Sunday Stream (180) ~ One Eighty, Three Sixty and Beyond

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (180) ~ One Eighty, Three Sixty and Beyond

Post by mtmynd » September 28th, 2008, 2:28 am

One Eighty, Three Sixty and Beyond
One eighty. That's about half a circle last time I looked. Not that circles have much to do with Streams. One eighty. I've heard it said that if you're 180 from something you're on the opposite side of something which makes you somewhere else... if you're one eighty. But that doesn't have anything to do with Streams either.

Half circles are half as much as a full circle. That much we know. But when we're full circle we pretty much have to start over again. Being one eighty gives us another one eighty before we have to start over again. One eighty and one eighty equals three sixty which is as full a circle as the numbers will allow. Nothing more nor nothing less makes it full. But we don't ever tell ourselves (at least I never heard it) what that full circle is full of. I guess we can put anything we've got handy into that full circle as long as it'll fit. But being a 360 full circle it should allow anything to fit into it, you reckon? I mean, if we only had 180 half circle, that'd be like a bowl where we could put something but not all of it because there's not enough room for all of something to fit into. We'd need another one eighty so we can put everything into it no matter how much that everything would be it seems if the numbers are right.

So we live on a three sixty planet in a matter of speaking. The more astute amongst us call this planet, not a round, three sixty, but a geoid. Earth is geoidal. But we can't really see it that way because we've got water filling up most of it and that makes it look round, i.e. three sixty. But if all the water dried up the earth would show it's geoidal shape. But that's word play really. If we look at a picture of earth taken from the moon, that is a full circle in anyone's eyes. Those that do the geoid thing probably are about a full as the geoid they speak of. Me? I'd take 360 anytime because I'm full of it.

Now the scientist know about rotation. Technically all planets worthy of being called planets (not like meteors, comets and asteroids - they're not 360) rotate in pretty much a 360 path... sometimes a bit oblong but we are seeming returning to our beginning. Each birthday is a 360 rotation that oddly takes 365 days. But a full circle is 360, not 365 degrees. If it was 365 degrees we'd have to figure how to put the extra five degrees in there somewhere. Which is kinda strange because 360 is supposed to be as full as the circle can get, so why couldn't this complete circle have room enough for another 5 degrees without ruining the symmetry?

So anyway, we've got all these 360's in our planetary neighborhood rotating at 360. We're a very small part of a galaxy, the Milky Way, which is a pretty standard galaxy by galactic thinking. Put all the millions and millions of galaxies together... all that there is and we have a Uni-verse... one-verse which is for all practical purposes spinning in a rotational 360 degrees. Our circular life has no choice. This 360 deal is full. It's complete. It's in our cosmic DNA... our genes are 360's swimming in gene pools that are 360's. Around and around we go... where we stop we'll never no, because when we reach the same point we started at we're already beginning another rotation. We're rotationally trapped along with the whole universe. The infinite collective of universal existence is unable to get away from circularity. We begin and then begin again until we begin again... we really never end until life bails from our body... but until then we are always beginning. The ending we speak of is only a reference point to measure our 360... which really doesn't need measuring but the measuring only verifies the circularity of existence. It doesn't create it. Circularity, this 360, was created long before we even could say the word circle, much comprehend circularity.

So why round. Why are we a round collectively? We meaning matter existence... not all matter is circular... not by a long shot. Matter is highly irregular and round is not one that we would call matter. Your head, my arms and a coyote's tail is not round. Neither are our houses. Sure a few may live in a dome, but that is a 180. We cannot live in a 360 home. Where would we put the tv? Where would we sleep? Even though 360 is complete, it's really impractical to live like that. We normally live on flat planes, measured carefully so nothing will roll from one side to the other. Our walls are normally straight and we live with corners. Nature is not like that. Even cave don't have sharp corners, but we humans cannot live without that. We get a justified chance at breaking the 360 monopoly in the comfort of our own structures - homes and places of business.

Maybe our geometric lives are the only way to be ourselves - multi-shaped, multi-tasking, multi-thinking, multi-doing life forms with no actual idea where we are headed other than doing for the sake of doing in all these multi-ways. In actual, practical, logical thinking we are going the same way as all the rest of existence - we die. All bodies die. Even so-called 'dead planets' die when they're inner fires erupt and meteors smash into them and eventually they split into parts that begin again in the rhythm of life.

All that because we're human. We invent, we create, we destroy, we love, we ignore, we accept, we deny, we fear, we wonder and think all the while we're eating and drinking and sleeping and reproducing... just like all the other life forms we share this one circular planet with. We think ourselves unique but we only have one way out of here - d.e.a.t.h. - passing life outta the body, leaving a shell behind. In one hundred years nobody will know who we are... and in much fewer years most of us may likely disappear from the collective memory. And when we do pass this life, when our life comes to an end, we return to that Great 360 in the Sky. All those angles and corners, all that flatness and evenness that became so much a part of our lives will vanish... evaporating into the ethers that swallows the ego like a black hole swallows entire galaxies.
Welcome home to Infinity, beyond the Circle

28 Sept 2008

Picture of the Week:
Ancient Future/Future Ancient

Last edited by mtmynd on September 28th, 2008, 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Arcadia » September 28th, 2008, 1:24 pm

beautiful stream & image, Cecil!!!!!!!! :)

gracias & saludos!,


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Post by mtmynd » September 28th, 2008, 5:15 pm

'V' - gracias muchas, amiga mia!

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Post by Artguy » September 29th, 2008, 1:33 pm

Yikes Cecil !! I am caught in a spectral conundrum brain gone dum dum...all these circles and Pythagorean pithecus'...round and round I go ....someone let me off this ferris wheel before I take the shortcut across this circular existence and draw a beeline to my own many spokes in this existential wheel??? Why can't I be a triangle or a cube ...or really blow my mind and put me in a sphere...then which way is up and which way down , left or right??? Ok so now I'm totally confused...stop take a breath...yikes!!

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Post by mtmynd » September 29th, 2008, 10:04 pm

hey, kurt! hope you're better now... i gotta stop writin' this heavy stress stuff. nobody can reply after reading it... too frazzled, i guess. whew! this could get litigious...


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