Sunday Stream (171) ~ GoZen Round

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (171) ~ GoZen Round

Post by mtmynd » July 13th, 2008, 11:46 am

Sunday Stream (171) - GoZen Round

GoZen Round
”Who says my poems are poems?
These poems are not poems.
When you can understand this,
then we can begin to speak of poetry.”

- Ryokan

(If you understand they are not poetry...) – if we get beyond the definition of poetry, if we stop using our concept of poetry, whatever we were conditioned and taught to think poetry was/is and simply go into the place that it speaks of... allowing the words, like paint, to create the canvas on a blank slate of the imagination... (...then you see the poetry) The rhythm, the flow, the pulse bringing to life the words... those utterances from within, passing thru the throat, vibrating sounds that convey feelings... understanding, knowing, communicating with fellow beings in order to also be, becomes the poetry.

The written word is the transference of our utterances into symbols representing those sounds. The art is not in the words chosen, but words placed... a mental path directing the reader thru the world the writer is visualizing. Between each word is space, just as each word we say out loud is defined by the emptiness between each sound. We read, we hear our minds speaking each word that we see, but there is no sound... only the quite sound within. We speak to and listen to our inner silence, but silence is an incorrect word, isn’t it? We do ‘hear’ our thoughts, but without sound. We ‘talk’ in thought, speaking like we do on the ‘outside’, but those words we speak – they are spoken without sound. But we ‘hear’ those sounds, we put inflections, (emotions), to those un-spoken words.

We do not speak in silence, but speak quietly within silence. Silence is not simply the absence of sound, but the space between sound, the eternal silence that contains matter, sound, thought... all things. The poetry of life, a poetic way of attempting to define the experience. Without silence there would be no thing.

Silence births existence. Within silence burns the smokeless flame – the eternal Light, radiating in full giving, expecting nothing in return, but simply illuminating, illuminating, illuminating. How can we relate an experience larger than Mind? The experience, the realization happens outside Mind. Mind is limited in understanding. That is why mind performs... it has a need to know, because mind doesn’t know. Mind never learns every thing. It would not be Mind if it did. ind wasn’t given to man to know all, but to understand our life, our survival... our potential. Imagine if Mind knew it all – it would cease functioning, its purpose fulfilled.

We are still evolving. Mind assists us to evolve. We have a long way to go. We are a dust mote in the universe on a journey that we attempt to understand. How many of us are guilty of spending too much time trying to know and not enough time simply enjoying? Our egos are so excitable... the information overload in our society pumping out facts and figures, needs and desires, religions and philosophies... billions of words pumped out daily, worldwide, to educate, entertain and enlighten our lives. It’s amazing that we can put words together that are able to identify ourselves. Out of all the words used, it is the placement and the choice together with the word and the silence between that defines us, making that ego-life, which is our own identity, our own potential, our authenticity.

We are all unique amongst ourselves, just as in nature no one flower is identical to another, no tree sharing the same space as another, no river the same as another. Even oceans share the same waters but have a unique space which is there own identity. Only one earth, one solar system as this, within one constellation... unique with it's own identity. Mind calls this amazing thing ‘amazing’... another may call it ‘a mystery’ or ‘wonderful.’ Thousands of words in every language.... each description unique.

Do we have any choice in being anything but ourselves? Choice is not what we are, but what we do. This is what we are given at the moment of birth, we grow and become what we are born to be by doing. This doing is initially instinctive before we become socialized. We have choices, we have directions, we have things we must do, things we enjoy, things we endure, things we build and destroy – taking from one to make another, transference of matter into another purpose. All Life does this. Transforming, growing, reproducing... within Life we give, within Life we take. Matter, thought, emotion, each expressing its being through the tools of the matter it inhabits... life changing as it will as it does.


it is not the wheel
but the center of
the wheel
that takes us on
our journey

the center of being
where our force
drives us to
our potential

each moment
a pulse
between the
silent calm

its purpose
its being
always for good
for us to become
that which we are
within our center

where all things
have come
and all things
shall return

goZen round
and round and round
the wheel
we go
into being

a poem
what life
is giving

13 july 2008
[originally written 02 may 2004... tweaked for today]

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Post by stilltrucking » July 13th, 2008, 12:48 pm

Nice banner for this stream


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> center



Good morning Cecil(it is actually night now this a late edit)

GoZen Round
Hard for me to comment on art
but I sure like seeing it

tanks for another fine sunday morning
Last edited by stilltrucking on July 14th, 2008, 1:01 am, edited 8 times in total.

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Post by westcoast » July 13th, 2008, 1:23 pm

a wonderful re mind ing, cecil :)
How many of us are guilty of spending too much time trying to know and not enough time simply enjoying?
yes, years spent in the pain of it - then the freedom! oh, the freedom!!
Choice is not what we are, but what we do.

couldn't agree more. courage is the same: the acts undertaken, however small.


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Post by mnaz » July 14th, 2008, 1:48 am

I never stopped to think about it, but yes, I suppose we do "hear" our thoughts. (And since I live alone now, sometimes I'll actually talk them out)...

"We are a dust mote in the universe..." That should keep us humble enough! I wrote something similar.. "I live on a complex speck that would lay claim to its heavens.." (commenting on sectarian strife).

The GoZen Round looks positively spring-loaded...

Enjoyed, Cecil.

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Post by Arcadia » July 14th, 2008, 1:58 pm

beautiful stream, Cecil!!!!!
gracias & saludos!!!!!!! :)

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Post by SmileGRL » July 14th, 2008, 4:14 pm

i write poetry. i aM poetry
i'm the words & the meanings, the rhythm & the rhyme
cecil... the part about seeing the poetry when you let go of the definition, and just enjoy it (rhythm & rhyme, words & empty sounds), just spoke to my soul today. isn't it so true that we only fully enjoy art when we let go of our expectations of what it's supposed to be. the above quote is from a "poem" i wrote called "like a herb" and until today i didn't even want to define it as a poem, because i thought it was too clumsy to be called a poem. it started as this idea of i am a paradox, a mixture of human & godess, both a positive & a negative, etc... and then i ran with it like the wild child i sometimes am and just wrote everything down that came into my head...and the result was something i couldn't call a poem. it was just "too much" and sure i could probably edit it until it "looked" like a poem, but i've been reluctant to do so for some reason. my point being...maybe if i stop expecting it to be a poem, i can finally enjoy it.

like you said :mrgreen:

b.t.w. love the art. it looks very zen! :wink:

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Post by mtmynd » July 15th, 2008, 5:17 pm

hi Jack... that sunflower is from our sunflower forest. we call it that because it's never been larger than it is now... and taller. Soo planted some new types and we have quite a mix... and they are doing really great. it makes us happy to visit them daily... along with the food garden, of course. Thx for stopping in.


Hi, Janet! I'm more than happy to have re-mind-ed you, and especially happy to see those two quotes meant something to you. Good sign. Always good to see your replies. Thanks for dropping in! ((hug))


Ahh, 'nazzer', my man! something worthy of a quote but my memory fails me right now, but perhaps you've heard it (and more than once) - great minds think alike. Indeed no matter how large we see ourselves, it's only that damned ego being challenged by the true enormity of IT all. It's healthy to reduce our ego once in awhile, if not more often... takes the burden of unrealistic goals off the shoulders. ( i do remember your write on that. great as always, amigo!). Thx for the visit. I enjoyed it. ((smile))


Amiga mia, "V" !! muchas gracias para los palabras buenos. me gusta mucha cuando yo ver usted tu sonrie! ((otra sonrie para usted!)) [excuse the weak espanol, si? jaja!]


smileGRL - howdy friend! I enjoy your thoughtful replies. You seem to understand the Steams so very well. It can certainly be problematic this writing and giving it names (other than titles). Poetry and what it is has been debated for probably as long as theres been writers.... each with their own definition. Format? no always. If it looks like poetry chances are that is what the writer meant, altho not everybody will recognize a poem if they see one if it wasn't for the short lines stacked in different ways, all adding to the feel of the writing that not only looks like poetry but sounds like poetry when read aloud. Some may even say there is no poetry but there is poetics.. no unlike the idea that there is no God but there is a godliness. Both are very human qualities and along with many others they all add to the overall beauty of life.

Your words needn't have a formatted term applied to them as long as the words were written with naked emotion. That is, after all, the only authentic path that should be used for any writing (or any art for that matter!), by judgment of the artist and the viewer.

Thx, 'mj' and i really did get carried away with this! ((haha!))

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Post by WIREMAN » July 15th, 2008, 10:33 pm

ryocan the "fool".....ya knows i love him favorite story about him was when he was playing hide and seek with the local kids and hid in a haystack....the farmer found him there the next morn and he asked...'are the children still looking for me?"....he also would let the bamboo grow thru the roof of his hut, burning holes in the ceiling for it to shoot thru, in fact he accidently burned his hut down doing it's time to read the stream...
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by SmileGRL » July 16th, 2008, 3:41 pm

cecil, the other day my friend john said he doesn't want to talk my ear (eye) off and i said it's okay, iF i'm allowed to do the same...haha. so, i won't mind that you got carried away if you don't mind that i did...:mrgreen:

as for poetry and and let live, yes? both humans/gods & poems, be what it may and let it fall where it's welcome :wink:

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Post by mtmynd » July 16th, 2008, 4:34 pm

hey, wired! nice seeing you around these parts. Great story about Ryokan, the fool. A cultrual thing, I reckon, that the Japanese have a love for fools. Goes hand-in-hand with something Osho once said that has stuck with me... I'll paraphrase - Fools trust everyone and give to all whenever asked and most of all the Fool trusts in Trust.

Some fascinating Crazy Clouds in Zen literature... as you know. ((wink))


smileGRL - "... as for poetry and and let live, yes?"

absolutely, my friend. there's more poetry than meets the eye. ((haha!))

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