Sunday Stream (185) ~ Change: one step at a time

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

Moderator: mtmynd

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Post by mnaz » November 12th, 2008, 4:16 pm

mtmynd wrote:Change is usually slow paced, (unless it's immediate as Nature deals, i.e. earthquakes, volcanoes, etc...), by human standards... look at how long progress really takes... so many technological inventions throughout the country's history that too decades to be accepted on a national level. Human nature seems to be suspicious of change, as if it somehow shakes their foundation of belief that we have taken so long to cultivate and accept... and when something new arrives (change) it's a "here we go again just when I was getting used to it..."
Methinks it would be to our considerable advantage to embrace the idea that change should happen sooner rather than later-- something the '60's generation started to bring more into public consciousness. The technology and population explosions of the last 60-70 years in particular are without historical precedent, and seem to call out for a corresponding rise in conscious thought. It would be to our advantage to cast off the dogmas and isms-- what have they done for us lately?

Humanity needs a more collective spiritual evolution (revolution?) to accompany (and counterbalance) the phenomenal intellectual/technological/economic advances, the inherent destruction potential of population growth, and persistent, ongoing religious conflict, wherein a survival paradigm merges more with the whole than individual. I think this outlook applies to just about any "ism" you can name. Greed times many billions is unsustainable. Mega-capitalism/corporatism can only take so much out of the system before the system begins to wane and markets begin to "wither on the vine". I'm sure this has all been said before in similar ways, but anyway... that's my story and I'm sticking to it!!

And yes, nature is suspicious of change, or receptive, in general.

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