Sunday Stream (167) ~ Time Out... Way Out

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (167) ~ Time Out... Way Out

Post by mtmynd » June 15th, 2008, 1:10 pm

Time Out... Way Out

I find myself contemplating time. Not just the word but it's essence. Does time even have an essence? No time to explore that yet. Next time.

We do everything within time. Even a time out allows us the same time to do something else while the time out expires, Time out is a limited amount of time.

How much time do I spend doing things, sleeping, washing, cooking, creating, reading, watching television, meditating, organizing, gardening... damn! where does all this time come from? Spending time like it was easily replaceable. Does time pay ever pay me back? Does time give loans so we can repay it plus interest?

Time is forever current but is it currency? I don't have time for questions like that! Time does not allow it. Time wants me to do so much more... all this time demanding attention! Who does tiem think it is?

Time is conceptual... to a degree. If our measurement of time is based on the rising morning sun and the setting sun, we do what we can and must within the amount of light this time allows. That is not so conceptual as it is factual. That time is very closely 'now based' and now is 'limited timelessness.' When NOW is experienced we now have no measurement of time during NOW. When we become aware of being in the NOW then our time begins then NOW conceptually ends. Again.

Even though our time begins again, like awakening in the morning after an good night's sleep, time seemingly again begins. But time is always... it's perpetual. But we are not perpetual. Our mind's are not perpetual. Our mind's are limited by a given amount of time to be what we, i.e. our egos, do. Time to move on...

Time is measurement. We measure our doings. We measure our happenings. We measure our gains and we measure our loses. We measure our pleasure. We measure our pain and discomfort. "How long will this go on..?"

How many times (!) have we circled the sun? We call that time 'years' and that is really important! We measure the amount of wealth we attain within a given amount of time. But we become transfixed upon the amount and not the time. We don't have time to dwell on time. Time, as we all know is limited. Why waste our precious time worrying about something that always is and will always be? Do you really have time for that??

Our human conception of time is actually very tiny. Sure we use our telescopes to gaze out into the wonders of space. But how many times we go around the sun is absolutely meaningless to the universe. Comparing the life of a fly with the life of the Sun may suggest the discrepancy between what we view time to be (how we calculate time), in comparison to the amount of time based on something non-heliocentric. Not even our own Milky Way galaxy's spinning is of any great importance in the entire known and unknown universal scheme of things.

Our neighboring galaxy, the Andromeda spins. How long do these two galaxies, out of the millions, take to spin a 360 degree circle? It never returns to a known spot. The Universe spins and spirals never returning to where it once was, each spin but yet another journey into infinite space.

Our measurement of time is good for nothing other that our mind's workings. The life of our planet is but a flashing moment when we conceive of the entire universe spinning around some conceptualized center, expanding outwards on what our mind conceives as an eternal voyage of movement, change, creation and destruction.

Over there, on the lower, right edge of the universe... see that faint little glow...? Yeah! That us. Well not really us but that's our galaxy, the Milky Way. Somewhere within that insignificant glow is our own Sun. We can only imagine it from here, but our planet Earth is spinning around that Sun, each complete revolution we earthlings call a year. Measurement? Our minds can pop off incredibly large numbers using hundreds, thousands and more zeros to attempt an explanation of time 'out there'... but it's a mind's game. We are captured by mind. Mind usually gets it's way in the final analysis. But mind is limiting. Mind is not timeless. We cannot comprehend a different concept of time until we go beyond mind time. Mind can add those zeros but mind cannot convincingly go beyond time. To go beyond time requires going beyond mind.

Time. Mind. Two as One. Without time no mind. Without mind no time. Mind created the concept of time beyond the sunrise and sunset, the moon phases, the revolution around our Sun. Mind created the numerical breakdown between these earthy phenomenon The seconds. Why is a second a second long? Could we change the distance between each second to, say a second and a quarter? Would that give us more time... or shorter time? Our physical being would not be affected by a change in our conception of time. A minute is sixty of those seconds. A minute is totally reliant upon a second. It cannot exist with an accumulation of seconds. But how are seconds accumulated without measurement? They're not. That's mind game.

Sixty minutes make our hour. No hours without seconds. Thirty-six hundred seconds. Mind made those seconds. Don't think for a second that seconds were always here. Moments have always been. But seconds are a way to measure moments. So is time. Time is the measurement of moments.. moment by moment could equal second by second, minute by minute, year by year, depending on the perspective mind is using to measure. But measurement of time has it's beginnings in second(s). A blink of the eye... less than a second. Heartbeat? Less than a second. Snap of the finger... possibly. Depending on the urgency to snap the finger. No time for that. Time is limited. Streams are limited. I just can't flow and flow and flow and flow... there isn't time set aside (can we really set time aside?) for using later. Time is linear. Time does not go backwards. Our minds can re-create happenings based upon memory, but mind cannot physically bring back time... only memories. Time goes in one direction : in a three-dimensional, 360 degree outward direction. Time is not our time, only our measurement of moments. All time. We cannot isolate our time and say it does not go in that direction. Our time is part and parcel of the universal moment occurring in space NOW, eternally NOW. Galactic time is happening as Earth time is happening, but to view that in earthly measurement of seconds, years, decades (10 spins around the Sun)... is not relevant in Galactic Time. Nor is Galactic Time relevant to Universal Time. There is no time Universally. The Universe is in perpetual motion that is eternally NOW... never was, never shall be, but continuous NOW.. The universe does not have time. NOW is timeless.

Time and Space? If we are cognizant of time we are not fully in the Now. Being in the NOW is timeless. Being in the NOW plugs being into the Space beyond mind. NOW is without limits or limitation. NOW is infinite. NOW is Pure Consciousness where mind steps off the wheel of life transcended into the Eternal Bliss. Time & Space...? Necessary stepping stones to NOW... the journey we must eventually take in our live's time.

Time for me to bring this to a close. I've run out of time... time for this. I've reserved some time for other things today. Time will tell how the time will turn out, but I trust in time to be kind and gentle, as if time had any emotions like that! Time has no time for itself. Time gives expecting nothing in return. NOW that is timeless advice! I should follow that!!

15 june 2008
Self-Portrait of an Empty Mind

cecil 5.31.08
Last edited by mtmynd on June 16th, 2008, 12:08 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Lightning Rod » June 15th, 2008, 1:39 pm

Time is forever current but is it currency?
the expression, 'wasting time' has always slightly puzzled me.
I think that it is arrogant to think that we can 'waste time'

time goes on regardless of how we use it

nice, thoughtful stream as always, cec (you purty thing)
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Post by mtmynd » June 15th, 2008, 1:51 pm

i agree, eLRod... the word time does have some odd uses. waste time? spend time? too much or too little..? time is always, period. (insert smiley emoticon here)

... and "you purty thing" ... i thought you'd never notice. damn, you've got good taste. (insert laughing emoticon here)

... but "nice, thoughtful stream as always, cec".. that was the best. thank you kindly, amigo. (fuck any emoticons here)


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Post by Artguy » June 15th, 2008, 3:03 pm

Ya what the hell is waisting time it is all time used....well used is purely subjective...some of my best moments have been wasted on painting, meditating...watching bugs bunny...or just hanging out in the garden...I really like the title of Dylans' album "Time Out Of Mind"....

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Post by mtmynd » June 15th, 2008, 4:19 pm

artguy : "some of my best moments have been wasted on painting, meditating...watching bugs bunny...or just hanging out in the garden..."

what a waste. painting? meditating? shame. bugs bunny? no hope for you, Kurt. watching the garden grow? where do you get off with that? if only your wife knew this before she married you... wow! :lol:

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Post by panta rhei » June 15th, 2008, 4:28 pm

when we create
when we make love
when we watch a sunset
when we play music
we have the world concentrated
in one focus
we are whole
one with the now
one with eternity

this extented NOW
lasting in a mysterious way
is what comes closest to a
miniaturized eternity

a paradox:
compressed extension

for future and past and all their possibilities
coil and twine into a tangle of time
which can be compressed to the moment called NOW
compressed until it dissappears

until it takes up no space
takes up no time

and beyond space
and time
it is free
to be all

... is the NOW the compression of all NOW's that have been and will be?
or does it just include all our illusions of time?

we measure time while it is passing
but how can we measure the moment
as it doesn't occupy a period of time
as it doesn't last?

we measure time in certain extensions
but what exactly are we trying to measure?

the future, from which time emerges?
but we cannot measure what hasn't been yet

the present that takes up no space?
but we cannot measure what has no extension

the past into which time vanishes?
but we cannot measure what isn't anymore

NOW inheres all
but also has no extension
is nothing
is the void

it is not even a fixation, a focal point, a defined moment of time
(cause where to define it?)

but is constantly changing and always the same
stagnant and transient

NOW is the transition
the horizon, the in-between
the not yet and not anymore
the moment between breathing in and breathing out
and even more
and even less

the past contains the being of what has been
which must not be reduced to what we remember;
for what has been and, without leaving discernible traces,
has been forgotten by everyone
has been nevertheless
and will forever be BEEN


if the past is not of irrevocable nature
if its unalterability is changing by the history we tell
and we can make it whatever we want -
then memories of the past might be desires of the future
and preceding experiences might be nothing but dreams
and possibilities still to come


if there is something like fate
if the way we walk is already marked
linear, predestined
then past and future are timewise equivalent and
as much real as the NOW
all of them existing at the same time


a simultaneous existence in time
throws us back to the only reality we have:
the NOW in an empty space
and we are creating our way
with every step we take

future solely comprises possibilities
it can either be understood as a homogenuous continuation
of the past being or as an empty space
for whatever may come

as a limited open space of potentialities
before the present decision
restricted to the logical consequences of our actions

or as a determined part of a predestined fate
traced out ever since
no matter what we do

but it could also be pure arbitrariness
sheer coincidence
in the void of the illusions of time

and presence!

the moment of our only true meeting with the world
the moment of our ascent towards being by means of freedom

what the world is and what i am
might be a result of the past or
of my imagination or of a strange chance
or even of fate;

but what i can make it, hic et nunc, is depending on nobody
but myself, is coming into being
through myself, an absolute presence created
by myself

crossways through time towards this flash of light:
the moment that is eternity

it is music we need
or love or a sunset or wine
to return to the NOW, the only raft we can float on
through the endless sea of imaginary time and space

yet if we dare to let go
our borders of space and time and mind
we can slip in anytime
slip into the in-between
where all
awaits us

ETERNITY is NOW is forever!

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Post by mtmynd » June 15th, 2008, 4:45 pm

seven years and nothing has changed but the date -
this is a timeless thought, a timeless write,
a poem worth reminding all who care to be aware
of forever... just beyond all recognizable thought
but clear enough to discern the truth on the
other side of mind's construction of concepts
measured and duly notated but never fully true
for truth is boundless and endless, the all of all
the nothing but nothing transcending past, present
and any future mind may desire for ego's satisfaction
the primal scream that yearns to know eternal eternity.

thanks Panta and so good to see your words again!

hugs and bows, dear one.


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Post by WIREMAN » June 15th, 2008, 9:03 pm

all i can say is......"Tick-Tock"

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Post by mtmynd » June 15th, 2008, 11:55 pm

tick tock, like yin yang, sounds good!

thx, wired!

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Post by Arcadia » June 16th, 2008, 11:12 am

I find myself contemplating time what an interesting way to start a relato!!!!!! :)

And I find myself contemplating your face!!!!!!! :lol: So beautiful, thanks for sharing it along with the stream!!!!!!!



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Post by mtmynd » June 16th, 2008, 4:16 pm

Arcadia : "... I find myself contemplating your face!!!!!!! So beautiful..."

WoW! amiga mia... your words caused me to blush (sonrojo ?) ! :lol:

Muchas gracias a usted!

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Post by Dave The Dov » June 16th, 2008, 5:54 pm

To quote the Vaughan Brothers (Stevie Ray and Jimmie) Tick tock tick tock tick tock people. Time ticking away.
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Post by mtmynd » June 16th, 2008, 6:25 pm

DtD : "Time ticking away."

I'll have to ask Jimmie about that... time never goes away, does it? The only thing that goes away is that incessant ticking... when the clock breaks! :lol:
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Post by Artguy » June 16th, 2008, 7:02 pm

...Or when the alarm goes off and wakes me from lifes' magic sleep...

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Post by mtmynd » June 16th, 2008, 7:32 pm

hey Kurt

i use an alarm once a week... 4:30am for the little show at the farmer's market. it's one of those really annoying buzzzzzzzzzzz things that force me to shut the damn thing off.

What's strange is Soo is already awake and having her first cuppa... she lets me sleep in. :)

one of these days i'll learn to not use the alarm and use my internal alarm... more reliable and much quieter once i have faith in it.

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