Sunday Stream (158) ~ The New Pilgrim Age

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (158) ~ The New Pilgrim Age

Post by mtmynd » April 13th, 2008, 11:23 am

The New Pilgrim Age
A "Pilgrim" is defined as :
1) A religious devotee who journeys to a shrine or sacred place.
2) One who embarks on a quest for something conceived of as sacred.
3) A traveler.

This sacred place need not be a geographical location but an experience within a frame of mind... a mind trip, if you will. But the commonality of definitions is searching. Today's internet allows us to search out information more than we've ever been able to do in the history of our humanity. With our searches we are able to find common ground in ways that were unknown to us even 20-25 years ago. There are people worldwide that share with others what the seeker may have thought was only their own mystery. This is the New Pilgrim Age.

Which brings me to a website that I found very interesting : ... aviour.htm
Anyone that is sexually curious, (and who amongst us isn't?), would find this link an eye-opener on many levels. It is here that today's Stream began its course...

From a link within, an article in the Afrol News :
26 May - A new tool by Google reveals how Africans use the Internet. Not being a surprise, "sex" is one of the most searched words in the Internet, but it may come as an embarrassment to many Muslim countries that their citizens are the world's most frequent digital sex searchers; in particular North Africans. But also in sub-Saharan Africa, "sex" is among the most popular searches.
So Muslim countries are the world's most frequent digital sex searchers. How interesting. No doubt because they just may be the most sexually repressed.

The internet exposes most everything, if not all. With the computer plugged in to the internet, hu'manity seems to reveal much about itself that would otherwise be hidden behind closed doors. As Kinsey exposed the sexual habits of the Americans in the fifties, Google's contribution to the most interesting subject in the world strips the veil of taboo more than any other medium to date.
Even homosexuality, which is illegal in most Muslim and African countries, spurs much interest in Muslim Africa.
What Freudian mind wouldn't find that quote, not only fascinating, but important given the fact of what Muslim Africa actually preaches... gives the impression of 'their' followers and to their followers.

This article continues to reveal -
While the search word "gay" is dominated by Latin Americans, it is mainly Filipinos and Saudi Arabians looking for "gay sex".
So Latin America, i.e., South America, is part of the world scene exploring the internet with the same fervor that the rest of the world does.

One thing the internet searches cannot reveal is the age or gender of these 'searchers.' In more likelihood it would be those with the strongest flow of testosterones rushing thru their veins... those whose hormones are engulfing the minds and bodies, controlling their behaviors, their imaginations, their curiosities. From teenage years thru the 30's, 40's and ??? Does the curiosity of sex ever extinguish itself? Only the reader can honestly answer that. But for myself, sex is always interesting despite my age.

Age may diminish the frequency of sexual desire, but if the interest ever completely vanishes the life force that burns within may as well be extinguished too. It's as I wrote in last week's Stream, "Creative Fires Burn for Life" and no matter what sexuality may inspire in the imagination, it's all a search for completeness that will continue in some way or the other until the embers of desire grow cold.

There is little difference between sexuality and creativity. As it is written in Genesis : "In the beginning God created..." These five words can stand alone and speak volumes. In that same book it is also written : "God created man in his own image," which would follow that mankind is also a creator.
- Hearth Earth -

where life
hangs around
[note: for the complete Afrol News article - ]

13 april 2008
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H2O, too
The colorful, comical, cacophonous variety of worldly life that surrounds us...[/center]

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Post by Arcadia » April 13th, 2008, 4:25 pm

hola, pilgrim!!!!!!! :)

thanks for the stream & the beautiful painting!!!!!!! the site seems interesting, I´ll wander there later!!!!!!.



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Post by mnaz » April 13th, 2008, 7:54 pm

funny... just watched that classic J.Wayne Western "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" a short while ago... "Easy there, pilgrim!"...

Incredible time to be alive! Can the momentous breakthrough of unprecedented ready access to information at all points far and wide win the close race against the inertia of centuries of reproducing mass ignorance? Excellent post, Cecil.

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Post by mtmynd » April 14th, 2008, 12:01 pm

Hola, Arcadia! Gracias! Como esta su vida loca? :wink:

mnaz... thanks for stopping in. "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" is a movie I have not seen in many years. But I do remember the song, (which I presume was in the movie..?) by Gene Pitney. I had that album when the movie came out. !!!

" the close race against the inertia of centuries of reproducing mass ignorance?"

Doth ask way too much for our species, do you not believe? :lol:

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Post by mnaz » April 14th, 2008, 8:39 pm

Yezz... a hurried statement, no doubt. Just think of the exponential human population explosion in just the last century or so... Humanity must get much more "savvy" in general about coexisting and surviving on this taxed planet upon which pretty much every corner is "filled in" now. Many of the centuries-old paradigms such as assumed regular cycles of military aggression, religion-based ignorance and violence, and unlimited planet rape for profit become much greater potential threats when multiplied by more and more mass millions and ongoing proliferation of our old friend, "W M D's", etc., etc., etc. Yezz... That's my story and I'm stickin' to it. "Valance" is a hell of a movie, btw... it has Jimmy Stewart as the Eastern greenhorn lawyer and Lee Marvin as Valance, the heavy...

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Post by mtmynd » April 15th, 2008, 8:19 am

"Many of the centuries-old paradigms such as assumed regular cycles of military aggression, religion-based ignorance and violence, and unlimited planet rape for profit become much greater potential threats when multiplied by more and more mass millions and ongoing proliferation of our old friend, "W M D's", etc., etc., etc."

Well put. There appears now way outta the trap we're caught in, a trap conceived by ourselves, for ourselves and against ourselves. Our dualities are our sentence for life, locked up in our earthly cell until death opens the escape hatch for our liberation from this and that from which we struggle against the two forces to continue the spark of our (so called) intelligence from dulling our potential to beautify our stupidity. Ah, man! How fucked we are, truly.

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Post by mnaz » April 15th, 2008, 2:10 pm

As the population soars, individual and collective survival merge more closely together, and competing, energy-hungry "empires" can only take so much from the system before the system starts to collapse from the ground up...

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Post by mtmynd » April 16th, 2008, 7:47 am

"as the population soars...the system starts to collapse from the ground up..."

the system's collapse will make room for a system more suitable for the soaring population. an alternative form(s) of energy is necessary to cope with the additional burden necessary for this exploding population. if not found, negativity in many forms will abound... witness the food revolution today where the prices have soared beyond the reach of many. food is the primal form of energy for any life form. if that is not fulfilled... (we know the answer to that).

after alternative energy, the next social problem would be the present day worldwide economic systems do not satisfactorily contribute to the welfare of mankind ... too much room for greed to siphon off finances which in turn reduce the likelihood of others to use those finances for their own well-being. In this period of the 'new millennium' many changes are happening, many of which need to occur to benefit humanity in toto. If this is not addressed, humanity will largely suffer.

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Post by mnaz » April 16th, 2008, 5:01 pm

Yes. The greed-based, exploitive empire mentality in general must gradually yield to a more enlightened, whole-earth-based mindset as this century unfolds, or we will converge toward a point of near-continual resource wars and pervasive human misery. The divide and conquer manifestos must transition into more inclusive and equitable visions. Such things as "Project for a New American Century" demagoguery must evolve into more generalized solutions for planetary security and health. Well, this is the basic idea, at least.

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Post by mtmynd » April 16th, 2008, 5:44 pm

Powerful dialog, mnaz. yeppur! can't disagree with what you've written. Onward with the 'New Pilgrim-age' for all mankind, lest we destroy each other for no rational reason!

"Well, this is the basic idea, at least."

This last line lightened up the heavy tone... brought me a smile.


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Post by mnaz » April 17th, 2008, 12:10 am

Yes. Interesting write, Cecil-- about how instant global internet access to data amounts to a global and/or cultural equalizer of sorts (albeit far from a perfect fount of illumination)-- a dispeller of long-held myths, propaganda, and fear of the unknown. Powerful stuff, it seems.

My observations are very general here; "off-the-cuff", so to speak. Seems to me that in general, populations (or large sub-populations therein) cannot multiply indefinitely within a closed system at constant or increasing consumption rates without running up on enforced natural constraints. The US wants the rest of the world to become more capitalist/consumer- based like itself (be careful what you wish for), but I'm not so sure that ol' Mother Earth would be so enthusiastic about that prospect... Ahh well...

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Post by mtmynd » April 17th, 2008, 12:44 am

"The US wants the rest of the world to become more capitalist/consumer- based like itself (be careful what you wish for), but I'm not so sure that ol' Mother Earth would be so enthusiastic about that prospect..."

Mother Earth is very giving, but a capitalist/consumer based world would piss off 'ye ol' wise one." Knowing she couldn't keep up with all our wants would overwhelm her.... especially since 'she' only provides needs.

Thx for the interest in this Stream. I think we should enjoy the freedom of information the internet provides. I feel the day will come (in our lifetime), when that freedom will cost us dearly, perhaps too much for the common folk. Again, that insidious 'hyper-capitalism' raising its greedy head. Boo! But of course the Muslim world may stifle their people's interest, too, not unlike the might Chinese. Double Boo!

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