Sunday Stream (274) ~ The Silence Between Words...

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (274) ~ The Silence Between Words...

Post by mtmynd » March 11th, 2012, 1:53 pm

The Silence Between Words Undermines Opinions
I spend an inordinate amount of time lately tuned into the political news of the day, especially the Presidential candidates. Why would I waste my precious time doing that? After all, no matter how much I learn from them (little, other than how radical they've become), I still can do no more than cast my lone vote in support of the candidate of my choice.

I mention this because in watching and listening to news, which comes flowing at the speed of light to the viewer of cable-provided news, the over-abundance of opinions far outweighs what the facts are. The way I see it the vast majority of news unfortunately, has little in the way of facts, i.e. F.A.C.T.S. ... information which is FACTual.

The world's population really doesn't give a donkey's fart who ends up the President of the U.S.... they're far too busy trying to get caring for their families and loved ones, wondering where the next meal comes from, how to cure the health problems of their daughter, what is their son doing out so late (I hope it's not drugs!), with many the problem of shelter is a great concern... the same problems of all people regardless of their race, gender, religious beliefs or even political persuasions. The basics are exactly that - the basic needs that hu'mans require to survive in today's world... and any other time in the past.

Despite those problems, we, this current crop of hu'manity, made it this far, so far. Just think of how much difficulty and even life-threatening situations we (the people) have endured during our evolutionary development. It's quite amazing how resilient we are when it comes the solving our problems. If we weren't would we be here today... Sunday the 11th day of March in the year 2012C.E.? Those who aren't with us, no matter how much or how little they contributed to mankind's survival, HAVE contributed their own hu'man-ness to the species.

These current times are this generation's barriers and problems that have to be answered if not conquered. It's not easy and in more likelihood is going to be even more difficult in the near future. I say this because no matter where I look or what I hear about our life, there are problems and barriers to overcome and the majority of those are our OWN self-made problems. Sure, we can see the extreme changes of weather from violent winds to flooding on a scale we never expected... from droughts to tsunamis and everything in between certainly is no fault of ours but rather our time to deal with the time Nature has arrived at to change and Nature's way of change is significantly accomplished through 'her' weather and the changes of the Earth itself with quakes and volcanoes.

Just as we are changing creatures, so is this planet. We've (arguably) gone thru a period of relatively abundant growth where the weather was favorable to the plant life and hence, that same abundant plant life provided food which in turn gave hu'manity the health and supplies to multiply to the point where we are today - 6,999,826,088 people strong... 6,999,826,088 people needing basics to survive... 6,999,826,088 people needing food and shelter... 6,999,826,088 people many of who need health care... 6,999,826,088 people who make up our civilization today... every one with a concern, a need, a voice to opine with... every one in need of knowing who and why they are here on this singular planet competing with limited resources that are growing even more so every day.

Amongst those huge numbers there are relatively few, although may not have the answers, know what is important enough to sustain them even in times of trials and tribulations. Some know that what lies beneath this hu'man vessel is an inner light that provides our very illumination that drives out the fear and darkness that seems to be overtaking our lives... our world that we look back upon and wish to return to. This ideal, of course, is foolishness. We are here now and no matter whether we acknowledge it our not, we can only return to our past within our memory... and even that fragile memory will not reveal all the problems and concerns that we grew up with... and those that do remember still fondly remember the past. It's our hu'man nature to do so. We write books and tell stories about our past hoping some of it will survive as it did within our own imaginings. But the past is as ephemeral as is our tomorrows. Our past cannot nourish our bodies... the past cannot protect us from the storms of today, the past is but a fading memory that we all eventually let go of in order to make the best of our NOW. This is all we factually have... right NOW. Live it or lose it!


Picture of the Week:
Need Glasses?

photo: cecil [mural in my barrio]
Allow not destiny to intrude upon Now

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Re: Sunday Stream (274) ~ The Silence Between Words...

Post by Arcadia » March 15th, 2012, 8:55 pm

Love the perspective in some of your streams, Cecil!!!. Recently I read that nowadays greeks call the transport mediums as a whole (busses, trains) metaphorai. Some of your streams are like a vision from an old recycled bus shining in the top of the relieve.
I remember that photo: the desert-Guadalupe mural with the glasses publicity in the upside right corner... amazing wall & photo!!!! :D (the psycoanalist can have a feast with it...! :lol: )
gracias for a new stream & saludos!!!!,


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Re: Sunday Stream (274) ~ The Silence Between Words...

Post by e_dog » March 18th, 2012, 3:36 am

whats a metaphorai?

met a four eye'd the monster.
I don't think 'Therefore, I am.' Therefore, I am.

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