. I will always be thankful.


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Post by Artguy » December 29th, 2008, 11:45 am

A warm holiday embrace to you and your family... :wink:

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