Sunday Stream (197) ~ Hu'manity - A Short History

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (197) ~ Hu'manity - A Short History

Post by mtmynd » March 8th, 2009, 1:45 pm

Hu'manity - A Short History
deciphered by the
Astral Hobo

Hu'manity is an abhorrent beast that is a complete stranger not only to ourselves but to life on planet Earth. We are destroying the habitat of all other life on Earth that was seeded with our early ancestors eons before records were kept. In our collective memories we still instinctively look to the stars as if we know one day that is where we will return... a distant world that is hu'manity's home where we were not strange beasts, not the foreigner... the newest species upon a small, but life-active planet that sustains us but will not be able to provide for our instinctive need for more than this planet can produce.

On our home world we had everything. Our species knew not the word 'need' for we were able to outgrow that primitive desire long, long before that planet became unstable. It was not because of any failures of our kind but the evolutionary changes all planets must endure. We had the advantage of astral-travel to go wherever we needed whenever we chose in the instant of perception. We used that method to find a suitable planet that we could transfer to. Our species was split amongst three different planets with this which we called Earth being populated with the smaller contingency to our kind.

We had to learn how to survive by studying the various species on this planet to determine which was the most likely to provide us with that which our ancestral home so generously did. Our ancient forefathers had long discussions and debates... so many types of life that shared this planet and so many had adapted so well that to choose was understandably a long and arduous task. There was a very close call to choose life beneath the oceans of this planet by borrowing variously from the dolphin/porpoise/whales which seemed to be extremely intelligent and overall a most peaceful life form.

The ancients settled upon an upright creature that had two opposable thumbs. This would provide the closest possible solution to protecting ourselves with the ability to create that which we would need to keep our species alive and productive as closely to our home planet as was possible. Borrowing DNA from a species that most closely resembled the present day primates, the ancients were able to use their own genetic cells to create that which we now call ourselves - hu'man.

This was an extraordinary method that relied upon our ancestor's vast knowledge accumulated over what we call millennium. After so many months on this planet they quickly discovered that these environs, which were so well-suited to the vast lifeforms here, were not beneficial to their own individual lives. The original home planet did not have the radically, rapid rotational planet that brought light and darkness so quickly to our ancestors that it brought them ill health. Our original home did not exhibit the dualities and the suddenness of change on the scale they do on this planet. Weather was a phenomenon with it's extremes in such short periods of time it did not provided enough time for acclimation for them. As strangers here, their resistance waned and they realized in order to survive they had to make their decisions quickly before they left their bodies to this world.

The young and unknowing new species our ancestors left is who we are today. Our intellect grows in concert with the outward expansion of the universe from which we belong. Our questions were inherited from those same ancestors and with each new answer we continue making slow-but-sure steps to that which is beyond this world... each step out to the stars that hold our future as it did for those ancients that came before us leaving their treasure of Being within us so we may continue passing this life on to those children of the future who will inherit the Light of Being, hu'man or not, but more knowing than we are today.

What is it we can honestly say to ourselves
when asked, "What do we know?" without
relying on the vagaries of memory gained from
books written by the same people we all are
with weaknesses and frailties hoping for answers
more than facts based on opinions for opinions sake
and seldom the Truths that will envelope us in bliss..?


08 march 2009

Picture of the Week:
Our Frontal Door


"You're welcome..."
Last edited by mtmynd on March 9th, 2009, 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Artguy » March 8th, 2009, 2:56 pm

Good one Cecil...quite a choice between the primitive and the (progressive) modern image of our species...
"The species has amused itself to death..." Roger Waters...

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Post by mtmynd » March 8th, 2009, 3:49 pm

Roger Waters quote... it amused me. ;)

Glad you liked, Kurt... good to see you.

Thanks... and good health to you.
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Post by Artguy » March 8th, 2009, 4:10 pm

Hey cecil..don't know if you've ever given The Amused To death Album a listen...full of great insight with items like put a chimp in a room with TV and a remote and watch him go well as featuring a war turned into a sporting event with live commentary...

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Post by mtmynd » March 8th, 2009, 5:34 pm

No, Kurt... I don't even remember ever hearing about that album. Is it a solo album by Roger Waters ?
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Post by Artguy » March 8th, 2009, 7:17 pm

Ya , a solo album, came out in the late 90' got almost no radio play...too out there for mainstream radio...but on tour everyone in the audience knows it...especially the refrain chant throughout..."It all makes perfect sense expressed in dollars and cents, pounds, shillings and pence.."

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Post by Nazz » March 8th, 2009, 9:44 pm

Sure beats the Bible version!
Hitchhikin' through the galaxy, so to speak.
Yeah the Stardust. Back in my Vegas days I used set up shop in an old hotel next to the Stardust. I could get a room there for $25 in winter, and all the esthetic madness and utter unreality of Vegas was just a short walk down the street. I love the confused heat coming off that place, the wild arid wind. I never did go see Wayne Newton though...

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Post by mtmynd » March 9th, 2009, 11:27 am

Sure beats the Bible version!
to tell you the truth, i'm not convinced the bible needs to be beaten. maybe slapped around a bit just to get it's attention. maybe not. but when an honest person compares their imagination with a bible or any other book, it's a tough call who'd win. look at walt disney or albert einstein... two good examples of how imagination can entertain the intellect.
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Post by stilltrucking » March 9th, 2009, 12:29 pm

a savory stream Cecil :D

as in one to savor
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Post by mtmynd » March 9th, 2009, 12:31 pm

Thank you very much (tyvm), Mr Tilles! I appreciate that. I really do.

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Post by stilltrucking » March 9th, 2009, 12:36 pm

enjoy: derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in
I closed the box by accident before I was done editing

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Post by Arcadia » March 9th, 2009, 1:57 pm

gracias!!!!!! :D

beautiful stream, Cecil!!!!!!



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Post by mtmynd » March 10th, 2009, 12:11 am

y gracias a usted, amiga mia! :)

Glad you took time to read this week's Stream and happy to know you enjoyed it.

Keep the smile smiling... ;)
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Post by mousey1 » March 10th, 2009, 6:29 pm

Nice to read another take on the could have been might have been and maybe is. Because we just don't know anything beyond all shadow of doubt and there is some glimmer glow that shows there may be other possible paths and beginnings of. To me the Bible opens up possibility it does not rule out. I believe that from where we came we will return but that in this journey of hu man we feel our way more than sense our way, and sensing is the more preferable. Or a combination of the two perhaps.

But humans are out of hand. Of that there's not much doubt. As tangibles with feel and touch and physical want and need it is easy to subject and control and even trample down because the end in sight is finite, so use it and live it up. That is the mentality of some and perhaps even many, at least in the way back of the mind.

A physical being is a user a needer and a wanter, one wonders what a spiritual being, a bodiless being is? Does a spirit body eat, want, use, or is it just existence without any pleasures of?

I think that is why it is such a great experience this living gig, enjoyment of the 5 senses, an appreciation for. It is a too bad and a sad thing that being human more often than not ends up a hurtful, painful, greedy and money-grubbing thing!

Anyway, sorry for the long winded fingerness of me, but you got me thinking! :wink:

Thanks for the stream, it was a good read. Here's to the abhorrent beast returning to its true self again and learning to coexist and cohabit respectfully and peaceably as it was perhaps meant to be. Amen.
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
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Post by mtmynd » March 10th, 2009, 7:20 pm

So nice to read you, mouseyone... and I glad to have given you some thoughts. I'm giving myself thoughts all the durn time but I've learned how to turn off the ceaseless (cec'-less ?) thinking that tool does... what a relief!

this abhorrent beast is all mind and voice for the most part... and the main problem we all have, unable to distinguish between the "true me" and the ego, never finding satisfaction until we're asleep.


thank you! i appreciate it. really. i do. uh huh! ;)
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