Sunday Stream (214) ~ Stop it!

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (214) ~ Stop it!

Post by mtmynd » August 2nd, 2009, 12:40 pm

Stop. Stop it! Stop it now!!
((Damned mind. Mind me!))
There is too much mind out here... out where the wild ones roam the streets in search of arguments... in search of opposition... in search of tarnishing that which favors truth. Too much mind that runs rampant and takes the body and soul with it. Yet, those same folks are not cognizant of their foolishness and actually think (and some actually believe) that mind is all that matters. Mind is their beginning and their end. They are unable to accept anything more than that.

There are those amongst us who twist mind into god(s) that speak to them and make demands upon them. And these folks, out of fear of what they accept is 'god' speaking to them and them alone, react and with each reaction they lose a bit of their being... their soul.

And, of course, we have amongst us the non-believer. They non-believe so strongly against any concept of god(s) that there is nothing after this life and all life is simply things in an evolutionary spiral that it matters little what anyone does because life is just random occurrences of which they are but another insignificant part until they die.

Hu'manity is fractionalized... fractionalized in so many varied ideas, so many varied wants, so many varied opinions, concepts, philosophies, religious systems, political systems... that to try to understand or even sympathize with all these differences is so overwhelming that it is incumbent upon ourselves to withdraw from the chaos of the outside world and into the calm of our inner silence...
with silence
the final remedy
our drop of life
returns to
the oceanic

our finality
our beginning
life living for

the light is full
and its power
soft and quiet
comforting our
into the placid
reflection of Truth
There is no other way for us to find the beauty that we know deep inside us to flower other than self-reflection, contemplation, meditation... all paths to the same destination - peace, that most treasured essence that rewards us with complete trust and pure compassion.

How else to save our sanity from the ravages of a world seemingly attempting a social suicide with voices clamoring over other voices in a desperation to be heard, to be listened to? But how many of us have any idea what our inner-being, that original face before we were born, even exists? All our religions have fallen short in their responsibility to even give it mention much the emphasis that is necessary.

Our current world situation continues to devolve into more and more serious turmoil that is clueless of what wonders lie within each and every one of us. It seems the masses of our hu'manity are hell-bent on satisfying their own egos... claiming things and stuff as the measurements to their well being. But there simply is not enough of these 'things and stuff' to even pacify for a day all the cries for attention we hear across the world. But those that have any power at all, in their hopes to keep, if not enhance power, do anything at all, including lie and deceive the people... give them false hopes to cling to until they go mad.
Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there!
for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
Luke 17:21 (KJV)
This has been a biblical quote far longer than any of us have walked this earth. It has been known by any practitioner of Christianity ever since it was written. If all preachers and priests of that sect have never heard of this passage, they are unworthy of their practice. But yet how many Christians take this with the seriousness it truly deserves? It's not a line that belongs only to Christians (all though they may resist agreeing with that...) but anyone that is seeking Truth, no matter where the clues may be.

Our inner-search, that pilgrimage to our True Being is exactly what Jesus is quoted here as saying - the Kingdom of God is within you. Not outside of us in the material world... not in the Sun, the moon, the planets that revolve with Earth around our Sun... the Kingdom is not 'out there' where Hubble has shown us magnificence and beauty that the hu'man eye has never before seen. Nyet! the Kingdom of God... Heaven... Nivana.. name the name that pleases you most... the destination is the same and the location is the same - Within YOU. Nobody can take us there, to this place within each of us, but our self and our need to find this spot to alleviate our cacophony of insanity that our fellow hu'mans have seemingly reached in today's times. This place within offers Peace and the realization that we, all of life, are one... interconnected.
relax the mind
inner peace.

The soul
embracing the
innocence of
true self
alive with eyes
and touch
from the

First Sunday, August 2009
Last edited by mtmynd on August 3rd, 2009, 10:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Arcadia » August 2nd, 2009, 4:13 pm

Hu'manity is fractionalized... fractionalized in so many varied ideas, so many varied wants, so many varied opinions, concepts, philosophies, religious systems, political systems... that to try to understand or even sympathize with all these differences is so overwhelming that is is incumbent upon ourselves to withdraw from the chaos of the outside world and into the calm of our inner silence...

But there simply is not enough of these 'things and stuff' to even pacify for a day all the cries for attention we hear across the world. But those that have any power at all, in there hopes to keep, if not enhance, power do anything at all, including lie and deceive the people... give them false hopes to cling to until they go mad.

plus it seems we are part of humanity! :shock: :lol:

thanks for the stream & the beautiful photo, Cecil!



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Post by mtmynd » August 3rd, 2009, 10:56 am

Buenos dias, amiga mia! Espero todo bueno con usted... ;)

Gracias para "coming to the stream"... good to have you here as always.

((... y si... "we are part of humanity!", pero not so big, :lol: ))
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Post by Artguy » August 5th, 2009, 10:18 am

I've had enough of this God sh**...I want out...I'm starting my own religion that celebrates the power of power...I will be the supremely powerful being because I have the biggest gun...and if you disagree...Blam!!! Why worship some mysterious unknown being when you can worship me...I'm here and visible..I'm human which in itself makes me superior to all beings. Also anyone who doesn't either do drugs or drink alcohol will be eliminated. I want it made clear there will be no ambiguity. There will be only one commandment, obey me. I hope I am clear. As far as an afterlife, nobody gets one except me and I will be back. Now life and death will be simple for all. .... :twisted:

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Post by mtmynd » August 5th, 2009, 10:52 am

:lol: :lol: :lol: you tell 'em, kurt... you be da god of all da godz, goddammit!
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Post by Nazz » August 5th, 2009, 3:37 pm

Christianity has turned much of its teachings of inner wisdom outward, tried to "concretize" them, set up a great divide between our being and heaven. That Luke passage is not taken in the gnostic sense, but as a more literal "dwelling within" of Christ, by explicit invitiation only, subject to conditions, as per doctrine. I think this is why so many Christian writings never "made the final cut" into the Biblical canon. Good one, Cec. (God one?)

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Post by mtmynd » August 5th, 2009, 7:00 pm

Christianity has turned much of its teachings of inner wisdom outward, tried to "concretize" them, set up a great divide between our being and heaven.
Christianity. it appears to me, has successfully accomplished the great divide between being and heaven. Surely the observant amongst them must note that following Christianity is not the same as the message of Jesus the Christ (Enlightened). But 'tis not the case from where I've stood for many years.
I think this is why so many Christian writings never "made the final cut" into the Biblical canon.
The Biblical canon was selected by those who were unenlightened, which fails the message of their messiah miserably. They were more intune to a fixed celebratory worship for the memory of Jesus... which succeeded beyond their imaginings (the same can be said of other religions also, i.e. Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam as prime examples).

Thanks, Mark, for stopping in and sharing your thoughts... :)
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Post by sooZen » August 7th, 2009, 7:58 am

Stop, stop it, stop it now!

I floated down this stream my mtmynded one without any dams or snags. Good one and that photo ain't too bad either. :wink:
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Post by mtmynd » August 7th, 2009, 5:53 pm

tyvm, dear one, for stopping in and replying! ;)
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Post by mousey1 » August 8th, 2009, 6:56 pm

Peace. Yes.

I enjoyed this very much. A calming read to my senses that lead me to just breathe. How often we forget to just stop and breathe.

A deep sigh in the gratefulness to just be living.

So many are dying. And I, I dwell in my own oasis and hope to stay afloat and sup lightly on the dates and raisins of my own sweet existence.

Within. Count your blessings if you are able to find peace within. So many only find turmoil.

Luckily my within is usually fairly calm. Allows me to sail away. Perhaps perch on a cloud. Gander down untouched.

Love that picture, Cec. Very peace inducing.

Thanks for the read. I am glad I ambled in.
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mtmynd » August 8th, 2009, 8:33 pm

oh my... the mouseyone!
i hope the place is tidy
the floors all swept clean
no dust upon old thoughts
and the furnishings polished
so all the reflections are seen
while seated comfortably on
the banks of cushions to idle
away the moments one by one

thank you, old friend, tis good
to see your words tracing away
across this topic open for one...
open for all on this or any other day
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