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Sunday Stream (257) ~ Cyber-Stew, a gluttonous delight

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 12:22 pm
by mtmynd
a gluttonous delight
Not only on a carousel, spinning wildly, faster and faster it goes, but it's like sound going 360 degrees simultaneously into the incalculable future without boundaries. It's Cyber-Stew, an amazing conglomeration of ideas and opinions, mixed in with the spices of entertainment and sex... the imagination reels at the possibilities which are laid at our frontal lobes thru the delivery of all things words and pictures can (and do) deliver. Never before in the history of mankind have we be able to be a part it ALL and yet become so isolated from the reality of what once was called 'Life.'

Thru this machine we call the computer we have connected to others in the digital world by never hearing their voices, not knowing their laughter or cries, never able to smell their fragrance no matter how wonderful or foul it may be... and never able to reach out and touch their flesh. Instead, we find comfort in their words, our words, scattered across this glowing glass screen in front of us... drawn to spending excessive time out of our lives, our expectations, our duties as hu'man beings to perform our daily tasks at the lure, the intoxicating lure, of scrolling thru web page after web page, addicted to... what? is it language, our written language that magically appears on this monitor at lightning speed? ... maybe the instantaneous connection to others sitting in front of their screen doing (wasting?) their time idly performing the act of communications with people enveloped in their own 'personaje que creen'... the make believe that others believe us to be in our daily existence.

Try as we may, we view and make conclusions of others on the computer, strictly by our ability to express ourselves thru language. The more proficient we become in translating our being into words, the more the veil of mystery fades into the void and more the people on the receiving end of the monitor are able to form a more tangible presence to that which we view as our personality.

But this is not so important, is it? We primarily spend hours of our time at the keyboard and moving the mouse not simply for educating ourselves, but also to entertain ourselves in whatever level of entertainment that we find entertaining. It is these two extremes, educate and entertain, that drives us forward... our inner-search to fulfill those two needs to complete ourselves. As long as we desire knowledge/knowing and entertainment we are contented long enough until desire strikes us once again and we again search out that which prevents us from that feeling of completeness, the wholeness of being.

The Cyber-Stew so many of us are partaking of, (and more and more coming to the bowl to partake and disseminate their own 'two cents'), can prove to be a gluttonous experience where our time becomes so focused on this screen that we lose track of time.. time that can better be utilized to complete ourselves versus dividing ourselves, fragmenting our being into molecular differences that confuse us as to what the 'we' in 'we are' really means.


Picture of the Week:
under an everchanging sky

photo: cecil (from the continually growing Tree Closeups, a series)

Re: Sunday Stream (257) ~ Cyber-Stew, a gluttonous delight

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 12:51 pm
by Arcadia
life itself can be felt as a sort of a dizzy mad carrousel for different reasons, inside or outside the cyber-web! :lol:

enjoyed the stew & the photo-in-serie!!!!!!!!! :) :wink:

gracias for the stream & saludos!,


Re: Sunday Stream (257) ~ Cyber-Stew, a gluttonous delight

Posted: October 24th, 2010, 1:10 pm
by mtmynd
hola, otro vez, 'V'... :lol:

"life itself can be felt as a sort of a dizzy mad carrousel for different reasons, inside or outside the cyber-web!"

verdad! pero when we add the cyber-stew to our already full plates, this has the ability for severe indigestion! no bueno for the mind or body... :)

gracias, amigo mia y tiene un dia muy buena! paz

Re: Sunday Stream (257) ~ Cyber-Stew, a gluttonous delight

Posted: November 29th, 2010, 11:33 pm
by .Lucy.
Indeed, we all take huge gulps of cyber gumbo and let our bowels dissect the parts of the whole, perhaps never tasting the full flavor of the ingredients.

Re: Sunday Stream (257) ~ Cyber-Stew, a gluttonous delight

Posted: November 30th, 2010, 1:13 am
by mtmynd
so much infor... TMI... overload... o'd... no room for it all in our little heads made big by make-believing we actually 'know' all this cyber-stew contains.

where is life when we need it...?

thx, Lucy.... nice seeing you're still with us, amiga. ;)