Sunday Stream (186) ~ Beyond Mind Games

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (186) ~ Beyond Mind Games

Post by mtmynd » November 16th, 2008, 1:17 pm

Beyond Mind Games
The voices of the GLBTG community, (gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, trans-gender community), nationwide has begun demonstrating en mass after the California law allowing their marriage unions was revoked. No rational. thinking person could possibly agree with the law’s change after so many gay/lesbian couples have been married and began a life they have always dreamed of... a life of love together with someone they love. It's akin to saying "sorry! you can no longer be married because some of us don't approve." To strike down this law is to move backwards and given the momentum of the times across the ‘communal board’ the demonstrations are in step with all the other major changes we have been witnessing in the current headlines.

Our country, (along with several other nations across the globe), is experiencing enormous changes brought on principally by the global economy, rapid transportation and the immediacy of the internet info-age and transformation has no choice but to advance.

But the flaw within all this chaos brought on by differences and acceptances, is the cold hard fact that we, the collective ‘we’, is split. Not just politically, but socially, philosophically, religiously and intellectually. One could imagine what happened in the early 1940's when the splitting of the atom was first experimented with - a gigantic and deadly explosion. Could this be what will happen if this split amongst us continues?

These things I listed, politics, philosophies, religions, intellects... all this is mind games that we have created. There is no reality to any of it. We as humans, if we gave pause to our minds, would still laugh and love, eat and drink, make love and procreate no matter what... if politics, philosophies, religions, intellect, et al were shut down for a regrouping of our sensibilities. Of course this won’t happen any time soon, if at all, but we can imagine how things could be... Mind games.

Our minds work overtime seeking answers to it’s own questions. Mind is always unfulfilled... always searching, always alert, always hacking away trying to put things together. Mind is logic. And when we give too much credence to mind, mind quickly moves in to take over. Body is a choice vehicle for mind to take over... all our physical senses respond to mind, which in turn creates the world we imagine it could be... not ever the world which it is, NOW, but someday, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, everything will be perfect... if only we keep moving to this nebulous future we keep seeing in mind’s eye.

But that future is never here. If it were, it would no longer be future, it would be present. Mind would be happy and shut down. Mind would have no purpose without a past or without a future. Life beyond mind is not logical. There are some logical occurrences in life, but life is so infinite and mysterious, that it is illogical... it is beyond logic.. Beyond mind.

If we can accept the mind is the root cause of all our wonders and all our problems combined, we can see how completely foolish it is to maintain our prejudices towards certain things and peoples in our lives but at the same time to embrace others. It’s only a mind game we are playing and the cost is life... and love. All these studies mind has given us, politics, religions, philosophies, sciences... all of it is wonderful for our social existence, but is of little value to our individual, spiritual life.

Acceptance of the spiritualness within each and every living thing is one of the greatest realizations we can every hope to attain. Once we reach and experience the truth in our wholeness, we begin to feel a part of the greater mystery that pulsates beyond our mind games. We begin to develop the wonder of compassion, the greatest form of love, to it’s highest level.

Once we step outside our mind we enter into our spirituality, the transcendence of consciousness that embraces every thing and no thing... the state from which we came and to which we shall return.

16 nov 08

Pic of the Week:
white sands 'a shifting

photo : cecil

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Post by Arcadia » November 18th, 2008, 11:57 am

if politics, philosophies, religions, intellect, et al were shut down for a regrouping of our sensibilities.... maybe we would really listen to them... shut down or not. :wink:

interesting stream & beautiful image, Cecil!!!!!
gracias & saludos!,


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Post by mtmynd » November 19th, 2008, 11:33 am

Glad you enjoyed the Stream and the photo, 'V'... I appreciate and enjoy seeing your smile around here! :)

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Post by stilltrucking » November 23rd, 2008, 8:06 pm

Once we step outside our mind we enter into our spirituality, the transcendence of consciousness that embraces every thing and no thing... the state from which we came and to which we shall return.
Once I step out of my body
I will return to whence I came.
Last edited by stilltrucking on November 24th, 2008, 7:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Nazz » November 24th, 2008, 4:51 pm

Not long after splitting of the atom and pushing the nationalistic war paradigm about as far as it can go, humanity began to wire the planet together and even got far above the clouds to glimpse it as a bright blue whole from deep in space-- a "lifeboat" in the black void, the antithesis of schism (say that 10 times fast! Ha!)...

Anyway, nice read, Cecil.

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Post by mtmynd » November 24th, 2008, 10:32 pm

hey, truck! thanks for stopping in.. always good to read you... but don't wait until you step outside your body, amigo... step out of your mind tonight... ;-)

nazz : "the antithesis of schism (say that 10 times fast! Ha!)..."

i tried, really, but found your first paragraph much easier to 'do' than saying "the antithesis of schism." i couldn't even say it 4 times fast. ;-)

thx for the reply... i do appreciate it!

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Post by stilltrucking » November 25th, 2008, 7:11 am

I step out of the word games Cec. Maybe that is the same thing.
Beneath the shifting sands the roots run deep.

I am a solution of chemicals in a skin sack, hurt my feeling I turn purple, frighten me and I turn red. Anger makes me black. Kill me and I become transparent.

Thinking about the roots under the shifting sands.

You way ahead of me compadre. I still have no Zen practice, hopefully I will and then I will know of what you speak.

I appreciate the stream

after thought
it is the miracle and mystery of life
that I am

that is immortal I think
even if "I" am not
when I am dead I won't have to think about it anymore

any day now the boys in the white lab coats will tell us what it is
seems like everyday I read we are closer to creating life in a test tube

sorry for the ramble

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Post by mtmynd » November 25th, 2008, 7:58 pm

truck: "when I am dead I won't have to think about it anymore"

true.. no more thinking after death... only being. what'll you be, jack..? none of us know what we'll be after our death, but can only think aboot it, but what the heck is thought that doesn't speak of truth or at least edge close to it and rub some of that truth on our shoulders so we can sleep on it an those long dark nights of the soul when 'when' persists and periods turn to commas... in that long dark night of the soul.

never apologize, amigo, about ramblings... they be good, they be yours... ramblings are beat... ramblings : the hors d’oeuvre of thought.

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Post by stilltrucking » November 25th, 2008, 8:22 pm

thought is a bio chemical process cecil. Same with emotion.
That is my opinion.

thought arises from the brain's chemistry.

Been a long time since I tripped, but I remember the feeling that there was something in me that was not affected by the chemical. Soul? Spirit?
A Chindi?

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Post by mtmynd » November 25th, 2008, 8:57 pm

truck: "thought is a bio chemical process cecil. Same with emotion."

which came first - the thought or the process? thought causes the bio-chemical process, as does emotion...

i think this ties in with your last paragraph - something in me that was not affected by the chemical...

the inner light within certainly is energy... the original energy that gives life to all living things... which is not affective but rather effective.

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Post by stilltrucking » November 25th, 2008, 11:25 pm

I stumbled on an article last week about the ancient Jews and their belief that body and soul were one. I am spending the night in New Berlin and do not have access to my favorites on this computer.

I will try to find it tomorrow.

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Post by diesel dyke » November 26th, 2008, 6:21 am

You talk a good game compadre. :wink:
"We are made to be immortal, and yet we die. It's horrible, it can't be taken seriously. —ianeskimo"

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Post by mtmynd » November 26th, 2008, 11:49 am

d.d. : "You talk a good game compadre."

That's about it... :)

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Post by stilltrucking » November 29th, 2008, 11:45 am

You write a good game too Cecil. 8)

Here is the link I mentioned above.
University of Chicago archaeologists who made the discovery last summer in ruins of a walled city near the Syrian border said the stele provided the first written evidence that the people in this region held to the religious concept of the soul apart from the body. By contrast, Semitic contemporaries, including the Israelites, believed that the body and soul were inseparable, which for them made cremation unthinkable, as noted in the Bible.

Found: An Ancient Monument to the Soul
"We do not produce thoughts, thoughts produce us" ... lor-t.html

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Post by mtmynd » November 29th, 2008, 3:37 pm

Thx for the kind comment, truck, and the link, to which I have a few comments on -

"the religious concept of the soul apart from the body."

further into the link they talked about, in this particular case, the soul being transferred into the stele... an odd concept in today's world. And then -

"By contrast, Semitic contemporaries, including the Israelites, believed that the body and soul were inseparable, which for them made cremation unthinkable, as noted in the Bible."

I wonder how many current day Israelites believe that the body and soul are inseparable..? I didn't know cremation wasn't acceptable. If someone were to be killed by fire, i.e. house fire, auto fire, etc., how would that be religiously/philosophically treated..?

I given that some thought, i.e. body and soul inseparable. It comes down to whether or not there is a difference between 'soul' and 'spirit' as i can figure. I personally would say that there is no difference and the soul, i.e. the inner light, dispels into the ethers rejoining the source after the death, death being the departure of the light or soul (or even chi in the Oriental philosophy). Once the light source, the inner being departs the body then the body no longer is a vessel for the spirit, thereby deteriorating back into the dust of the earth from which it came... and cremation hastens the physical journey, a short-cut if you will. I've often compared our personal, physical life with a light bulb... we are like the bulb that time eventually breaks our filament and out bulb dies... but the electricity that illumined not only our life, but joined in lighting other lives, does not die but returns to the source of the electricity.

But this link did bring some sideline thoughts that piqued my imagination. In particular, is the ego part of the mind or the soul..? That is, does the ego die with the mind or does it also return with the spirit from whence it came..? These I find to be interesting questions for further mind games for my personal amusement, if you will. But I'd certainly enjoy any feedback from anyone that is reading this, including yourself, truck. ;)


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