When the saints come marching in...

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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When the saints come marching in...

Post by Artguy » September 5th, 2008, 9:20 am

I mourn the stream as in a New Orleans funeral procession...with a well played trumpet in one hand and a bourbon in the other...

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Post by stilltrucking » September 6th, 2008, 4:07 pm

It is a double wammy
I got the GO gone sunday streaming morning metafiscal blues again

Yes there is much to be mourned

A process of rebirth

Man I have to pass on the bourban for another week or so.
I am still drunk from the Shiner Bock I drank last night.
I may be crazy AG but I think the Spoetzel brewing company of Shiner Texas makes the best beer in th world.

The best scene in Easy Rider for me was New Orleans.

Catch you down the stream somewhere I hope.
Live in hope and die in despair
my uncle abe uesed to tell me.
I been crazy so long
I live in despair and die in hope
go figure.

nothing but a GO for me cecil
that is why I mourn wireman too
GO is gone for me.
perpetual mourning for that
but I got over litkix, I suppose I will come to accept the end of Go too.
oh well
your still hanging around
so I guess it can't all be bad
sitting here thinking of our mutual freind
and hearing the chorus of a john prine song

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » September 6th, 2008, 4:17 pm

I found 2 other threads the other day when i was searching for something else in the archives.... just happened on them... where wireman left the site with a dramatic public announcement... "goodbye doreen!" lol... ... one was in 2005 and another was in 2006... it's a habit of his i guess.... nothing to mourn tho.. i see him all the time on the web on other sites and one of them clay posts on too .... so if clay is his problem, why does he still post there, i wonder? maybe i'm his problem... shrug... oh well.... i can only be me... and if people don't like me as i am, well, i certainly don't know what to do about it. I'm just me and i'd rather have friends who like me just like i am because i don't know how to be anything other than i am.

as far as cecil's streams go, he's been writing them nonstop for several years, religiously....

i think it's great that he's taking a break! wish i could give him a paid vacation but alas, i'm poor and can't afford to pay anybody for anything

we've been blessed with cecil's streams! and i'm sure he'll flow back again when he's ready.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 6th, 2008, 5:48 pm

thanks for the info D
I am not sure what the point of keeping count is
but if it is important to you

Thinking about thinking about writing when I am writing and reading this text as it appears here.

I notice I said to Cecil
"your still around"

and I am reading it it after I posted it and thinking about this sonic writing of mine. I almost went back and edited to read "you're still around"

I don't care how many times Wireman left Doreen, this had nothing to do with you. I miss the perpetual jam, no I don't miss it. I mourn it. It will never be the same without wireman. Just my opinion. And of course I have an asshole too. :wink:

Cecil RE:"your and you're" I was thinking about going back sticking a [sic] after "your" But of course I could have just corrected it. Back edits after someone replies to a post is something I try to avoid.

A saturday stream
I have such fascinating thoughts
I think I must be the most interesting person here. :wink:
Last edited by stilltrucking on September 6th, 2008, 5:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » September 6th, 2008, 5:51 pm

I'm not keeping count. I'm sure there were more times than I mentioned. I have no idea if it had anything to do with me any of the times. I wasn't told what the reason was.

The perpetual jam is perpetual. Just join right in. Nothing that's perpetual ends.


Yes, you do have fascinating thoughts. I always enjoy reading your posts.

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Post by stilltrucking » September 6th, 2008, 9:51 pm

I been thinking about the perpetual care contract on my father's grave in the Workman's Circle Cemetary back in baltimore. THe last time I was there 2o years ago the tombstone was leaning pretty bad, looked like it was going to fall over. Not vandals but from the vibrations of the heavy trucks going by on Dundalk avenue on their way to the marine terminal.

It is a comfort for me to know his grave will be maintained in perpetuity, or at least to the end of the world. Nice big tombstone with room for his wife's name to be chiseled in next to his. But she did not want to be buried with him. One of those dreary family stories nobody wants to here

You know I may be passive agressive after all. Not about violence, but about my writing. I think it started when I flunked the extrance exam to the litkicks writer's work shop.

I think I maybe a passive agressive writer. I was thinking I should have spell checked my GO to Cecil above , the bit about "your" I was thinking aboot whether Cecil would start >sic< ing me again

he does that sometimes because I think he gets annoyed at my sloppy writing, some might even call it drivel. And he also mocks my rambles, I llove it when he does that, cecil can ramble in eleven dimensions 8)

But I don't care, I lost my literary ambitions at litchicks. Since they would not let me attend the first annual litkicks writer's work shop where they promised to teach me how to write fast and give the reader a good ride.

But I don't give a fig anymore, plenty of careful and brilliant writers here on S8. Anybody wants to read my drivel, well fuck um, let them go buy the milk with there brought the bread.

I subscribe to the Benny Shapiro business model for spontaneous giberish.

I got no problem with you doreen I mean why would I still be posting here myself.

I have left plenty of times, maybe the longest for about a month.

Not my point.

I had a discussion a coulple of streams ago with Cecil about my epectations for him to keep on streaming.

love peace and taco grease baby sister.

Will he write another sunday stream, I hope so, texas is full of dry streams that spring back, same with wireman and perpetual go, how many years that thing going on. just won't seem the same without him.

If wireman don't come back or empty mynd don't stream no more
or if I don't post here again
I don't know.

Litkicks was good to me
Studio eight been good to me
I am typing my way to freedom

I don't even know what kurt's thread was about, is the sunday stream over? could be

Like I was saying to bennie2 and Nazz over on the GO board about most of the poetry here is jerkoff drivel. One day doreen might decide this place is no fun any more and she might pull the plug. just like that
and we are all orphans again like we were after litkicks decided more was less of us.

I can't believe anyone even reads this stuff I scribble

Open text box scoop a little piece of my brain and smear it all over the screen

Would you like to see where I sit and compulsively type?

Obviously I should spend more time vacuuming my rug


I think I am getting better
I don't post here as much as I used to lately
When I stop for good
you will know I have healed myself
with a little help from my friends

love peace and taco grease baby sister
or did I say that already.

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