Sunday Stream (200) ~ Experiencing Experience

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (200) ~ Experiencing Experience

Post by mtmynd » April 5th, 2009, 12:32 pm

"People say that what we're all seeking is a meaning to life... I think that what we're really seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonance within our innermost being and reality, so that we can actually feel the rapture of being alive." - Joseph Campbell
and so begins...
Experiencing Experience
Life in the Matter World
~The 200th Stream~
The rapture of being alive... five great words put together to convey the feeling of wonderment that life gives us. If it wasn't for our senses working in harmony with mind would this thing called life actually exist? Life is a physical experience within which we also experience that which is purely thought... thought being the imaginative visuals that have the reality factor which is what we are in contact with in our daily lives... the Matter World.

Many would believe this Matter World doesn't really matter at all... the only reality is that which exists beyond all matter. A tempting thought and one that has been pursued by deep thinkers for centuries. What gives that thought any credibility is whether our lives that we rejoice in and suffer in is only a stepping stone to a life free of emotions... liberated from suffering, liberated from mind, liberated from bodily needs, liberated from constant change without ever knowing where or why or when a destination will be achieved... will our sailing ship of life ever find a final port? ... or is this life nothing more than a temporal journey until we pass to the other side?

Minds can wrestle with those questions, and indeed they do. They've been pondered and discussed as long as thought has existed and time has allowed. But if there ever was a perfect answer that appealed to all of us, that answer would have been embraced long ago. Instead here we are, calling ourselves Homo Sapiens, but hardly in agreement with any answers we ask ourselves regarding our very life which has been estimated to be around 250,000 years... and counting. I would reckon that if our species were to last another 250,000 years we would still not have reached an agreement amongst our kind. Questions far outweigh our answers. We seek answers to our questions not simply to know but 'to experience being alive,' as Mr Campbell had written.

The experience of living, truly feeling alive with all our senses working receptively to 'give us a buzz' that feels like life should feel. When we, the Sapiens, feel our best is when we are liberated from those things that weigh us down. When the hot air balloon sheds it's weight it rises gracefully and majestically into the skies to join with the breeze that take it along on a wonderful journey without true direction or meaning - only to flow serenely with our troubles left far behind. That poetic scenario is but one of so many human experiences that make our life lively... our experiences give us more than just meaning, our experiences give us definition of what is means to be alive.

That experience which awaits us after we have lived should await us after we have lived. There is no need to rush our lives if the hurry does not fulfill our experience of being. We will be without this life far, far longer than the time our life provides us our experiences. If we do not learn how to enjoy our life we are among the walking dead... zombies without emotions to experience this matter world belong not to this world but imagine the silent death of what lies beyond their moribund existence anxiously awaiting it's demise. That is no way to live for it offers negative experiences that add to the dismal slow death of consciousness that barely survives in the imagination-starved mind on it's final breath with a tomorrow exactly like their today.

Those that do not experience the most in their lives will never live a life fully experienced. Stunted and dumb to what this world offers from malnourishment of imagination of a life of dis-ease and joylessness, deprived of 'the rapture of being alive' we may also find ourselves castaways from living if we abandon the true meaning of life.

05 abril 2009

Picture of the Week:
upon reflection

photo: cecil @ stahmann farms [3.09]
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Post by Artguy » April 5th, 2009, 12:37 pm

Nothing to add here've covered it all...ties in well with those 4 noble truths....Thanks Cecil

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Post by mtmynd » April 5th, 2009, 12:59 pm

I appreciate that, Kurt. Thank you and I hope you're feeling well today.
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Post by stilltrucking » April 5th, 2009, 3:27 pm

stahmann farms

In a nut shell

thanks for the stream and picture

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Post by mtmynd » April 5th, 2009, 4:59 pm

Last Sunday we took a little day trip and passed thru Stahmann's. It was irrigation time and caught some nice flicks of reflections. I jazzed this one up as you can tell... just for fun. It was a good day, just Soo & I slowly riding up towards Old Mesilla and then over to the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Museum in Las Cruces. Good day with beautiful weather for a change... not like this week's winds and dust. still diggin the dirt outta my ears. :)

Thx, amigo, for stopping by and checking today's Stream out. I appreciate it!
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Post by stilltrucking » April 5th, 2009, 6:45 pm

A good day for be ing human

I would have held up a flower to show you I got it

but I decided to hold up a pecan nut instead.

Strange story in the paper last week. I think it relates.

A woman called 911 twice because she did get her McChicken Mcnuggets. She was extremely upset. She got into a fight with the cops. The fast food restaurant had run out of chicken nuggets and they would not refund her money. Is she an emotional zombie? Is there hope for her? Will she wake up one day and think about anything other than her own need for chicken nuggets?
Last edited by stilltrucking on April 6th, 2009, 5:39 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Arcadia » April 5th, 2009, 8:57 pm

(I left s-t questions for the master!!! :lol:)

beautiful stream & photo Cecil!!!!!!! the trees reminded me our local jacarandás!!!!!!!

gracias & saludos,


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Post by mtmynd » April 7th, 2009, 7:56 am

Thx, truck for stopping in. I appreciate it and enjoy you comments.

truck: A woman called 911 twice because she did get her McChicken Mcnuggets. She was extremely upset. She got into a fight with the cops. The fast food restaurant had run out of chicken nuggets and they would not refund her money. Is she an emotional zombie? No... only a hungry zombie. Is there hope for her? Feed this woman or give back her money then all will be fine. Will she wake up one day and think about anything other than her own need for chicken nuggets? She will wake up with digestive problems should she eat too many of those damned Nuggets. ;) (having a winkie morning)


Hola arcadia, amiga mia! :)

Gracias para las palabras buenas. Me gusta mucho... y tiene una dia buena, eh? ;)
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Post by stilltrucking » April 7th, 2009, 9:03 am

Will she wake up one day and think about anything other than her own need for chicken nuggets?
I first tripped in the early seventies. With a small circle of friends. All my friends were saying it was as if they stepped out of a book about their lives and looked back to see where they were.

If she wakes up she will see where she has been. It is hard for people to face the truth about themselves. To overcome the shame.

I hope she wakes up. Everyone must wake up. Sooner or later every human being must wake up. Unless they die first. Then I suppose they will have to do it again.

thanks for the reply 8)

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Post by mtmynd » April 7th, 2009, 12:10 pm

truck: It is hard for people to face the truth about themselves. To overcome the shame.
Very true, amigo. The proclamation "Know thyself" (should be tweaked to "Know thy Self"), is brought on by the difficulty facing the truth about ourselves. But the fear is much greater than the reality - shame is brought on by a constant reminder of an act(s) we've done over and over in our minds that initially we didn't forgive ourselves for doing. The extra baggage we carry and for no reason but our guilt... our ignorance is the real shame, isn't it?
Everyone must wake up. Sooner or later every human being must wake up. Unless they die first. Then I suppose they will have to do it again.
That's the premise behind reincarnation... we don't learn all our lessons in this life and return to continue learning. Why not? It gives both reason and purpose for our existence that might otherwise seem useless and unreasonable... not to mention some have known of their prior lives. I'm not one to dis' that.
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