Sunday Stream (210) ~ Mind vs Self

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (210) ~ Mind vs Self

Post by mtmynd » June 28th, 2009, 11:54 am

Mind vs Self
Mind has gotten out of control and has brought the world we inhabit to where it is today - a world of uncertainty and confusion as to what will be next in this collapse of various things and stuff that we have created to protect us from the very life we share with all living things on this singular Spaceship Earth, as Buckminster Fuller called our planet. We are quickly becoming out of balance with the harmony of nature.

We place an inordinate amount of faith in mind and what mind has given us... primarily the sciences. Before the word 'scientist' was coined in the 19th century, those same people were called 'natural philosophers.'
... the dawn of modern science is generally traced back to the early modern period, during what is known as the Scientific Revolution that took place in 16th and 17th century Europe.- Wikipedia
Here we are now embracing the 21st Century and science has nearly become the final authority on life and humanity... where we came from and where we are headed and all things in between.

All that information is mind speaking. The emotions are not involved in any decision making. The spiritual qualities of hu'manity are pretty well discarded into the rubbish heap of old thinking. Where does that leave us if we have given mind the sole responsibility of our lives? Mind can be a ruthless ruler. Historically look at various people of power and see what mind has brought them to do - various warriors throughout history and their hunger for power (Attila the Hun, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Mao... the list can be as long as you want it to be, where mind ran the show by whoever became enamored enough by mind to become it's servant. Mind is the responsible entity that brings on these acts of violence. Mind convincing people that their way is the final way and if other disagree do what you must to eliminate the opposition.

These are not acts of a healthy, rational, logical, compassionate, giving hu'man. These are acts of a hu'man who has lost their hu'manity within the demands of mind. Mind no longer is a tool but made the hu'man a tool for mind. And mind's power is such that anything that hints at, belief in anything other than the array of sciences man has embraced is quickly refuted for lack of empirical evidence, the evidence for reality based upon observation. This is initially a good thing to do when we are attempting to understand something within our natural world.

This is where the problem begins - a belief in the Natural World as all there is to life... what we witness in Nature is all there is. This is a mind game. If we accept this is the only criteria for our being, then we are giving mind the final say-so to our purpose for being. But our educational systems worldwide encourage this thinking to the point that many come out of University believing mind is all they are. Mind is what got them their degree so why not put all their faith in that same mind to provide them with all the answers to life? A foolish commitment to think mind is something much greater than a tool and not realizing all mind has given us are but tools to further 'Know Thyself' - a dictum as simple and as important to being as one could embrace.

But mind will not know what this dictum even means. It confuses Mind... 'Know ThySelf???' ... where is the evidence there is thyself? Where does thyself live? How can you know something like a 'thyself' if you are unable to prove to mind it exists? Prove to me, MIND, that there is 'thyself', it almost demands of you. The unknowing respond with a curt dismissal "there is no such thing as 'thyself'!" as if they had all the answers that mind allows them to know. Too weakened by mind, these same foolish people live in an alternate world where mind makes all the decisions for them. Mind demands obedience and they respond like robotic beings programmed by mind to fulfill it's demands which never ends... mind is merciless. Demanding answers to questions it alone continues asking 24/7 if allowed without sleep. Mind even interfering with the hu'man emotional life, a sex life that demands a state of no-mind in order to fulfill the emotions... a state of no-mind to enjoy a meal with family and friends... a state of no-mind where healthy laughter is shared with company... a state of no-mind to invite bliss and knowing beyond mind... a fulfillment of Being that transcends Mind, Emotion and Spirit to full self realization... 'Knowing Thyself.'
The more power mind is given the less balance we preserve

28 June 2009

Picture of the Day:
(a front porch, stage left)

Photo: Cecil [6.09]
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Post by WIREMAN » June 28th, 2009, 12:41 pm

hey cecil....thought provoking....mind bending.....being an empty vessel.....these daze, i just take it in stride...i get all the news i need to know, from my co-workers and friends @ the nola is enough for my wired mind....hell it's enough to just keep up with all of my loved ones health issues......input.....i'm careful 'bout what goes in there (my mind)....i'm continually running from the babble-on (control no mo' my mantra)....basically i feel free to make art and music & yes write when i hold down the the wall flow in pic.....are u still using the effects??? peace out my friend .....wired mark
me I feel like I'm becoming some kinda Kung fu t.v. Priest.....

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Post by mtmynd » June 28th, 2009, 2:16 pm

howdy, wired! so good to see you around the stream... it's been too long.

this one came out of some conversations i was having with a die-hard who felt he is what his mind is... too many of them folks out there now days and they are a scary group when they get insistent... dark lords of the mind, if you know what i mean... who wants to live the life of tool?

keep up the health... i, too, tryin' to keep body right, mind honest and spirit lighted... is there another path? methinks not at this age.

re: the pic - that one used no effects at all... i spotted that brickwork on my morning walk last week and was stunned... the house was built probably in the 40's and it was groovy the bricklayer just made his own pattern around the large rocks on the corners... fun to walk thru the neighborhood in the early a,m, seeing what you never see passing thru at 30mph...

take care, amigo... and gracias! come back and drop a note another time...
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Post by Arcadia » June 28th, 2009, 4:35 pm

gracias for the stream, Cecil!!!!

beautiful photo-wall!!!!!!! :D



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Post by Nazz » June 28th, 2009, 5:43 pm

I work in a place where it's very much about numbers and calculating things-- and it spills over into the personalities of my co-workers-- so focused on dotting i's and crossing t's and worrying about accounts and retirement and all that. Man, I'm not long for all that-- I know enough of myself to know that is not my way. Been there, done that. In fact if I didn't have so many local family issues going on, I might have moved on by now. Anyway...

--"Mind no longer is a tool but made the hu'man a tool for mind." Nice way to put it. This describes the basis for wars of choice in some ways. The general ideas of evolution and balance go together I think, in an ongoing sort of transition from survival (or prosperity) of the few toward survival and prosperity of the whole. And mind needs to be a tool to help us approach this destination. I've been fascinated from time to time in recent years by the "green" movement, and its related science, which will comprise many of the next series of notable human advances going forward. I hope. Thanks for the Stream, Cec.

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Post by mtmynd » June 28th, 2009, 7:07 pm

Gracias, Veronica y Mark. Always nice seeing you around the stream.

Yes, nazz... over-reliance upon mind at the expense of emotional and spiritual aspects of we hu'mans makes for many of our problems. Example: how much mind went into the fiddling of the mortgage/banking debacle prior to the collapse? How much mind went into the wars we are still involved in in the Mid-East? The list is large if given mind is behind so much and so much gone wrong.

If there was a balance between that mind and our other given qualities that make up our being, things would be much more stable than where they are now.
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Post by Artguy » July 4th, 2009, 10:49 am

We will think ourselves into oblivion...

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Post by mtmynd » July 5th, 2009, 11:11 am

"We will think ourselves into oblivion..."
... as oblivion dissolves into the nothingness from which it came.

indeed, Kurt.. indeed.

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