Sunday Stream (184) ~ good god faith and hope

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (184) ~ good god faith and hope

Post by mtmynd » November 2nd, 2008, 11:48 am

good god faith and hope
"They say that God is everywhere, and yet we always think of Him as somewhat of a recluse." -- Emily Dickinson

I was reading an article how people are praying to God that their own particular candidate will win. The prayers are from both sides of the election battlefield. God must be confused trying to answer both sides prayers with a sense of positivism. There can only be on winner just as there can only be one god, ultimately.

Perhaps God should hold a re-election for Himself. It's been a long time. Some may argue He hasn't actively campaigned for votes since He put His son down among us some 2,000 years ago. People forget a lot of things in 2,000 years, especially since so many of them rely on second hand information from His son. We all know how information gets turned around the more it gets passed from person-to-person, generation-to-generation... Imagine how 2,000 years has twisted the Word around - the division amongst Christian religions, the split in Muslim religion.. I guess we could include the division even in Buddhism, although good Christian countries would be very suspicious of that claim. After all God gave his only son to bring Christianity to the world.

I wonder why this reclusive God would bring about a new twist to His way of thinking? Things were probably going along pretty good for the Pagan and the Jews, but then Jesus was born and grew up talking about things that neither the Pagans nor the Jews fully embraced.

I guess once a recluse always a recluse. Social manners are pretty meaningless to God, I reckon. Maybe I should ask some of these folks that speak to God and are convinced that God speaks back. It's peculiar how we allow some people to prattle on about what God told them to do... as long as it doesn't scare us. If someone tells us that God told them to kill so-and-so, we immediately know that the person is crazy... God would never tell anyone to murder someone. That may be refuted in some Bible stories, if I remember correctly. But those Bible stories are tempered by adding that God only suggested 'murder' to test the listener. God the Tester. I guess there's something to that. Our lives could easily been seen as one test after another. Yin/Yang. Duality. Friction. The Rub.

If you're a recluse I think you'd need to play some games with yourself to maintain your sanity. You know, keep your mind fresh, your outlook new.

Even if people don't pray to God for political intervention in their favor, we humans certainly use hope one Hell of a lot. 'God, I hope [fill in the blank] wins." That's not a prayer in the prayerful sense, but hope. (hope is the desire that instinct is right). A hope or hope... there are several hopes in our lives so I imagine 'a hope' is better than none, or even a couple. It's good to have a lot of hope in reserve... our lives pretty much dictate the necessity to bring out hope in various situations.

So there is 'God' and there is 'hope'... next in line for our purposes would be 'faith.' Faith is a need we have that either 'I' or something bigger than 'I' will save us from ourselves. We cannot stand alone. It's not healthy. Sure we can live alone, but living in a room or a house alone is far different from living everyday of our lives without human contact. We humans require other human contact.. even one other human to converse with will do, but totally and completely isolated from any other human contact whatsoever is unhealthy if not deadly. Faith is important when we get to feeling alone.. really alone. Faith tells us that it won't last.. someone will come along, someone will contact us, someone will worry about us and find us... we have faith the it will happen. We won't have to live within ourselves forever.

God, hope and faith. Even if religion is not our cup of tea, especially formalized, organized religions, most of us, if not all of us, utilized two out of the three, i.e. hope and faith at various times and moments within our lives. We bypass God but hope and faith.. those two can be much more important at times than whether or not we believe in a God.

God is so spiritual that most take it for granted there is a God because our religion has a strong faith and hope there is one... they cannot offer any conclusive evidence that there is a God, only that when they read His words and practice His message that God does exist because those very words have improved their lives. A purely spiritual presence that speaks only to those that convey the believable versus speaking to those a troublesome or even dangerous message... that certainly cannot be God speaking! We have faith that our God doesn't go there... only to where good is, is where our God goes.

Can we conclude that our own feeling of 'good' is what defines our God? Good God. God is Good. If the message is good, the better the message, the better the God. If we had no idea what 'good' was chances are we wouldn't have any faith or hope in a God. Good could have preceded the concept of God... 'He's' been around way too long to know for sure. W enter into the realm of wondering if we try to answer "What came first - Good or God?" Not unlike the chicken or the egg question, we have faith and if faith is not so strong that day, we have hope that God came before Good.

If God really is as reclusive as He must be, we have no choice but to hope that He hears us and have faith that he heard us correctly. But if God is everywhere, i.e. omnipresent, then we needn't speak to Him because He can not only hear our words but He can read our thoughts. He's good at doing those things...

02 Nov 08

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photo: cecil
Last edited by mtmynd on November 2nd, 2008, 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Artguy » November 2nd, 2008, 12:03 pm

I heard it said recently that god can't go anywhere because he is everywhere....I find it hard to fathom how this reclusive being polarizes people into 2 god is right and yours is wrong....

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Post by mtmynd » November 2nd, 2008, 12:20 pm

artguy: "I find it hard to fathom how this reclusive being polarizes people into 2 god is right and yours is wrong...."

One God. Duality. Trinity. What we've done! Mind games... all of it.

Thx, Kurt... nice seeing you. Hope you're feeling better than yesterday...

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Post by gypsyjoker » November 2nd, 2008, 1:53 pm

so beautiful
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Post by mtmynd » November 2nd, 2008, 3:08 pm

<center>datura bud.

thx, truck.


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Post by K&D » November 2nd, 2008, 5:14 pm

o.k I hope this makes sense.

So i've been intrested in dualitys and binaries (its all this post-feminist post structuralist education going to my head...its all they are talking about in college, apparently since the 80's!)

I think that gender, sexual orientation are not the the ultimate binaries like many post-feminist post-gays beleive...there are theorist who beleive once you get rid of the binary of gay-straight male-female all the other binaries will fall because in todays society the only taboo is gender and sexuality, that some how its the last laugh for real. I sometimes wonder, and i've never hearda anyone other then my little atheist self, that maybe the idea of god and god created man was the first binary. god-us...thats the binary that once we kill kills off all the other binaries because think about it....god creates man, man creates women thereby creating the gender binary and the sexual orientation binary cause of the power structure created (theres never a mention of women fucking man up the ass...unless god apparently doesn't know what he's missing if he created man in his image...) and then race that comes in because well the people who wrote the bible already bought into gender and sexual binaries along with slavery etc....

second subversive religious joke/ thought- so mary was impregnated by the holy spirit who got the cum from did he get that cum from god and wheres that raunchy story?

told you i'd be here mtmynd!

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Post by mtmynd » November 2nd, 2008, 8:09 pm

Hi, K&D! Thx for stopping by and let me answer some things here...

Before the binary there was duality and before duality there was y8in/yang... as far as words are concerned. That is, binary is a more modern terminology for yin/yng.

That be said, you wrote:
"god-us...that's the binary that once we kill kills off all the other binaries because..."

If there truly are theorists that believe 'we' can kill off any binary (yin/yang) is deceiving their self. Life is duality. Life is binary. Life is yin/yang. It cannot be separated. If one kills off one side of anything, the other side of that 'anything' will no longer exist without it's opposite. Think... name... anything, theory, religion, philosophy... chocolate, hamburgers... anything and you will note there are two sides to all of them - chocolate? milk or dark. hamburgers? McDonald's or Burger King. Religion? Judaism or Christianity. Everything in life from material things to spiritual things, to all things living and all things non-living... two sides to them all.

Yin/Yang is quite possibly (and arguably) the one Truth that can be understood by anyone given the opportunity or interest. About any other subject can or cannot be truth, i.e. without question, without doubt. All other theories, all other philosophies, all other religions are subjective. Two sides to choose from all the time, no matter which choice is made, that choice has two choices to choose from for direction.

Sexuality. You are interested in sexuality. You're not alone there! We all have an interest in sexuality. But sexuality is yin/yang attraction. Heterosexuality is duality. Homosexuality is duality - passive/aggressive, for example. Even solo sex, i.e. masturbation requires at least a fantasy as a companion, or a tremendous feeling of eroticism being invited into the action. Yin/Yang. Duality. Binary. Again, one cannot have only half of something without having the opposing side tagging along.

To kill the binary is only a theoretical exercise that cannot be accomplished with something... anything.. counteracting the killing. Guilt. Loss. Separation anxiety. Or an number of other things to go along with the aftermath of the kill. To put it more clearly, he who does the kill is still left with their duality, their yin/yang, their binary ... which ever you'd prefer to label.

Re: God. A wise man I once read said, "I don't know if there is a God or not. But I do know that there is godliness." That was about as succinct as I had ever heard. We all, I trust, have (or will have at least once in life) experience a sense of godliness in our lives... a well-being, an awakefulness and clarity that makes us feel we've tapped into a state of spirituality that must be a part of something godly, for lack of a better word.

Before the Bible, there was the 'books' by the people they were named after - Matthew, Mark, etc... These texts were around long before they were compiled into one book, the Bible. These folks didn't 'buy into' anything but simply wrote what they observed and heard and in some cases experienced themselves. I seriously doubt the questioned sexuality or gender other than being attracted or not. About slaver... an ancient practice that quite possibly might never be extinguished from humanity despite our best social efforts.. but the trying is really what matters.. seriously trying to curtail it.

The impregnation of Mary. Yes... the Church calls that a mystery which is the only way to get around the question. It's not good to question the church. Faith... that's the ticket! Have faith that the church's answer, mystery, is the only answer and you will believe. Simple. ;-)

Nice talkin' stuff with you, K&D.



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Post by K&D » November 3rd, 2008, 1:49 am

see but the thing with Yin and its in perpetual shifts, the world is at once both right? thats not a duality to me. A duality forces people to be one thing or another. it assumes you can only be one of two things. i do have a cynical view of organized religion this is true. thank you for the thoughtfull response? if I may ask for more details

explain to me about yin and yang? where'd it start whats it about, i suppose i could look it up but its so facinating to hear about things from someone who is enthused by the subject.

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Post by Arcadia » November 3rd, 2008, 12:25 pm

... or a burocrat! :lol:

thanks for the stream, saludos & best wishes, Cecil!!!!!

(I have a vague and at the same time precise faith most of the time :wink: )


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Post by mtmynd » November 3rd, 2008, 12:58 pm

Hi, K&D...

You wrote: "see but the thing with Yin and its in perpetual shifts, the world is at once both right?"

Actually, yin/yang is a perfect balance. What shifts is our mind's choice, our decisions, our heads playing with us which is much different at times than the truth of yin/yang. But yes, the world, indeed the entire universe is "at once both right"...

K&D: "that's not a duality to me. A duality forces people to be one thing or another. it assumes you can only be one of two things."

I don't see it that way. Duality is the combination of two forces working in harmony. What throws this duality into chaos is our understanding of it... again, mind out of control... grasping for a reasons behind the duality instead of acceptance. Being in the flow dispels chaos and doubt.

"explain to me about yin and yang"

:) Well, K&D, other than what I wrote above here... I could add that yin/yang, to me, is more than a philosophy that began in China, more than likely with Taoism, but I see it as the only physical symbol that defines Truth... Truth in what we know and haven't yet learned of the universe... the totality of existence that works in a perfect harmony for without it there is no life. (sounds lofty, eh?) What I mean when I say "the only physical symbol that defines Truth" is it reveals so much more about life than, say, the Star of David or the Christian cross.. it shows more than any symbols that define a faith or religion... it stands alone beyond a religion, philosophy, mathematical equation, beyond the Nike symbol or any nation's flag as the universal understanding of life on all levels other than human.

Whew!... I need to take a break! :lol: :lol:

Thx, K&D... hope you enjoyed reading that. I rather liked writing it. :)

btw: I deleted your double post... okay?

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Post by mtmynd » November 3rd, 2008, 1:19 pm

Hola, Arcadia! Gracias amiga mia. Glad to hear tiene fe when necesario... we all do, si?

((Te gusta la pictura? ))

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Post by Arcadia » November 4th, 2008, 12:36 pm

((Te gusta la pictura? ))

yes, Cecil!!! it´s very beautiful. You had posted it already as a photo, right?
Also a mix of misterious silent dance, etheral bird and somehow four-sides trinacria!! :D Gracias!!!!!!!!

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Post by mtmynd » November 4th, 2008, 7:30 pm

O! damn! Guess I need someone to let me know if I repeat a picture. Interested in the job..? The pay is really bad, but the boss is pretty good. ;-)

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Post by Arcadia » November 5th, 2008, 11:15 am

:lol: gracias Cecil, but I already have a boss and I already have a paid-job, it´s enough I guess!!!!!!!! it´s just my terrific visual memory, don´t worry!! :wink:

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Post by mtmynd » November 5th, 2008, 12:57 pm

'V'... your visual memory is something to treasure... use it sparingly and it will last you a lifetime.


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