Sunday Stream (238) ~ doing another 'cecilism'

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (238) ~ doing another 'cecilism'

Post by mtmynd » March 14th, 2010, 1:18 pm



Fear of God

separates one from


Do not fear God

for you will fear

your True Self.

Know thyself and

ye shall know God,

for it is in

God's image

that we are


I've always been puzzled by those who evoke the name God and command you fear this God. I wonder who that God is that in one moment is Pure Love and the next a wrathful, demanding God. I've concluded those folks who speak in those terms are the very ones who fear God and they pass their fear onto those who listen to their rantings and ravings. They are actually trying in pure desperation to purify themselves of this unnatural fear that they may have learned from someone who they loved and respected. That's usually reason enough to believe in other's words... we trust the source to not lie or deceive us.

But we seldom question our sources. Maybe we trust too much or even fear knowing more about our source. Here is someone who tells us to fear God and so many assume if this person is giving us this warning, they certainly must know God. How else would they know? And if that person actually knows God it's best we believe the source. After all, what if we disregarded their advice and God, being a presence to fear, struck us down with a bolt of lightning or some other tragedy? If only we didn't trust that person and their warnings...

But God is within us. God is within you, within your mate, within each of your parents, your friends and enemies, your pets, your work associates... God is ubiquitous, for Life would not be if it weren't for God.

I've heard it said that we should substitute the word God for Truth for that's what God is - Truth... Absolute, unquestionable Truth. Not unquestionable because we shouldn't question, but unquestionable because once we know God/Truth all questions dissolve. But first we must know God to attain Truth.
17:20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

God is within you. Truth is within you. Life was born out of Truth. There is nothing in Life, living, breathing, functioning Life that is not True. These are collectively "God's image"... the image of Truth is the image of God is the image of Truth.

When I say: "Fear of God separates one from Truth" is saying you can not separate the two because God and Truth are the same. There is no difference. But there are those who believe God is "up there somewhere" apart from all else, including Truth. If we accept that, surely fear is a possibility. Imagine God, "up there somewhere" watching everything and every move we make and if we misstep somewhere along the path set by this God we are in serious trouble! We fear the consequences.

"Do not fear God for you will fear your True Self." Our 'True Self' is that Kingdom within. True Self is not our little ego self that makes us what we are in our daily lives... a personality to identify us from others, a personality that communicates with other personalities, including our mates and children, who are other personalities. All these are ourselves... small letter self. True Self is that Light within, the Kingdom within, that gives us our small self, our personality, that is how others see us and we see them. We are unable to see that Light within us and it follows we cannot see the Light within others... until we know thyself.

Just because we all don't know ourselves, is no reason to not believe there is something much greater than ourselves. There is. It is within us... past our ego (personality), past our mind (thoughts based upon our daily lives in the world of matter), and into the pure spirituality, Pure Consciousness, the Light within... where it all begins and all ends. We are like light bulbs, shells holding the electricity (Spirit) within which give our bulb purpose, until the filament or some other part of our bulb breaks down and no longer can illuminate, the electricity does not end, but merely returns to it's source, and the bulb returns to the recycle bin. ;)

We Are

we are a configuration
of the planetary reality
spinning our own
constellation of being

blending into the
eternity of perpetuality
our very essence
blending into the cosmos

a universe unchallenged in
its vastness
its infinite fires
its beauty

the threads of mystery
suspending us over
the chasm of the void
baiting us with release

when does freedom -
the liberation of the soul
become the most valuable
treasure to awaken to


14 March 2010

Picture of the Week:
Balloon Rise

photo: cecil (in White Sands Nat'l Monument, NM)
Last edited by mtmynd on March 27th, 2010, 7:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Arcadia » March 14th, 2010, 8:55 pm

amazing photo! :D

gracias for the stream, Cecil!!



Non Sum

Post by Non Sum » March 15th, 2010, 11:42 am

Good morning, good M(ystical)T(heme),
Enjoyed your post very much. Be careful, you appear to be narrowing your gap towards philosophic Mysticism. :wink:

MT: I've always been puzzled by those who evoke the name God and command you fear this God. I wonder who that God is that in one moment is Pure Love and the next a wrathful, demanding God.

NS: Aren’t ‘fear & hope’ two codependent sides to the one same dualistic coin? What’s to “puzzle”?

MT: That's usually reason enough to believe in other's words... we trust the source to not lie or deceive us.

NS: While source credibility may well be a contributing factor, I’d say the major factor lies in the very nature of gods. Theists imbue them with power (life & death, sickness & health, success & failure, etc.), and what necessarily derives from that is ‘hope & fear’ directed at that powerful source. How could it be otherwise?

MT: But God is within us. God is within you, within your mate, within each of your parents, your friends and enemies, your pets, your work associates..

NS: How does this change the ‘fear-love’ dichotomy? “Within” does not negate ‘other.’ We can all have parasitic worms ‘within us,’ or beneficial bacteria. Either way, I am as estranged from ‘other creatures’ (inferior or superior) wherever they may be residing.

MT: that is what God is - Truth... Absolute, unquestionable Truth. Not unquestionable because we shouldn't question, but unquestionable because once we know God/Truth all questions dissolve. But first we must know God to attain Truth.

NS: Excellent!

MT: There is nothing in Life, living, breathing, functioning Life that is not True. These are collectively "God's image"... the image of Truth is the image of God is the image of Truth.

NS: But, is an “image” the “true” article, or merely an image of it? Is your image in a mirror (photo, painting, memory, etc.) identically true to the real you? ‘Image,’ (Lat. Imagio) root of ‘imagine’ means a ‘likeness’ of something else. You are not your image. If you are manufactured in the image of god, like some Sarah Palin bobble-head doll, that does not make you even fractionally a god, any more than a plastic doll becomes a part of Sarah. An image is what is ‘untrue.’

MT: Imagine God, "up there somewhere" watching everything and every move we make and if we misstep somewhere along the path set by this God we are in serious trouble! We fear the consequences.

NS: Exactly so. But, isn’t that the very essence of theism, i.e. ‘separation & otherness’? A pantheist does little to change this great divide between we & He/She. The pantheist pulls Him down from the clouds, and injects Him (tapeworm like) into the bellies of every object, but how does this change anything besides the site of His throne? How does it interfere with the ability to “watch,” and to judge any “misstep,” or to appoint His “consequences”?

MT: "Do not fear God for you will fear your True Self." Our 'True Self' is that Kingdom within. True Self is not our little ego self that makes us what we are in our daily lives.

NS: Now, we come to the sweet smell of mystical brimstone that I love so much. This paragraph is pure non-theistic (I won’t say ‘atheistic’ for obvious reasons) Mysticism. The term, ‘True Self,’ by its very nature raises the question of how is one to take, and deal with, this ‘false self.’ Christ says we cannot stand in two boats, or “serve two masters” at once. A decision is demanded twixt the false and the true, Spirit and flesh, worldly and heavenly.

”Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." (I John 2:15)

“The spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing.”

MT: We are like light bulbs, shells holding the electricity (Spirit) within which give our bulb purpose, :idea:

NS: No, we are Truly pure Spirit/Electricity, with merely the imagined ‘image’ of a bulb/self surrounding our True Self. You either identify as One, or the other. To be “spiritual” is not to take yourself for a creature that harbors unknown gods somewhere within itself, but to know your Self as pure Spirit confronted by imagined objects. Where do you take your stand, is the spiritual question.

"For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other." (Galatians 5:17)
"Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh." (Romans 13:14)
"And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh." (Galatians 5:24)
“But he who unites himself with the Lord is one Spirit.”
(1st COR 6:17)

[apology note] You seemed to be in the mood for Xian Biblical quotes. Though, I aways feel like some fundy Bible banger whenever I use them. I’d use the Koran, but then Homeland Security would be all over my ass. Only the eastern religions, and western poets & philosophers, seem safe to quote these days.

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Post by Artguy » March 15th, 2010, 12:18 pm

Ya kinda like Buddha Nature...chisel away at that ego thing and find God, Buddha, Allah...all within....

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Post by mtmynd » March 15th, 2010, 12:43 pm

Hola, arcadia, amiga mia. Glad you enjoyed the foto y the Stream.

Gracias! ;)

... and a Thank you, to you too, Kurt. Always good seeing you about. That's part and parcel of the old "if you see the Buddha on the road" saying, "kill him"... because the true Buddha is within. Yes, we chip away at the stone to find the Truth within.

btw: good luck with your upcoming show... i'd like to see some photos of it, along with Judih.
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Post by mtmynd » March 15th, 2010, 2:20 pm

G'day, N(oonday) S(on)!

Happy you found some pleasure in this Stream. I hope you realize the Stream was within the 'cecilism' and all that followed was describing the essence...? :)

NS: Aren’t ‘fear & hope’ two codependent sides to the one same dualistic coin?

Certainly! I trust your own vision is no greater than most where your focus is on one side of the coin at a time..?

NS: What’s to “puzzle”?

Puzzlement lies in perceptions not made perfectly clear. I perceive those few who persist in referring to (their) gods as persona's to beware of rather than embrace. If what these 'preachers' are indeed saying, that's where my puzzlement lies - what god(s) are the aware of that must be feared? Certainly not any god(s) I am aware of. But please understand, puzzles are purely for pleasure. ;)

NS: While source credibility may well be a contributing factor, I’d say the major factor lies in the very nature of gods.

I don't see that as being 'the major factor' in what I had written at all. I was speaking of the reasoning behind believing in "other's words", i.e. an other person's words... to trust that source to NOT lie or deceive us... as one would expect from any preacher, priest, rabbi, imam, guru, etc.. One's sense of God(s) is based upon that of a teacher/preacher-type, and rarely based upon personal experience.

NS: How does this change the ‘fear-love’ dichotomy?

Are you not searching for bones in the filleted fish here? My words that I wrote, as far as I can tell, are merely saying "God" is within not only you or Jesus or Buddha or Muhammad or countless other religious/spiritual figures, but indeed, the "god-head" is within all living things and creatures and stuff... the life force is the god force, akin to that electrical current which runs thru the bulb's filament which creates the bulbs purpose. This is the sole reason it is said that 'we are all connected'... we (all life) is interconnected by this spiritual essence, if you will, which is within all the living.

NS: Excellent!

Thank you! But it was nothing. ;)

NS: But, is an “image” the “true” article, or merely an image of it?

Of course not. An image is a true image - nothing more nothing less. However an image must rely upon an article to become (reflect) an image. No thing, no image. The spiritual nature of that which we call God is immaterial, i.e. like electricity, one cannot carry around 20 watts in their purse/pocket.

The image reference is not to convey the idea that 'our physicality', our hu'man features is the image of God. The image of God is the reference to the inner Self, within all life, which is the identical image of the God-Head. One drop of the ocean has the identical essence of the entire ocean. But you know this...

NS: But, isn’t that the very essence of theism, i.e. ‘separation & otherness’?

To hell with theism. I find that boring and insignificant to what I am saying. As a matter of fact, that is exactly why I am saying what I do in that 'cecilism'.

"Fear of God separates one from Truth", which means once we perceive this God to be some thing, we separate ourselves from Truth. Theism becomes a divide between 'I' and Truth, where theistic thought/belief becomes a hu'manistic presence that has the ability to shroud Truth in it's own image which is reliant on a non-spiritual persona, i.e. a non-truth.

NS: Now, we come to the sweet smell of mystical brimstone that I love so much.

As long as there is odor of sulfur looming in the background, i trust your love is real, even though there may be some room for suspicion. :lol:

NS: The term, ‘True Self,’ by its very nature raises the question of how is one to take, and deal with, this ‘false self.

IMESHO, "True Self" does not negate our ego life anymore than a liter of 2003 Californian Pinot Noir can negate it's bottle. "True Self", analogically speaking, is unable to project it's essence without the assist of senses, or the nerve system found in all Life to some degree or another. The mere fact that your ego, John Doe, successful investor and lord of your mountain top, is but a reflection of that Light Energy within you which becomes in a prismatic fashion, peculiarly unique to the ego existence which is reading this sentence and will very soon be reacting to. The Inner Self and the Ego Self are ONE, right now, this moment, this instant... the separation you speak of, "how is one to take, and deal with, this ‘false self," is an impossibility. You, Ego Man, are an instrument, so to speak, which is reliant upon "godallah within" to deliver the message within thru your unique nerve central... that which defines your potentiality thru your uniqueness. Without acknowledging that "essence within" you would still be serving that essence within. That is what your Ego Machine (body) is doing and has been doing since you (it) came into this world. You investing prowess which has given you a life you have created was not created by your ego-life but the inner Self in conjunction with all that makes you alive and a living organism. No different in that regard to any one else... we are all "serving" our purpose thru the lifeforce within. Therein lies the mystery which hu'manity has sought since we became conscious of being - why? what? when? where? who?

From all that mind play we have created many a religion, philosophies, arts and sciences to seek answers to those questions which we ask ourselves over and over and over throughout our existence on this planet. We believe we have succeeded thru various philosophies or sciences but we all know, even though some are reluctant to admit, there are still questions that go unanswered and will continue doing so for that is our journey.

NS: Christ says we cannot stand in two boats, or “serve two masters” at once.

We all serve two masters, one at a time, as necessity demands - the body and the spirit, with mind looking on. To attempt to serve but one will eventually dominate one's will into submission thereby reducing the inherent freedom to be... the final liberation.

NS: [apology note] You seemed to be in the mood for Xian Biblical quotes. Though, I aways feel like some fundy Bible banger whenever I use them.

:lol: No apology necessary, my friend, altho I do understand your feelings. Isn't it true? I really know little about Le Bible, so using quotes from it I am very unlearned. But I do pick up some things here and there that sometimes strike a chord with me, (like the Kingdom within), so I put on my modernity robe and google such quotes to find their origins. If I made the time I would probably enjoy reading some books that show how Buddha and Christ spoke much the same sermons despite the 500 year difference. But that is another subject amongst many, eh?
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Non Sum

Post by Non Sum » March 15th, 2010, 8:37 pm

Hi MT, :)
MT: I hope you realize the Stream was within the 'cecilism' and all that followed was describing the essence...?

NS: No, I didn’t realize that. BTW, what is a “cecilism”? :?

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Post by mtmynd » March 16th, 2010, 9:10 am

NS: "... what is a “cecilism”?

A collection of "Mynd Chimes" I have plucked from the Stream of Consciousness... head food, if yoo will. ;)
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Non Sum

Post by Non Sum » March 16th, 2010, 10:04 am

MT: A collection of "Mynd Chimes" I have plucked from the Stream of Consciousness.

NS: "Mynd Chimes" doesn't ring any bells. What are they?

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Post by mtmynd » March 16th, 2010, 10:14 am

A series of thoughts, contemplations and meditations I have come up with over the years. Quite a few Streams have been written using these 'cecilisms' as fuel over the years, this one being the latest, of course.

Thx for asking. :)
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Post by mousey1 » March 21st, 2010, 12:21 am

Mynd Chimes. I like that. I love wind chimes, I have several on my back deck that tinkle delightfully, and soothe the me.

Thanks for your tinkles, Chymer, you charmer you! :wink:
I used to walk with my head in the clouds but I kept getting struck by lightning!
Now my head twitches and I drool alot. Anonymouse


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Post by mtmynd » March 22nd, 2010, 9:11 am

Howdy, mz mousey.1! so nice to see your sparkly words here (and there...).

Yes, Mynd Chimes, indeed. Tis a name I had chiming in me head many moons ago while hunched over a drawing board enjoying the quiet flow of thought drifting by while in an act of creation, when something or another 'chimed in' and caught my undue attention, putting whatever creative endeavor on hold while I heard that phrase, 'mynd chime' ringing ever-so melodically within. And thus was born that name which I have incorporated within a (late) series of bookmarks which included a 'cecilism'.

More than you wanted to know, I know... but I wanted to know if I could write that. :lol:

Thanks for the inspiration, amiga.
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