Sunday Stream (206) ~ The Lotus: Sweet Ascent

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (206) ~ The Lotus: Sweet Ascent

Post by mtmynd » May 24th, 2009, 12:17 pm

The Lotus: Sweet Ascent
I stand alone in defiance of my very being as gravity whispers "leave me... leave me now... i am no longer necessary.." and my heart's beating increases pulse by pulse by pulse until i must lie down and regain my equilibrium that has vaporized into a place that i am unfamiliar with... that stranger in a strange land where it's not denial but acceptance of cluelessness that befuddles me and yet i know i must continue forward for my backwardness has only confined me whenever it takes hold like a strict disciplinarian with a whip in hand demanding submission while a 6inch heel is applying a most uncomfortable pressure to my neck. how did i find myself in this position is not the question but the answer is where i must go and i squeeze thru a pinhole, sucked thru with a power that surprises me as i enter another side which is completely and totally foreign but there is an air of comfort that i feel safe within... my mind dissolving until there is no longer a thought, a doubt, a question or even a recognition of what was prior to this new birth of sorts that i have been given by whom i feel i shall never know if the truth were ever to rear its beautiful essence and envelope this moment of ... of... of reality? is this what reality really is? i'm at a loss... but i have no need to know... how foolish of me. at once in complete surrender and the next breath i question as if i had a need for any answers. i do not. there is the negative that begs for acceptance - i do not need answers at this moment beyond all time and space which are ancient thoughts that have become relics of times when the questioning mind had to know in order to comprehend the world that once was and was only one brief moment of thinking that passed as quickly as an eye blinked. only the truth of being one with all that there ever was and will be in this now that never began and will never end.... the womb of pure consciousness that everything that ever was and all that will ever be exist in a union incomprehensible to the hu'man mind that serves such a different purpose other than delivering truth over the limited search for facts and knowledge of such a infinitely tiny mote of dust that our planet earth spins about that brings the comedy of life to the forefront where we all should be to witness our own fallibilities on stage, each of us learning the foibles that we must transcend in order to ascend this swamp of opinions like -
~ the lotus ~


24 mayo 2009
* * *

with silence
the final remedy
our drop of life
returns to
the oceanic.

our finality
our beginning
life living for

the light is full
and its power
soft and quiet
comforting our
into the placid
reflection of truth

* * *
Last edited by mtmynd on May 24th, 2009, 4:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 24th, 2009, 12:39 pm

I love this stream, Cecil! Wonderful.... I know these feelings well.

And that's a lovely lotus, too! Really nice! Who's art? :)

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Post by mtmynd » May 24th, 2009, 1:03 pm

Thx, Doreen... as usual, i appreciate it. ;)

the picture i gleaned from a google search > lotus flower>images then choosing from this:, an interesting name for a site but i haven't taken any time to peruse it... probably should, eh? i have no idea where they got the image. things like that get passed around like chips at a party i'm sure...
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 24th, 2009, 1:51 pm

buddhists do it deeper... LOL!... that's funny to me.. don't ask me why 'cause I don't know....well it's on the front page of their site.. it's probably a royalty free image or something....

i like it! it's lovely!

Looks like their site is under construction... wonder what it's going to be about?

(might be good just to link to where you got it next time.. at least that gives them credit for it....)

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Post by mtmynd » May 24th, 2009, 2:09 pm

i thought about that and even put the link below the picture and guess what? it didn't look balanced at all... this long ass link in blue below a picture with such delicate harmony and beauty... the incongruousness of it just didn't set well with me at the time and i deleted it. but since you brought it up ... it made the stream, although not with the immediacy that might have been had i not felt compelled to keep the topic clean. :lol: (pretty 'monk-like' thing, eh?)
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 24th, 2009, 2:47 pm

here's a little trick for long ass links

for instance the link to your ebay store becomes simply this after you plug it into the tinyurl

Then you can code it like this

[url = ] Cecil's Ebay Store [/ url]

(without the spaces)

and it becomes this

Cecil's Ebay Store

(of course you don't have to tiny it in advance of using that second code... you can use the second code with the long url too)

sorry to go off topic from your lovely Stream!

didn't really want to interrupt... just was curious where the beautiful image came from ;)

Enjoy your Sunday!

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Post by Doreen Peri » May 24th, 2009, 2:49 pm

unfortunately the darn link isn't working! lol... sighh.. sorry.. i don't have a clue why

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Post by Doreen Peri » May 24th, 2009, 2:50 pm

Cecil's EBay Store

That one works

Here's the code

[url= ... 3aSTQQtZkm] Cecil's EBay Store [ /url]

(without the spaces)

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Post by mtmynd » May 24th, 2009, 8:56 pm

ty, dor... i did it. ;)
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Post by Doreen Peri » May 24th, 2009, 9:08 pm


You can do it for your MySpace, too.
Visit My MySpace [ /url]

(without the spaces will look like this [url=]Visit My MySpace

just an idea... I can see you like it otherwise you wouldn't have done it. heh ;)

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Post by mtmynd » May 24th, 2009, 10:43 pm

ty ((again))... got it.

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Post by still.trucking » May 25th, 2009, 6:07 am

cool stream cecil
thanks for posting that
beautiful picture

At first look I thought it might have been photographed morphed into digital art, i.e. photoshoped.
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Post by mtmynd » May 25th, 2009, 11:08 am

thx, truck... glad you enjoyed this one. i had no struggles with it at all... simply flowed as i would have hoped had i hoped.

re: photo - good ol' google and their selection of pictures is huge, so much to choose from... i caught (3) that were up my alley and then narrowed it to this one in particular... something about the strong detailing and the composition left me relaxed. maybe one of these days i, too, can shoot a picture like that. as you know i have been really 'getting off' on bloom pictures... might be the bee (B.) in me drawn to their uniqueness from other blooms, the variety of lures that draw me in, blah, blah, blah... who really cares as long as there is joy.
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Post by Arcadia » May 31st, 2009, 1:30 pm

gracias for the stream and the beautiful photo, Cecil!!!!!!!! :D

& budistas do it deeper??? :lol:



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