Sunday Stream (175) ~To Be or To Reason

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (175) ~To Be or To Reason

Post by mtmynd » August 10th, 2008, 12:33 pm

To Be or To Reason
We're so needy we even need a reason. Doesn't matter what the need is, 'why' comes to mind and in the search for an answer it's reason commanding the search.

Does that sound reasonable? If not, you're likely a bit confused or even turned off to this Stream already... and that's not very far into it. Can't see a reason to go on reading this, you may say to yourself. I'd probably do the same if I were you. Why go on doing something that pays no dividends of any kind? If we can't gain why lose the time doing the big 'It' ? Reason.

We may not sit around behind the wheel of our cars and stare at the lonely black ribbon of asphalt ahead of us and know we need reason. But reason has to be ingrained in our DNA... always a last chance reason - "it's in the genes" as if we all really bought into that line. How many of the big us really have a close knit connection in our understanding of genes and DNA? Very few I'd bet a gene or two on.

Now reason... there's a word that the majority of us have heard that we can pretty much relate to. Even if we couldn't give a Webster definition, we have a clue as to what a reason is. At it's basic core reason is an answer to a why. Note the "an" answer. What can we do but give ourselves "an" answer before we move on. We would be in a turmoil if we didn't agree to one of our answers to move us along on the 'thought pike.'

We gotta keep moving... changing... gaining... and we can do it without a serious reason. There's always the "because i want to" or "so who cares if that's why i do..?" Sure there's more. No reason there shouldn't be. But the real reason is within us - me, you, he, her, them... all have reason that is fabricated from experiences gained through personal living. My reason varies from your reason. Indeed, the reason for my reason is not your reason without understanding my reason until i begin to understand, if not accept, your reason. That sounds a bit un-reasonable, but it's all i got right now... moving forward. That's the reasonable thing to do...

Idleness is a waste in the eyes of the majority. It's their guilt that they see when they see others idle. Upon witnessing idleness, they immediately see themselves as being the idle one, and that must be erased. It's not a good image to carry around in one's head. All those voices from years and years ago up through possibly the present, reinforce the wrongness of being idle. No reason but others carry that guilt around and it sticks with those that get too close to the guilty. We're all guilty. We have reason to be. We don't follow all the societal rules. We think thoughts that are so unlike us (what if 'they' knew..?) that even we can't believe our thinking! It's too unreasonable.

Our reasons for being reasonable are the only factor of our reasoning. If we could find one reason and stick with it, live it daily, live it as if that one reason was the only reason to exist, then we'd surmise that we are so reasonable that any other reason is just a fluke that is intruding on our purpose.

So we return to that eternal fact: yin/yang... reason/unreason. They both are, they both make up our paths of thought, our thinking... the search for unquestionable answers to the constant why, what, where, when, who that spins inside mind, the perpetual motion of thinking, thinking, thinking... seeking answers to this or that, on any level, All this is not reserved for the 'brainiacs' of the world. No, it's all of us... we are all endowed with thought. And because of thought, we have to reason in order to go on. Those that have difficulty in accepting a reason have difficulty in moving forward.. ahead.. onwards and outwards. We have to reason to the degree that allows us to continue being our potential... homo sapiens sapiens. That's the name science has given us humans.

I wonder if science should rename us homo sapiens duality. We cannot seem to simply be. Witness the life around us - from mammals to plant life, from fish and sealife, plankton to viruses... the list is powerfully long and it's all life... and all this other life accepts it's own unique life, period. But we humans are so unreasonable. Some of us may accept 'A' and move on, while sure as death there's another side that will not accept 'A' and insist on the validity of 'Z'. It happens constantly ... never-ending. Humans sure do think, but the thoughts we think are as scattered as universal dust. And like dust, our reasons seek out a place to lay and play. Dust is not particular.. even if wet it still lays around. Dust is the true beginning of all matter, that eventually settles down and becomes... simply becomes that which it is. No reason, no question. From dust Life became and to dust Life shall return. There is no reason but the reason we choose... we alone, we as a family, we as a community... it matters little as long as we have a reason to accept and live by. That's about all there is to it. And for that amount of simplicity we still hunt each other down and kill each other's reason. How unreasonable is that?
Until Now becomes the Tao, the pathless path,
reason will continue to necessitate questioning.

10 august 2008

Picture of the week:
The Sunflower Forest

. . .
Some sunflowers have reached a height of 11-12 feet, never before achieved in our yard. St Fiacra, (an earlier picture in an earlier Stream), is somewhere within the Sunflower Forest, out of sight. The area to the left is where our tomato/pepper plants are busy being themselves and producing fruit. We readily accept the gifts and return the favor with plenty of water and natural fertilizer for both the tomato/peppers and the sunflowers. We duly appreciate each other in our common relationship. They say it with abundance and beauty.

Photo taken from our deck in a south-westerly direction.

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Post by mousey1 » August 10th, 2008, 7:37 pm

I don't like reasoning
I find it wearying
I do like just being
so uncomplicated that
well until some other being reasons themselves into the mix

I would like to stand amid the sunflowers and shine

how's that?

Thanks for the depth. Glad I didn't need a reason to drop by. :)
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by Artguy » August 11th, 2008, 12:42 pm

Your reasoning seems reasonable to me, although I don't need a reason to wonder why is it so hard to simply be ????

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Post by WIREMAN » August 11th, 2008, 1:20 pm

we been talkin' 'bout the great WHY for some time now crazy cloud.......
the abundance of the photo is inspiring cecil...thanks.....wired
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by Arcadia » August 11th, 2008, 1:33 pm

My reason varies from your reason. Indeed, the reason for my reason is not your reason without understanding my reason until i begin to understand, if not accept, your reason. That sounds a bit un-reasonable, but it's all i got right now... moving forward. That's the reasonable thing to do... :shock: ok! :lol:

beautiful aereal sunflowers & invisible St. Fiacra!!!!!!!

thanks for the stream, Cecil!!!!!



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Post by Dave The Dov » August 11th, 2008, 6:03 pm

Reason for a season of change!!!! :D
green crack marijuana
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Post by mtmynd » August 11th, 2008, 7:30 pm

indeed, mouseyone... them reasons do get weary, hearing them over and over in and around both ourselves and others. it's like we shouldn't move without the right reason.

"Thanks for the depth. Glad I didn't need a reason to drop by."

Glad you did, mousey, and you never need a reason to drop by!


ah, kurt! "... although I don't need a reason to wonder why is it so hard to simply be ????"

it is so simple in mind and on paper, isn't it? but as all the wise one's have known and spoken of... this is the true key to all freedom - be now, simply now... all else is excess baggage.

thx for dropping in. I appreciate it!


wired - "we been talkin' 'bout the great WHY for some time now crazy cloud..."

all talk and no action... but how to de-activate WHY without a reasonable answer? ((smile))

"the abundance of the photo is inspiring cecil...thanks"

the photo is a reality photo, one moment in time. the garden has been very, very good to us this year. the thanks goes to you, wired-one... and all the other replies and readers.


Hola, Arcadia, amiga mia! Si, the quote you chose is indeed rather " :shock: " given the repeat of el palabra, "reason" but how else to emphasize the "reason" ??? No se...

Gracias, "V" y besos a usted!' (i'm still looking for Fiacra... yo se he's in there somewhere... ((wink)))


yeah, DtD, 'tis the season for change, all right. might be too fast and too soon for many. hang on to the ride, 'less we all get spun off into the chaos.

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Post by SmileGRL » August 12th, 2008, 2:24 pm


where do we fit in? why do we do the things we do? when is enough enough and what are your reasons? (note the multiple) i don't need answers to these questions (that would be unreasonable :wink: ) ...i have the answers (almost) and my reasons, but the question is, do i owe yoU an answer/reason? (not you,, whomever asks... :P )

you never bore me, my friend. i love all your streams...

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Re: Sunday Stream (175) ~To Be or To Reason

Post by mnaz » August 12th, 2008, 4:43 pm

mtmynd wrote:We may not sit around behind the wheel of our cars and stare at the lonely black ribbon of asphalt ahead of us and know we need reason.
This image I like; I can relate. One day under wet dishrag skies, I simply wondered what it would be like to sit for a whole day on a pointless road made of sand and dust in the type of heat that demands submission, and so I went and did it. When I told the story later on, the first reaction was always, "why?" We don't always need a reason. (But that's not reasonable!)
Idleness is a waste in the eyes of the majority. It's their guilt that they see when they see others idle. Upon witnessing idleness, they immediately see themselves as being the idle one, and that must be erased. It's not a good image to carry around in one's head. All those voices from years and years ago up through possibly the present, reinforce the wrongness of being idle. No reason but others carry that guilt around and it sticks with those that get too close to the guilty. We're all guilty. We have reason to be. We don't follow all the societal rules. We think thoughts that are so unlike us (what if 'they' knew..?) that even we can't believe our thinking! It's too unreasonable.
Interesting take. It's probably some mix of guilt and jealousy-- we should be afforded such down time for regeneration and creativity, etc. I'll have to think about that one.

I wonder how the search for a reason compares with the search for meaning?

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Post by mtmynd » August 12th, 2008, 5:17 pm

hey yo, smileGRL! nice seeing you here, as always.

am i correct in thinking you got some thinking out of this one? :-)

"you never bore me, my friend. i love all your streams..."

you are one kind Leo, amiga! ((but aren't they all?))

Thanks for stopping in and replying, mj... i appreciate that very much...


emnaz! howdy...

"When I told the story later on, the first reaction was always, "why?" We don't always need a reason. (But that's not reasonable!)"

good story and the usual ending... not your writing being the usual, but the comment(s)... reason demands an answer even if it's a damn lie. hah!

"I'll have to think about that one. "

... and you don't need a reason!

after i had written this Stream, i went over it and corrected a few things here and there... not uncommon, of course, but i didn't feel very good about it. i felt the overall piece was kind of awkward, for lack of a better word right now. but as i've done before i went ahead and clicked 'submit' and let it roll. i asked my self if i would ever reply to this one... i answer 'no, i don't think so.'

and once again i was not the best judge of my own writing - the replies were more than i expected... including yours, amigo.

thank you for stopping in...

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Post by stilltrucking » August 17th, 2008, 6:04 am

Six billion people
with inquiring minds
and reasonable opinions

"man would sooner have the void for a purpose than be void of purpose"

No doubt about the coming changes
A Beautiful garden.

I just like dropping by here on Sundays Cecil, no reason, just a tradition.

I think Sunday is the first day of the week, I like starting it off here.

I got a good reason for saying that.

It's a tradition

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Post by mtmynd » August 17th, 2008, 8:43 am

Well, truck (damn, i like that nickname), you damn well better know you're always welcome here. It doesn't fulfill my own Sunday when I don't see any reply from you. How's them apples?

Some traditions are worth keeping, while others outgrow their purpose. Sunday Streams will reach that same fork in the path one day.

((psst... i still have no idea what this week's stream will bring at it's now 6:42a. ...))

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Post by stilltrucking » August 17th, 2008, 8:54 am

It is kind of a new old tradition for me

Sundays I mean.
I been thinking about starting a new religon with a two day sabbath.

Ten four on not mattering

Same for studio eight or litkicks

Peanut sacks and wagon tracks
not even that
just ghostly shadows of fossilized websites
orphans they call them
still laying dormant in some server farm somewhere on the world wide web.

geez Cecil I always know what I am going to write next :wink:

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Post by mtmynd » August 17th, 2008, 9:21 am

"geez Cecil I always know what I am going to write next :wink:"

winky indeed... my last line was ridiculous! thanks for bringing that to my attention, amigo.

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Post by stilltrucking » August 17th, 2008, 9:33 am

Good stream Cecil

I enjoyed reading it.
I know it does not matter to you whether I show up here on Sundays or not.

I like that.

Somehow I can't get my head around the concept of you being rediculous.

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