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Sunday Stream [280] deep breathe...

Posted: April 7th, 2013, 9:56 am
by mtmynd
deep breathe, asshole

I found myself running short of breath…
this breathing thing gets to be so much fucking work,
just when you think you're transcending this goddamn world
all the pathetic crap that we all deal with day after fucking day
it's no wonder that we try to escape from the mundane daily dose
of goddamn ignorance and idiocy that I see and I know damn
good and well you see it too.. the absolute chaos of living
and living together like we fucking belong to each other
like we belong to this exclusive club that nobody can afford
but we all pretend to fit in and talk with each other about
crap that none of us really give a flying fuck about after we
leave the club and wander down the parking lot looking for
a way out of the madness that we all are part of... it's enough
to take my own breath away like it was intentional to avoid
breathing as if I was trying to suffocate myself with a pillow.

please! please! i heard myself screaming out ... please!
but nobody gave a shit. most of all I didn't give a shit.
I can't believe it.. I mean why in the name of Clutch Cargo
would anyone want to live like we do? I'm not talking about
living here in that so-called favorite chair we like to park our ass in...
no I'm talking about living the day-to-day existence looking
out for the next fucking moron to piss you off.

it doesn't take a goddamn philosopher to spout off why this is
but only that this is the way it is so fuck you if you don't like it.
and I have my moments, brother, when i don't fucking like it..
not one goddamn bit... and that's just the way it fucking is...
and then it happens... that loss of air... gawd! i want breath…
not just lousy, stinking, everyday breath but pure air
from the entrails of Gaia the Giver of all things on this goddamn planet

we're so fucking crowded in and dying to breathe just a breath...
just one fucking breath of pure, unadulterated air that has been
here for eons before we, the mother fucking human population,
took and abused and shit all over and stole from and crapped and
pissed all over like this one once-beautiful planet was a goddamn
fucking piece of shit that was in our way and we were going to
kick its ass until Gaia gave us every goddamn thing we wanted
and them some but no! we stop just short of breath and gasp!

choking on our own vomit as we get dizzy and pain mounts in us
and we get scared.. so fucking scared that breathing...
(any fucking gasp of breath) we'd pay a goddamn fortune for
just one more minute of living...
one more moment of life and then, and only then,
we get a mother fucking realization that this..
this world we've pissed and shit all over...
this is it! baby, there's no place else to go... zero.

breath goddamn it... breathe deep, you son-of-a-bitch...
this is all you are going to get until your goddamn lungs surrender.
and if your so fucking useless that breathing somehow just
isn't goddamn enough for your ego living bullshit then may i suggest
taking that piece of soiled and stained pillow that you lay
your chaotically charged head on looking for sympathy and understanding
and place that pillow over your goddamn nose and your goddamn mouth
and just once... just one time... pretend: this is you last breath.

it just may come true... it just might... you might feel pressure being
applied to your nose and mouth that makes you piss in your pants
and wriggle and jolt with fear like you've never had in your life
and you won't know who is behind that pushing pressure holding
that goddamn pillow over your nose and mouth taking away your
breath... until it's gone. breathe is no more... extinguished
along with your fucking life that your never were sure of what to do with...
along with all the rest of the bastards that have fucked with you
because you fucked with them and never fucking knew it... asshole.

[originally written 10.13.08]

Re: Sunday Stream [280] deep breathe...

Posted: April 7th, 2013, 10:41 am
by the mingo
wow shit and kaboom walked in and had to wipe myself off head-to-toe holy jesus chrysler! this is a sweet piece of loathing wow and ya don't hear nearly enough of this kind of thing this is like running into Miles Davis breathing through his horn somewhere around Natchez 1954
ya know some people welcomed the Mongols when they showed up thinking to themselves "Thank God it's over - no more of this bullshit from any of us and it's the best thing that could have happened." Yeah, ya know.

Mag-fuckin-nif-i-cent !

I got some Miles Davis with me - a little "So What" he was an asshole too you bet breathing out through that horn and then we can soak in a bit of "Take Five" from Dave Brubeck - fuck yeah Mongolia!

People don' appreciate being fed the fuck up. It's a legitimate feeling & art form. Anybody can do it but few can pull it off with any kind of class. My hat is off!

I say we listen to Brubeck out on the porch and cut the fuck out of any & all buddhas that show up and watch Sunday go right on by

Re: Sunday Stream [280] deep breathe...

Posted: April 7th, 2013, 12:33 pm
by mtmynd
Gracias, el mingo! ;)

Re: Sunday Stream [280] deep breathe...

Posted: April 28th, 2013, 3:02 pm
by Artguy
Fuck it...Mother earth does owe us a swift kick in the ass ...and all the idiots in the world help us to give a nudge and a wink to those who actually really live on this little planet ...I mean the ones who can run their fingers through the soil and revel in it's life giving force...the ones who can breathe in the air ion one spot take a step forward take another breath and know the difference.... and the ones who can dive into cool wild water and's fucking cold in heere!!!!
Fuckin nice to see you...

Re: Sunday Stream [280] deep breathe...

Posted: April 30th, 2013, 8:55 am
by mtmynd
Thx, amigo... good seeing you, hoping your health is staying level with reality.

Re: Sunday Stream [280] deep breathe...

Posted: August 3rd, 2014, 10:17 am
by Artguy
So my own breath is hard to find these dog mind also lost in the haze of the mundane...driving to the anthill and back in my rusty pick up...My body rusts along with it...and "rust never sleeps"...(Ol Neil Young sang that )...taking solace in Some Of The Dharma by St. Jack

Re: Sunday Stream [280] deep breathe...

Posted: August 3rd, 2014, 1:29 pm
by mtmynd
no mention of painting... still at it?

SooZ and I have become near-hermits since fall of last year when Nathan got hit with a powerful gout attack leaving him unable to walk leaving him completely dependent on us. He survived it and is doing better after several months. this kept us out of the Arts/Crafts circuit we've been involved in for many moons and now we find ourselves rather enjoying the quiet times, doing what we want after doing what needs be done. it has put a crimp in my own art and SooZ has not been interested in her jewelry and other crafty things she used to enjoy so much.

But I do spend an inordinate amount of time on this damn outer, keeping up with S8, LitKicks and another site or two. Can't seem to shut my mouth by typing replies instead... a silent substitute for the voice. ;)

Gracias for chking in, amigo. Good hearing from you and goddammit! take your health seriously, seriously. we all be fucking dead one hell of a lot longer than we lived, so make long and make it sweet. no regrets.

Re: Sunday Stream [280] deep breathe...

Posted: August 3rd, 2014, 1:55 pm
by Artguy
Ya still painting...have a look at the painting board...had a a bit of fun with a lady and her love ball while outside painting a local church. Just finished a group exhibit in NYC. Ya my body and mind are showing cracks and rust , to a certain extent I suppose I have my misguided youth to thank for it...the rest of it are just the mysteries of being human. Samsara is my game ...When samsaric crap weighs me down it is difficult when I sit...but I still sit...and still wave my brush with fury...Worry about Judih Dot too..Would love to live in a place called Phar Lepht ha!

Re: Sunday Stream [280] deep breathe...

Posted: August 3rd, 2014, 4:46 pm
by mtmynd
I asked her if she would give you a call while in T-Town. Not even sure if she's still there or has returned... lousy place to be by choice.. but then what do I know when that's her home..??

Re: Sunday Stream [280] deep breathe...

Posted: August 15th, 2014, 11:59 am
by Steve Plonk
Mtmynd, great Sunday Stream, more flowing than usual. Hope to see a post on my Column one of these times. Did you read my elegy for Robin Williams in Chat Spot, page 18?
Hope everything is all right with you and yours. Keep smiling! :arrow: :)