Sunday Stream (174) ~ Hearing Om - Seeing Light

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (174) ~ Hearing Om - Seeing Light

Post by mtmynd » August 3rd, 2008, 12:26 pm

Hearing Om - Seeing Light
Hu'man hearing ranges somewhere within 15 to 20,000 cycles (waves) a second depending on age and health. But what we hu'mans hear is not all the sound that there is to hear. Far from it.

We all know that our four-legged pets, dogs and cats, hear things we don't when they stir and stare in the direction of that something we don't see, hear or know what it is they are seeing or hearing.

It is said that if we could hear all the sound that is being made every second, every minute, every hour of every day, we could quite possibly go mad. Sound is the result of matter in constant change on every level there is matter. In other words, when seen through a electron microscope, the minute forms of life wiggling around, splitting and dividing, recreating and dying... all this is making a sound. They are not operating in complete silence. The range of hu'man hearing cannot hear on this microcosmic level.

Conversely, when the Hubble telescope sends back pictures of the far distant galaxies that reveal such enormously fascinating pictures of worlds being destroyed and created, we do not hear the sounds the universe is making. We can only imagine the volume there would be as stars collide into each other or galaxies are swallowed by black holes - hear them scream as they vanish into the black, mysterious holes that have no end to their hunger.

Our hearing is limited to our hu'manness. What we are is limited by what our senses perceive. We can only smell what our hu'man capabilities allow us to smell.

This continues on with all the senses which include see, touch and taste. They are only as sensitive as our hu'man limitations allow. We have gotten a bit further with that by using certain tools that expand those limitations, but not all of us have that access, not even think it necessary in our daily living. Our five senses are usually enough to do our survival gig with enough for a bit of fun and enjoyment along the way.

Despite this knowledge of the limits of our senses, we do not accept this hu'man shell the life force inhabits is not the divine and wholly as the consciousness that dwells within us all. That pure consciousness is what every thing exists within. The ethereal and eternal womb of life from which all is born and all will return... including atoms and galaxies and all in between.

Pure consciousness is where thoughts have come from, where all ideas and all things and stuff and life forms and matter... so much matter that it takes a universe to contain it. But what contains this infinite universe is Pure Consciousness. The universe is a mote sailing within the eye of universal purity of consciousness... and all life, not simply the ego of hu'manity, but all life and all that life lives upon and survives from, is but due to Pure Consciousness, the divine of divinity that is origin of One Light that passes it's Light to all Life and beyond.

Pure Consciousness is the symbol of Yin/Yang that contains not only Light but the No-Light that defines both the darkness and the illuminated. Pure Consciousness is the non-judgmental force that gives duality, yin and yang, simultaneously and asks for nothing in return.

The word, Om (Aum) is said to be the universal sound of all matter vibrating in eternal unison... the Symphony of the Universe. Those that can perceive this one sound are said to be face-to-face with the One Light emanating within Pure Consciousness... what the wise call Self Realization, the Godhead, Nirvana, Heaven, The Great Spirit, The Christ, the Buddha Within, Allah, Yahweh, Dios, the Absolute and many other words that come out of this divine experience that transcends the ego life.

No matter what word or words are chosen to speak of this Pure Consciousness, the fact is no words can contain the infinite bliss that comes with the realization. No words can fully capture the Absolute trapping the Great Spirit within our hu'man limitations. It is folly to speak for the Infinite and foolish to not pass the Light of the Infinite.

03 august 2008
inner-galactic spud muttons dreaming à deux


photo & photoplay: cecil
Last edited by mtmynd on March 20th, 2010, 6:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Artguy » August 3rd, 2008, 12:49 pm

I am without words for this one so I refer you to this... ... 6d4cfec992

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Post by mtmynd » August 3rd, 2008, 1:26 pm

fun poem, that is, and thank you, kurt, for the turn on. enjoyed!

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Post by WIREMAN » August 3rd, 2008, 2:51 pm

i'll comment on the writing later when i gots more time.....the photo play is delightful......let's have an online show......????....they are the coolest.....i love these puters and learn more all the time.....till a lil later cecil.....
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by stilltrucking » August 3rd, 2008, 3:57 pm

Cecil wrote:
It is said that if we could possibly hear all the sound that is being made every second, every minute, every hour of every day, we would quite possibly go mad.
I liked this constantine poem a lot
Not sure if it relates but it seems we are so overstimulated, so little silence left to us to listen to OM.

thanks for passing on your light Cecil.

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Post by mtmynd » August 3rd, 2008, 4:05 pm

good idea, wired. i like that,

truck... you know, i need to pull one of those 'possibly's" out of that paragraph.... i don't like having two possibly's so close together. it makes me uncomfortable. thx for bringing it to my attention. amigo.

... a great big YES for that poem! i love that one. i must have missed it. maybe i should tell constantine something and bring that up top for awhile. whatcha think?

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Post by stilltrucking » August 3rd, 2008, 8:13 pm

closest thing I have ever had to a guru is my big brother who I call the jitterbug. When anyone asks him,
"whatcha think"
He always answers, "as little as possible"

as for bringing it to your attention,
I missed that too, I think you are right, "could hear" is better text than "possibly could hear"The possibly I was zoning in on is the "possibly mad"

Oh Cecil i wish a i had a tape of the moaning droan of a big dieslel mile after mile, after mile--- after the first million miles your very atoms vibrate to it. It is the sound of OM.

I been listening to these over and over tonight, the closest I can get to the vibration . I got so many loud ambient noises here. Jet fighters, police cars and EMS, and trains going by like temple bells. Then all the whrrrs, clicks, beeps of my life support systems here in my little shack by the railroad tracks, a hundred yards off the end of the main run way of the AFB just on the other side of the tracks.

Home sweet home.
just another crib
other than the noises and the electric lights that blot out the stars, I can sometimes catch the scent of a sea breeze blowing in from the third coast of the united states.

I just been commententing on the words,
if I had a million years I could not comment on the artwork
just made me happy to see it.

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Post by mtmynd » August 3rd, 2008, 8:51 pm

my brother is also older than me... by 10 years. our relationship is non-existent since our mother passed in '03. prior to that the relationship was strained and pitiful, to say the least. so when i hear that anyone has good to great relations with their brothers and sisters, it almost brings be to a complete halt while i try to imagine what that would be like. i am unable.

truck, amigo, i don't want to think you live in complete and isolated squalor. that is a sad and dark picture enhanced by your descriptive words of where you live. but in redemption, the two youtube links you provided briought me, as i know it must bring you, a sense of auditorial beauty as good music will always do. no matter how one lives, richly or poorly or any of the thousands of inbetweens, powerfully emotional music erases all these things and gives the listener an internal beauty that transcends the material world and touches upon the spiritual. thank you for sharing those. (a peanut butter sandwich and tea is a good, non-violent meal that enhances the meaning of life)

"if I had a million years I could not comment on the artwork just made me happy to look at it."

happy is good. i couldn't ask for a more honest comment. no need to elaborate or make words that are shallow and empty... "made me happy" is the best. again, thank you.

you have this knack to draw words outta me and that makes me happy.

i'm gonna let your eyes and head go now.

... i appreciate your replies.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 3rd, 2008, 9:16 pm

a sad story
about your brother
I deleted a couple lines
about about you reminding me of jitterbug in ways

One last ramble
it is not that bad
I am just "qveching"

Nothing I can not deal with,
the trains are the best noise I got going
they are temple bells some sometimes they actually shake my shack, some are more musical than others, I think loaded is better, no screechy wheel sounds. And some engineers play a better more mournful train horn than others.
good night bro

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Post by mtmynd » August 3rd, 2008, 9:34 pm

got to comment on the "a sad story about your brother"

yes and no. yes it is sad for over 50 years there was a forced brotherhood that i had at least thought could be overcome, but even after working for him for over 20 years nothing changed. but for the past 5 years my life has changed for the better... no more feeling under the control of this person that had such a negative influence over my life that it's a wonder that Soo stayed with me during those many, many years of mental abuse. there is no other word for it. but it's lifted and so is my life and relations with others. 'free. free at last'

re:trains. Bob Dylan - it takes a lot to laugh it takes a train to cry.

i actually have a better idea of how you live based on a picture you had once posted of the workspace... very clean and organized. a good sign.

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Post by panta rhei » August 5th, 2008, 6:09 pm

all is oscillating
is vibrating
from tightest matter
to the most subtle
cosmic rays
from atom to planet to

wherever there is motion
there is sound
wherever there is
there is motion
is e-motion

all existence
shows itself as motion
shows itself as
brings its melody
into the great
cosmic choir

creation a great
symphony of vibrations
where every
particular within
sings its own part

(father, mother, spirit, brahman, god, dios, allah, elohim --
you, the hidden ligth of all lights
you, the unchanging one behind all multitude
the undividable essence of all forms, numbers and sounds
you, the highest truth of all names
the soul of all beings
- praise to you

you, life of all living
well of all colour and sound
silent soil of all melody, rhythmn and tune
origin of all language and song
one being of all names and forms
creator of all creatures
one truth behind all religion
light of our body
secret happiness of our hearts
- i bow to you

take away the veil of ignorance and delusion
that covers our hearts and
show us your true, luminous being
concealed behind the shining of nature;
reveal your sublime face
within the change of creation
your lifepath of wisdom
and the light of I AM in the
nuptial chamber of our souls.

-amin, amen, aum -)

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Post by WIREMAN » August 5th, 2008, 6:17 pm

i can remember being around 10 years old and the sound was deafening, my folks said it was "growing pains" was as if the big "OM" was ready to take over....i really heard it in '68 on the news, ginsberg chanting
"ommmmmmm"....for the masses in chicago...leading me to jack and allan watts....henry milller......gary snyder gave me han shan and i've never looked back....
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by mtmynd » August 5th, 2008, 11:43 pm

panta... your reply reads like a prayer without a religion.

thank you! i've enjoyed each reading of this so much.

wired, amigo... hearing 'om' at ten yrs old must have mark'd you for life (no pun intended), as i'm sure it would anyone at that age or any other age. the ginsberg chant... that brings a recollection... the chicago 5 wasn't it... and the rebellion going on in the streets...

my intro to Jack was my teen years... OTR .. the beats and jazz, then came henry miller with his classics: tropic of capricorn and tropic of cancer... allan watts came after that for me... and gary snyder, one i read very little of, but haiku and zen became like a dream that could be had if only.... my early years listening to jazz in what i called my 'zen den', in the basement... life was learning and accepting new things... then the folk era, where dylan came on the scene, before he went electric at the newport jazz festival... those days, those ways... seeds for today, as this old tree continues looking upwards stretching towards the light within.

thx for the memories and do take care...

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Post by Arcadia » August 6th, 2008, 6:57 pm

last week I knew about a site where people recorded and put on the net sounds of our city. It made me smile and at the same time think what sounds would I choose to record. Here´s the site:

Cecil, it sounds so difficult to imagine you don´t getting along well with your brother or anyone on earth!! :lol: Good to know that you feel better about it now.... Thanks for sharing it with us! :)

& thanks for the stream!!!!!!!! :D Thanks also panta for the beautiful poem!!!!!



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Post by mtmynd » August 6th, 2008, 7:24 pm

Hola, 'V'... that is a very interesting link you provided. i liked that! yes, what sounds would others (including myself) record around the city we live in. idea buena! me gusta mucha.

aiy, mi hermano! the relationship esta non-existent ahorita... para almost 5 anos... pero no problema para mi, y yo pienso, no esta problema para mi hermano tambien. esta bueno para ambos. :)
(you must have seen that in another post around here, si?)

gracias for stopping in. glad you enjoyed the stream. y si! yo tambien enjoyed panta's poema mucho.

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