Sunday Stream (177) ~ One Moment

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (177) ~ One Moment

Post by mtmynd » September 7th, 2008, 11:28 am

~ One Moment -
What is this..? Do I see signs of water running..? I hear the drip, drip, dripping sound in the far distance. What is happening? Should I sit on this bank a bit longer and hope... hope for a sign of a Stream? It's been awhile... the Stream has suffered a drought... inspiration has not fallen in weeks in seems. Words simply moan and groan, indecipherable. Is this what is meant by speaking in tongues? Undecipherable sounds without a rhythm, without a rhyme, without a doubt a pitiful squelching noise that irritates. Worse than the mosquitoes, the flies, the little gnats that appear and just as quickly disappear before my eyes... only the sounds are are even more insistent, more annoying...

It's been a period of non-attachment of sorts. I read. I watch. I listen. I wonder. I think I think I thought. Every thing has become so material... matter existence that is verified only with the five senses. Any thing beyond that is in ether-dimension... not quite real enough to discuss, to argue about, to put a hands-on absolutism to... It's a level of non-attachment that the winds have blown me into and I feel helpless as things go spinning by in a blur. Not a purposeful 'going with any flow' but carried away like an empty plastic bag I rise and spin and drop and rise again. Directionless. But it's wrong to call this state 'non-attachment' because it's not.

Non-attachment is a willful choice, a personal decision to not become attached to any thing. No thing is the only reality that ultimately we all came from and shall return to. Non-attachment is an exercise to explore the realm of having no attachments to any worldly object... including books, artwork, even Nature's flora and fauna... giving it all up even for just a moment. One moment of realization that will imprint the eternal now on the mind.
Non-attachment is a practice. Non-attachment is a practice.
Non-attachment is a practice. Non-attachment is a practice.
Don't attach to that. After the realization we still are what we are and always have been...

Before enlightenment I chopped wood and carried water. After enlightenment I chopped wood and carried water. - Zen words

What did we expect? To become gods or wo/men of such power and knowledge that nobody would ever fuck with us again? Dreams. Dreams that dissipate into the unknown as quickly as they came to us. Those that actually believe they have those powers are dreamers... dreamers and schemers to hold on to their dreams of such huge distortions that they actually have no time to know the unknowable.

And just as disillusioned are those that believe in those that think they are gods. It belittles the individual to place others before them, including gods, to blame them for their weaknesses, their faults, their loss of identity.

Those are not non-attachments but total and complete attachments to a beliefs that there is something, someone, somewhere that has all the answers, has all the wealth, the knowledge, all the wisdom at the tips of their fingers. True non-attachment is to see these things as illusions, the Maya, that fools us all at one time or another. These things all are what prevents our non-attachment. They act as life-savers on the seas of the unknown. But it is exactly the unknown that we need to embrace. We must have will to set our Self free from our concepts, our conditionings, our beliefs and even the doubts and endless questioning that may plague us.

All these things that we embrace are past. Think about it. Our favorite object we've given more power than is actually there is from our past. Our favorite song is from the past. Our favorite memories that we cherish and are attached to our past experiences. Non-attachment is Now.

Now has no past. Now has no future. Now has no possibilities for a future. Now has no memories for Now embraces all. If we achieve Now we achieve non-attachment. If we achieve non-attachment we achieve Now. They are inseparable.

Just one moment. Like a brilliant flash of lightening that lights up the darkened skies, one moment of realization forever becomes ours... our very own message from the mysteries that verify for us there is an end to duality. Even for a moment. One moment so powerful that doubt and confusion is vanquished. Just one moment so personal that peace is fully understood because there is no longer interruptions of mind gnawing away at facts as if they were Truth. One split moment when we become Now and know Now is .. eternally Now without any need for attachment - non-attachment fully realized. Nirvana. Bliss. Heavenly. Divine.

07 September 2008

Picture of the week:
One Moment - One Bud


before the bloom
the bud begins
unveiling the
treasure within

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Post by Artguy » September 7th, 2008, 11:38 am

Attachment indeed, I need attachment to the stream has dammed my own stream, so now the floodgates have opened...detach and flow....Thank you Cecil for perspective..

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Post by judih » September 7th, 2008, 11:46 am

release, let it go
and watch what happens
bud unfurls (or not)
words gurgle in a stream
or stop to watch a bud about to open
breathing into the present moment
all is everywhere

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Post by mtmynd » September 7th, 2008, 11:47 am

Thank you, amigo, for your post yesterday. You and truck inspired me.

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Doreen Peri
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Post by Doreen Peri » September 7th, 2008, 11:49 am

Beautiful! Both the Stream and the photo!

Thank you for sharing this!

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Post by mtmynd » September 7th, 2008, 11:51 am

Hi, Judih! Good to see you around.

"all is everywhere"

The only perspective to have... anything less is... well, less than all. ;)

TY, friend...

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Post by mtmynd » September 7th, 2008, 11:53 am

Dang it... no sooner do I post a reply then I find another great post!

Thanks so much, Doreen!

It's was written to share. I can't keep that stuff to myself, you know!


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Post by Lightning Rod » September 7th, 2008, 1:32 pm

I think that pain is the cause of memory. Your statements about memory are right on. Songs, which are spells that take us to the past, and other things which take us out of the present or the now as you call it.

When I say that pain is the cause of memory, I don't mean in an immediate sense even though it also manifests on an immediate level. I'm talking about human evolution. I think that humans developed such acute memories in order to avoid pain. It was a survival adaptation.

This also comes into play when the 'now' is particularly unpleasant. Because living in the now is risky business. Sometimes the now is a real drag. Yes, hopefully while living in the now you will remember that all things pass and this now will pass. But in the meantime Memory is what we rely on to get us through the now.

Good Sunday brunch, cec
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Post by Arcadia » September 7th, 2008, 6:30 pm

great to read the stream today, Cecil!!!!!!! :D

muchas gracias & saludos!,

(beautiful nocturnal photo!!!!)

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Post by stilltrucking » September 7th, 2008, 6:35 pm

keep on streaming compadre
beautiful picture.

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Post by mtmynd » September 7th, 2008, 9:46 pm

LR - Glad you had a satisfying Sunday brunch. :) Thanks for stopping in and I enjoyed your reply...

"V" - hola, amiga mia. Nice seeing you again. Gracias para las palabras buenas. ;)

Truck - I seem to always have something to say... even if others may not want to listen to it. hah! I needed a break... the Stream was truly tapped out after 3+ years. Thx for the reply, amigo.[/b]

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Post by SmileGRL » November 11th, 2008, 4:39 pm

i let myself float sometimes...just be where i am and not try to force it (or me) in any direction. just...float. it seems you had a moment like that too. we don't always have to say something. we can just be. here. now. so sad that we always want to be elsewhere or someone else.

we had a kitkat (chocolate) ad in SA a few years back with the slogan "take a break...take a kitkat" well cecil...take a kitkat when you need it...or just take a smiLe :wink:

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Post by mtmynd » November 12th, 2008, 11:42 am

mj : "i let myself float sometimes..."

meditative... undoing the barriers... launching the true 'I'...

Enjoyed... even the KitKat, yum!

Thx, smileGRL... good to see you around again. ;)

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