No streaming day

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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No streaming day

Post by mtmynd » October 19th, 2008, 11:36 am

... because this is day two and final day of a show we do twice a year -

<center>La Vina Wine and Jazz Festival


The last picture is a partial shot of the winery's grounds where they hold the event. This twice-yearly event is not as formal as this publicity shot is, however in the right corner background you can see the bandstand where the bands do their thing. It is probably one of the nicest venues in our area to do a show, and is one that we look forward to doing. This weekend's weather has been near-perfect and a complete joy to indulge in, which, by-the-way, makes for some really great eye candy walking about the grounds. ;-)

Wish you were here!


I'd like to take this opportunity to follow in the footsteps of General Colin Powell and publicly endorse Barrack Hussein Obama as my candidate of choice for the next President of the United States... a choice that may shock and confound many of my loyal readers but it is something that I have mulled over and mediated upon for months often at the detriment of my health, both physical and mental. But I feel that Barrack H. Obama would fulfill my ideal of a President worthy of my vote better, much, much better than that of his opponent, John Sydney McCain, and especially Senator McCain's choice of running mate.

Please... no hate mail or negativity is invited for this most delicate decision of mine. I know many of you feel that Barrack Hussein Obama's opponent would be the likely winner and feel very closely associated with this Sarah Palin woman, but I ask you to further open your minds and heart to this very intelligent and well-spoken man, Barrack Hussein Obama... you just might be swayed by good, common sense rather than the scare-laden tactics of the rotten Republican Party and their means and ways of manipulating the country as they have done for the past 8 years.

Do your Self a favor - vote Barrack Hussein Obama, if for nothing better than change for a better America. You deserve it much more than the corporations do. Believe it.

Last edited by mtmynd on October 20th, 2008, 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Arcadia » October 19th, 2008, 3:37 pm

thanks for sharing La Viña sounds with us, Cecil!!!!!!!! :D

have a great show!!!!!!

(be careful with the wine!! :wink: )



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Post by mousey1 » October 20th, 2008, 3:54 pm

Dance at La Vina Wine Festival
get plastered against the walls

forget the Presidential hoopla for a moment
and do a little mt/soozen hula hula
useful for the release of stress
that Elections place people in
the best man will win
and Sarah Palin will return to Moose hunting
or whatever it is good ol' girls do up there
in Alaska when it's snowing! :wink:
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by K&D » October 31st, 2008, 1:15 pm

was anyone else all excited this morning for sunday stream...and then realized it was only friday. I did.

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