Sunday Stream (186) ~ Beyond Mind Games

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Post by stilltrucking » November 29th, 2008, 7:45 pm

I have heard that it has to do with the belief in the resurrection of the body.

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Post by mtmynd » November 29th, 2008, 8:03 pm

The resurrection of the body... That reminds me of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" with all the folks resurrected and dancing around in raggedy clothing, their hair unkempt and the their flesh completely pale and lifeless. No, that is one theory I cannot prescribe to. Once the body dies the flesh wears away or is eaten away and the bones take centuries to decay depending upon the climate. As far as taking the resurrection thing to the point wear some god summoning the believers from their graves and bodily sending them up into some geographical area in the cosmos called heaven to live their lives eternally with this 'him' is, quite frankly, totally unbelievable. If their is such a god and the gender is male, then He gave the human animal a brain to get beyond such mythological Humpty Dumpty nonsense.

How's your health doin', truck?

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Post by stilltrucking » November 30th, 2008, 4:11 am

Humpty Dumpty nonsense
I do not know if you can reason it out Cecil. Resurrection seems about as humpty dumpty to me as some of the things I read about quantum physics.

My health? I have not been smoking much lately and I have been googling the symptoms of pneumonia.
I am still a hypochondriac, still a coward with my eight hundred and twenty seven deaths to go.

Well here it is another Sunday and I am looking forward to another stream.

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Post by mtmynd » November 30th, 2008, 11:59 am

Yup, truck... the humpty dumpty nonsense is not exclusive to our religions... it runs rampant in all philosophies, theories, sciences and even the arts when the attempt to explain them fails miserably... indeed the humpty dumpty nonsense is nothing more than pathetic explanations that barely encompass the real answers.

aye, trucker, 'tis another sunday as i peer out my western window and belch after having a hearty breakfast of 3 corn cakes, 2 small waffles, 2 strips of nuked turkey bacon, lean, and, of course, two freshly brewed cups of joe... andi didn't forget my a.m. allowance of pills either... all is well. now let's see where the stream flows...


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