Sunday Stream (191) ~ A Brand New Forever

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (191) ~ A Brand New Forever

Post by mtmynd » January 4th, 2009, 1:40 pm

A Brand New Forever
2009 - a brand new year, or is it? It certainly has the hope going for it : beginning with a new Presidency with so many things he both needs and wants to be done that pretty well covers the majority of our own needs and wants. It is a major year for this generation, and that generation, and those generations that don't even know what a generation is. Let's just call it major for everyone living in these times. What time is it?

That's not only a smart-ass question but it does ask for much more than a smart-ass answer. What time is it? asks if the time has come for something that has to be. We cannot keep going in the direction that we've been conditioned to go and expect the dream to continue. We know that. We all pretty much know that this path we've been on is coming to a pause, if not a halt.

Transition is inevitable. Just like change, which is what transition is. It's a major shift of our reality that is occurring in the undercurrents of our thinking. Many of us confused at how we're going to make it, others anxious for the next level to attain, and all the little trips in between. Transition on many levels... too many to write about here, but we all have our imaginations and our intellect to absorb "something is happening..."

I don't believe it's coincidental that these changes, this transition going on is related to 2012, the year the Mayan calendar supposedly ends (I use the word, supposedly, only because I don't really know if it is or not, not being a full-time scholar on the subject). Some of those that take heart in this belief are split in their ideas of what may happen on 12.21.12, the final day of the Mayan calendar - the world will end in some sort of tragedy or only those that lift their consciousness higher, the shift of consciousness, will be the survivors of what ever is in store. Even those that do not believe in any of the prognostications of the calendar feel there is 'something that has to give,' whether it's a natural catastrophe or a period of mankind that has been going on far, far longer than what our sciences has so-far concluded. Whatever it is, any thinking person will agree 'something is happening that has never happened to our generation before.'

We needn't search for that proverbial crystal ball to find out the answer to what will happen in 3+ short years from now. No, that would be a futile search if we look in every nook and cranny, every dusty shelf in the world's libraries, searching in all the major and minor cathedrals and churches, all the synagogues and mosques for something that will give us the answer to our future. Nobody will find the answer the future for good reason - the future is always in the future.

If the future happened right this moment, bing!, there would never be another future. Could we survive without future to look into... to get a glimpse of our possible destination? There is the crystal ball we've been hoping to find - between our ears, where it's always been. All we have to do is turn off the mind, click. hang it in the closet for awhile until mind is once again needed. Now we have it all. Everything we've ever had, all that we do have, every thing that we may have is right here - in the silence of no mind.

The Golden Silence contains not only the little bitty universe in toto, but the Golden Silence contains every answer to every question we, (you, I, him and her), have and will ever ask. It's all there, here, now, always and eternally. We can never run from it nor is it wise to ignore it... the Golden Silence is the origin of every thing, every particle of matter, every thought and idea, every uttering from our lips, every fart we release, every laugh we emit into our surroundings... the Golden Silence is the womb of that gives... the giver of all, the receiver of nothing.

This Silence is only Golden because in our small human way, we have come to know the preciousness of gold. We use what we know about gold as a metaphor for anything we feel is divine... the solidity of the Light whose rays have been transformed into the most precious of non-living things in our earthly existence. We are both attracted and disgusted by our magnetic draw to seeing gold transformed into objects that have become suddenly desirous. It's real. It's valuable on many levels. But it is nothing compared to the Golden Silence from which it came.

Life, our earthly life, needn't be urgent. There is not any need to rush life... life has been here far longer than us. Rushing life is a no gainer. We spend far to much time on trying to catch the goodness of life than we do being in the goodness of silence... just accepting it by turning off mind.

Once we turn off the mind, the silence is not immediate. We still 'see' the flow of imagery streaming along at its own pace... leisurely flowing with ease. But we learn from this the next level - non-attachment, no need to hold those thoughts streaming by.. they are not ours to take. The Stream is Life and we are only a part. One small part of it all. We can't have it all. We don't need it all. We don't require all of Life to be Life. We are Life and Life is us... if only for a brief moment we realize this, it is powerful enough to become us forever and more. Ease into it.

04 enero 2009
Pic of the Week:
Daze Passed


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Post by stilltrucking » January 5th, 2009, 4:00 am

Good Morning Cecil.

Interesting stream

Love that picture.

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Post by mtmynd » January 5th, 2009, 12:46 pm

Thank you, Jack Tilles.

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