Sunday Stream (185) ~ Change: one step at a time

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (185) ~ Change: one step at a time

Post by mtmynd » November 9th, 2008, 1:36 pm

Change: one step at a time
I asked SooZen this morning what I should write about? "Change" she quickly responded. Hmm... that word certainly has been at the tip of most everyone's tongue lately. Change in Presidents, change in political parties, change in economy, change in the way we do things... change, change, change... so much to change on so many levels. All this change could boggle the mind if we're not careful... we could start changing things without any priorities.

"Spare change?" asked the homeless man who's tennis shoes had a tear in them so great than the upper part of the shoe separated from the rubber sole with each step. Time for a change of shoes. Time to question what will be done with the homeless. Change of minds, change of ideas, change of stations, change of music, change of religions, change of philosophies, change of entertainment and education and, and, and.... change of positions regarding damn near anything. Talk about change, this may very well be the largest shift of living we, the world, has to do in order to continue on our path of not only survival but understanding and knowing more than we have been lead to believe we need to know. Information is coming at us fast as light. How much can we consume before we explode into a chaos of bewilderment? This is that time - chaos may very well be the nature of change we must endure until stability of understanding mellows the confusion.

There certainly is need, a great necessity, to change our energy needs. There is the health issue where our food must be understood as the body's medicine.. our cure for dis-ease and not simply a means of substitution for loneliness. Change to real meaning without all the restrictive barriers of yesterday's ideals. We know many of those things that came before us are outdated and not necessary for our well-being. But we are reluctant to changing those things that we're comfortable with... not unlike the homeless man's tennis shoes, they still get him by until the time he can use what little money he gets to buy a pair of less worn shoes. Change is incremental. Most change doesn't come so quickly that we never expected it. Even violent storms shouldn't be unexpected given today's meteorological ability to at least see the storm's approach. Sure the storm will bring a change of some kind but it's not completely unexpected.

The reaction of Barack Obama's election set off a change that will take quite a bit of time to digest. It was a seismic event... even for Barack Obama, I'm sure. Nobody could have predicted the voter turnout for this man would exceed 7.5 million votes over his opponent. A country hungry for this six-letter word, change. Apparently a world hungry for the same, also. Our way of living has become stale and tiresome... it's become wearing on the mind and soul. Our lives have certainly been changed by this major shift of attitudes - the economy proves that not everybody wants to continue buying and buying and buying things and stuff that simply take up room... more room than most of us have and more room than most of us need. Our homes, no matter the size, are becoming storage areas for all the things we purchase. It's not that we don't have certain needs, but we certainly don't need all that we purchase. We've gone over our heads in debt to live that way. We are maxed out and are now wondering what we can do to pay this debt off. The world economy, national economy, state economy, personal economies... working furiously to find the solution to the problem. So we all slow down... and the economy suffers. We know we can't have everything, nor do we need everything, but it is exactly that frame of mind that built the economies that are suffering today. Just think of how many jobs were simply created around one theory: buy to keep the country employed. Even George Bush said 'go buy something' after 9/11... he knew as well as any economist knows that this present state of capitalism is completely addicted to buying. But now people are collectively tired of it all... "Is this any way to live, just working to buy?" CHANGE is upon us... major change.. bigger than we could possibly have anticipated.

This period should be a period of rejoicing. There is hope and there is promise. There are ideas and wonders to be had that none of us could have imagined even 5 years ago. Once the balance of economy is restored, there will be changes that bring light and joy to our lives instead of that feeling of doom and gloom that has set in for the past several years. There are many people out there than see how our future must be rerouted from the old road and onto the new in order to achieve these ideals and dreams we think about today. It's change. It's inevitable and it's necessary to achieve this new future that lies ahead. We have a choice - we can either scoff at the idea that something will change or we can be a part of the process of change, one step at a time. That's what change has always been - one step at a time. But with a destination in mind, those steps become easier and faster.

Take our personal lives... if we change from infancy to childhood, from childhood to young adults and changing to adults to mature adults... it's natural. This may well be one of those dramatic periods in human development where we step out of the sand box we've spent so many years, decades tossing the environment askew, doing whatever we wanted without any regard to the rest of life we share this planet with. We now know there is a link to all things living. We know the steps to attain our needs with the help of Nature and not the enslavement of Nature. We are all dependent upon each other in the larger scheme of things and if we acknowledge that we can become our promise of fully awakened beings free from the boundaries of our minds. We can live in harmony and peace once we accept the change that is necessary to do so... one step at a time.

09 nov 08

Picture of the Week:
blue fairy

]photo: cecil

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Post by Arcadia » November 9th, 2008, 3:18 pm

inspiring stream, accurate title & beautiful picture, Cecil!!!!!!!! :D

gracias & saludos!!!!!!


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Post by mtmynd » November 9th, 2008, 10:27 pm

Muchisimas gracias, amiga mia! Recuerdas.. sonrie! :)

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Post by stilltrucking » November 10th, 2008, 8:12 pm


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Post by mtmynd » November 11th, 2008, 1:06 am


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Post by stilltrucking » November 11th, 2008, 4:00 am


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Post by mtmynd » November 11th, 2008, 11:20 am


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Post by Artguy » November 11th, 2008, 12:47 pm

Change is's resisting change that takes energy...much of it negative....great stream Cecil...

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Post by mnaz » November 11th, 2008, 2:17 pm

What strikes me as odd about Obama's campaign and election victory is that some of the most vehement protesting I've heard has to do with the assertion that nothing will really change in any meaningful way. Health care will continue to be inadequately addressed. Corporate foreign wars will still be prosecuted. Obama, the fresh new face on the same old corporate political machine. Go figure. Perhaps there is no changing the machine at this point. I don't necessarily agree, but it's strange how the level of angst and pessimism from the nothing-can-ever-change-via-the-two-party-system crowd in some cases rivals the angst of those who fear "radical (socialist) change". We are still a deeply-divided, angry and fearful group, it would seem.

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Post by stilltrucking » November 11th, 2008, 3:00 pm

Let's start a movement to impeach bush.

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Post by mnaz » November 11th, 2008, 3:22 pm

A little late for that now, I think. I'd be in favor of gearing up for investigation and prosecution however. He can't pre-pardon himself can he?

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Post by mtmynd » November 12th, 2008, 12:06 pm

artguy: "it's resisting change that takes energy...much of it negative..."

very well said... resistance requires more energy than acceptance, but we must know when the resistance is negative to act accordingly.

Thx, Kurt... hoping you're feeling a bit better during your fast...

mnaz : "We are still a deeply-divided, angry and fearful group, it would seem."

... and it's been a week now. We must accept that not all of us will accept the necessary change due us to progress... that will be unattainable. Change is usually slow paced, (unless it's immediate as Nature deals, i.e. earthquakes, volcanoes, etc...), by human standards... look at how long progress really takes... so many technological inventions throughout the country's history that too decades to be accepted on a national level. Human nature seems to be suspicious of change, as if it somehow shakes their foundation of belief that we have taken so long to cultivate and accept... and when something new arrives (change) it's a "here we go again just when I was getting used to it..."

Change is inevitable, but it's also uninvited until the people clamor for something better than the status quo.

truck: "Let's start a movement to impeach bush."

Betcha a dollar to a bagel someone has already begun the movement. ;)

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Post by stilltrucking » November 12th, 2008, 12:22 pm

Sorry about the sarcasm. I think too much. :wink: :(

Who knows mnaz, a lot of on going congressional investigations. One that I been following is the FYI request for the secrete service white house visitor logs. Bushco been fighting the release of those for a long time. Court decisions to release them then they appeal. They will probably be released eventualy but after he leaves office.

I am not a constitutional expert but maybe when we get out of this little rough patch our ecconomy is going through congress will have time to try him for high crimes and misdemeanors. But I think it would be counter productive now.

AIG getting more money, they are up to their asses in trillions of dollars of credit defautl swaps. But we can't handle the truth I suppose.

Sorry cecil, I love worrying about those credit default swaps because there is nothing I can do about them, unlike worrying about my health which I can do something about

don't telll me I am not a fool :wink: 8)
Last edited by stilltrucking on November 12th, 2008, 1:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by mtmynd » November 12th, 2008, 1:01 pm

truck: "Sorry about the sarcasm. I think too much."

I think it's not the quantity of thought that matters but the quality... but it doesn't always pan out that way, eh? I just keep on thinking way too much myself, amigo. Such is the life of thinkers... Do you think you'll out think yourself someday..? Or even run out of thought..? I've given that some thought. hah!

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Post by stilltrucking » November 12th, 2008, 1:06 pm

thinked thank thunked
off to see the Wiz to get my ThD.
lets go get a drink

I think i edited while you were replying
going to take a walk
my blood sugar higher than the dow jones this morning

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