Sunday Stream (127) ~ one other utter or another

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (127) ~ one other utter or another

Post by mtmynd » June 10th, 2007, 12:36 pm

one other utter or another
(well centered)
* * *


acceptance of


dissipates fear -

the great veil

we weave to mask

the one light

from which we

have all been illumined


(('can't catch death' - richard brautigan))


"gee, ain't it funny, how times just slips away." - willie nelson

+ + + + + +

they reveal


10 june 007
sea creature - an untold story

this is where it all ended, my confrontation with this sea creature. it all began on the 5th day of april... i was strolling holden beach looking south. the day was warm and sunny. i had on my knock-off crocs and walked the edge of the incoming surf. the waters were a bit cool but my feet felt refreshed. i was in the now.

then it happened - seemingly from out of nowhere this strange but colorful creature floated in. it was no more than six feet away from me and i stood mesmerized. slower and slower it approached. i held my foot of the beach, the waters slowly surrounding my ankles. then a sudden wave, three feet high or more, came up unexpectedly and this creature nosed me! i had to do something. i couldn't continue standing statuesque-like before this.... weird, unknown beast from the sea and not return the nosing.

it was now only inches from me. all i had to do was bend over and... and! i tweaked its nose. it was too far to nose it back.

as if startled, it began backing up. slow... slowly...then with those eyes penetrating me, it stopped. i stopped. what would happen next? i kept asking myself. before this over-grown beetle could probably take a bite outta my arm, I leaped towards it, my arms extended outwards like a bird of prey. i tackled this, this... thing and wrestled with it. it's eight legs were flailing and i tried in vane to subdue this creature's will to fight. it quickly flipped me under the cold waters... so fast that before i knew it i had a mouth full of sea water. i had to reach the air. i grabbed the creature and from strength gathered from who knows where, i swung it over and under the waters, my own mouth still full. as it forcibly raised it's head, i spit the salty waters from my full mouth at it's unbelievably happy eyes staring into mine. i wouldn't be tricked. i had to subdue this dude. it was my life or his.

but it's eyes kept looking back at me. i kept my grip - each arm, each hand firmly holding this rubbery creature at bay. that smile on it's face... damn grin. staring with happy eyes, smiling with that playful grin. it drove me crazy. it must be crazy. how could this dummy from the deep keep it's composure in these circumstances?

i didn't have time to answer my last question. as suddenly as lightning strikes, i went out. lights out. nothing to remember. what could have well been hours, i began coming to. the tide rising brought me into consciousness. i was laying prone, my head up against something large and powerful. i reached behind me to feel what it was. it felt like wood. it was wood. i had been swept off my feet by a rogue wave and hurled backwards into this bark-less trunk of a tree. as i reached up over my head my wrist rubbed up against some leathery thing. again i reached back of me and felt this wet leather. no. it was the flesh of the sea creature that i hand been wrestling my life with.

the son-of-a-bitch was just soft, rubbery skin. it had been flattened. i flipped over on my right side, steadying myself with my arm, i slowly got up until i was standing straight and fully conscious. i looked down at this huge tree trunk, some of its roots still attached, three broken areas from the branches that came off it. and there... there laying over the trunk was what once was, the eight-legged sea creature with splinters from the trunk ripped thru his flesh.. the creature was now fully deflated... like its sick ego.

there was nothing i could do. but i couldn't leave him lying there. i looked at it now lifeless body and thought it should be my trophy. i folded him up so i could carry this lifeless, empty bag home.

i hadn't slept well that night. thinking of how close to death i had come, i tossed and i turned thru-out the night as if i were being tossed by the waves that swept me into that tree trunk.

the trunk began rolling in a short back-and-forth motion, left to right. i couldn't keep my eyes off it. then it's remaining roots began moving... swaying, then rotating as if the old trunk was enjoying its life once again.

from under the sands there was a movement. the stirring of sands and something appeared to come out from under those sands. it was a branch from the trunk. it moved over to the trunk and gave it support to stand proud once again. ever so slowly the trunk rose upwards, inching itself as the branch continued to shoulder support to it. with the aid of the roots, they dug into the sand and held on to what i know not. once fully upright, the exact spot where the branch was torn away from the trunk there was a reunion. the branch seemingly jumped in one, perfect and fast leap into where it had been snapped. like it had never happened, there was this buried branch alone and separated from its life-giving trunk, both were now once again one.

"you owe your life to that sea creature" said the trunk. i was speechless. should i talk back to a trunk or was it now a tree?

the tree continued, as if it heard my thoughts, "repair the creature. keep it as a reminder of your struggles with life and death. the joyful, colorful creature with happy eyes and a smiling mouth covered your face from the wave rolling in. one wave threw the creature into my severed branch piercing it's flesh and deflating him. his lifeless body covered your face and kept the sea's waters from choking you."

i just shook my head slowly up and down affirming the comment.

this is the creature, now classified as itsatoy plastisflatum. age: unknown. significant markings: eight mid-sized patches around lower head. length: 48" plus 12" tail.

fyi: if ever confronted by one of these creatures, do not panic. hold your ground (beach) firmly and make an effort to communicate. call the creature 'happy' for this seems to give it an even larger smile. warning: you may be surprised at the goofy looks you get from others. don't let it bother you. look happy.

Last edited by mtmynd on June 11th, 2007, 8:37 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by stilltrucking » June 10th, 2007, 12:52 pm


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Post by WIREMAN » June 10th, 2007, 3:19 pm

Ya made me smile cecil......wired
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by Arcadia » June 10th, 2007, 4:49 pm

well, it looks happier than Nessie!!.
thanks for the stream & the advices, Cecil!!!


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Post by mtmynd » June 12th, 2007, 12:28 pm

truck, wired y arcadia... smiles are contagious (unlike death). gracias! it seemed like a good day for a light dip into the stream... ticklin' my feet. :wink:

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