Sunday Stream (212) ~ This cannot be a dream, can it?

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (212) ~ This cannot be a dream, can it?

Post by mtmynd » July 12th, 2009, 12:16 pm

This cannot be a dream, can it?
Do I know something you don't know? Do you know something I don't know? Do we know somethings others don't know? What would happen if we knew? Would one thing lead to another that wanted to know what wasn't known just then? Why would we rather not know if the knowing would be uncomfortable... simply knowing that knowing something is not a thing but a thought that is without substance other than what we know? (why did I write that line?)

Where should this go if I were a channel digger and could direct the flow of what I'm thinking? Why worry about that? What? Worry? Isn't that a bit too much to call just wondering? Is wondering worrying? You don't believe that do you? Why would anyone think wondering about some thing or another would be a worry? We shouldn't go there, should we? (why would anybody read this?)

Where in the world is (put in a name, real or fictional, it doesn't matter, right?)? If we don't would we be better off doing for the sake of doing or getting it done? Why wouldn't you? How could you? You can't be for real? Why are you writing this? (can an answer suffice as easily as an answer asked?)

When my eyes are shut tight and there is no light to see, what lights my dreams that may frighten me or even console me? Have your dreams taken you to places that you wished you could take someone special to? You do know it's difficult to question in a dream without interrupting the dream, don't you? Why spoil a dream when waking up is inevitable? What? You have no choice? Isn't choice as simple as questioning? You can't question in a dream, can you? Why did I write that twice in this one paragraph? Do you think someone might miss it? Who cares? (should this continue?)

What has brought me to this place and time that I find myself in at this singular moment that was? Can I purely capture the precious now while writing what i would think now to be without making (this) now no longer now but when..? Is there anyone that goes to places that you go to? You know? Why would you want to know something like that? Do you think for a moment (doesn't that question sound like a parental response to their child?) that anyone should want to know answers about others when they haven't a clue who they themselves are? (does that sound too 'mumbo-jumbo-ly'?)

Do you think this has gone too far or even further than it should... this 'this' that is the 212th Sunday Stream? Should I even ask about this Stream? Ask what? Well... do you know this Sunday Stream contains 493 words, 6 paragraphs and, most curious, 48 questions (including title) that have made up the entire Stream? Did you notice not one sentence did not question? This cannot be a dream, can it?

12 july 2009
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Post by Artguy » July 12th, 2009, 1:38 pm

I haven't got a least I don't think I do, but then what do I really know???Am I really awake or I dreaming that I am sitting here at this box typing away like some unknowing fool...was St. jack right..."life is a dream already dreamt...." I must be dreaming...somebody pinch me....

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Post by Arcadia » July 12th, 2009, 3:15 pm

:lol: well, no idea!!! In most of my let´s call it dreams-dreams when I make some questions I always end laughing (and I never remember the questions or the answers exactly) but an expansive lively sensation remains!

good ones & hermosa foto! :D

saludos & gracias for the stream!,


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Post by stilltrucking » July 13th, 2009, 8:59 pm

"Sadly in search of and one step in back of themselves and their slow moving dreams" Waylon Jennings I think.

Thanks for the stream and the picture Cecil.

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Post by mtmynd » July 14th, 2009, 1:39 pm

thx, artguy, veronica y truck... nice seeing your questioning faces smiling along with me. it's very nice. :)
Allow not destiny to intrude upon Now

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