Sunday Stream (S8 287) ~ Political Ranting

Poetic insight & philosophy by Cecil Lee.

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Sunday Stream (S8 287) ~ Political Ranting

Post by mtmynd » October 11th, 2017, 2:38 pm

Sunday Stream [S8-287] ~ Political Ranting

Political Rant

ing... things never change despite the voter's wishes...

"In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." from Ronald Reagan's Inaugural Speech, 1.20.82.

Those 12 words have become a mantra for the Conservative Republicans... a rallying cry that firmly believes our U.S. Government has become too large and cumbersome to be of any good. The U.S. Government is our problem, even after 27 years any Republican Conservative worth his oats has taken that line and made it a belief system that should and will be followed almost religiously.

And yet when any large Republican-owned corporation becomes unstable and on the verge of collapse, who do they turn to? It's always the U.S. Government. The U.S. automakers, Chrysler, Ford and GM are nearing a 25 Billion dollar infusion because they can't meet the mandate without a $25 billion loan to retool their plants since Congress passed legislation last year requiring the automakers to begin mass-producing vehicles that get at least 35 mpg... obviously something they well-should have been doing years ago when the first oil crisis hit the country. But, it seems, the automakers at that time felt increasing fuel mileage in their autos was non-profitable... something that would not increase their profits margins enough to justify doing so. So now, in addition to some 800 - 0ne Trillion Dollars for AIG, add another 25 Billion to the bill. Apparently our brand American Fascism needs financial support to continue living in a style in which it is accustomed. Why not? Look at all they have done for the American Public: placing our debt load onto not only ourselves, but to one and possibly two generations from now.

I don't know who said it first, but those words, "the root of all evil is money" certainly sounds true today more than at any other time. Large government, indeed. Those corrupt, lying, deceitful bastards should be thanking this large government - bowing down and kissing it's Constitution and giving it grand gifts in return for it's constant supply of money. But those large corporations... they could give a snot. We, America, either gives them their money or they will make damn sure the entire system that they alone have created will come falling down like the Twin Towers seven years ago. These corporate gluttons today are no better than terrorists - they have brought a sense of terror to not only America's people but the entire global economy.

This smells of a well-intentioned, well-thought out terrorist act that wants the world's markets to collapse so they, the uber-wealthy corporate CEO's, can snatch them up at reduced prices. This will make these uber-wealthy hundreds, if not thousands, of times wealthier than they are now. Imagine, no government in the world will be able to control them. They will control the governments. It's quite possibly that systematic and on plan...

Paranoia? Despite the best intentions of mankind to make good for humanity, we humans historically have never been in a position to take care of ourselves without a government... any government, and they have all been tried: monarchies, democracies, theocracies, socialist and communism (in part), but they have all proved troublesome to humans at some point or another. Even American-style democracy, the envy of the free world to many, is in pain today. There's no need to opine the multiple , probable causes of all the shortcomings of governments, but to recognize that none are perfect. What is predictable is how the citizens of any government lose control of their lives in time and allow the heads of the governing body to call all the shots, surrendering their own good will and honest endeavors in exchange for deceit and corruption... every time.

Cecil B. Lee

originally written 9.03.2008
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Re: (S8 - 287]) Sunday Stream ~ Political Ranting

Post by still.trucking » October 12th, 2017, 9:30 am

Money is just little green slips of paper. I have read that the love of money is the root of all evil. Which places the root of all evil in the human heart/brain. American corporate fascism indeed. Corporations are people too, they have god given rights too, or so it seems.
corporate personhood.jpg
Image source the Atlantic magazine

Good column Cecil. Thank you for writing.
Please pardon my ramble.
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Re: (S8 - 287]) Sunday Stream ~ Political Ranting

Post by mnaz » October 13th, 2017, 4:42 pm

Yes, I remember the scorched-earth $$$ shakedown (and now Part 2, or is it 3 or 4 or 5 or ...?). Privatize the profits, socialize the losses (you're welcome, Mr. CorporatePotatoHead, btw.) Yes, the robber barons and winning of the West all over again. And again, and again, and again... "The only good (heathen) 'socialism' is dead "socialism"...

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Re: (S8 - 287]) Sunday Stream ~ Political Ranting

Post by mtmynd » October 16th, 2017, 5:46 pm

mnaz wrote:
October 13th, 2017, 4:42 pm
"The only good (heathen) 'socialism' is dead "socialism"...

I heard Senator Graham awhile back during the debate over health care. He said he would vote for Trump/Dumpf's bill because "we can't have socialized heath care!"

That's how close we currently are to facing the fact the U.S. will HAVE TO come to grips with socialized health care or allow the socialization of health care to the 320+ MILLION citizens to beg, scrape, cheat and steal health care to save their and their families asses from death because of a Congress is at war, and has been for far to long with that one word: SOCIALISM which they see as the end of Constitutional Democracy in America.

I have it burned into my mind reading what Karl Marx theorized - first there must be Capitalism followed by Socialism and finally pure Communism. It wasn't a call to arms but rather what he envisioned as being evolutionary steps that had to be less the people were crushed by the wealthiest in their nations.

I don't see it has any other choice but to happen as our Capitalism is growing more and more out of control that has given us this unimaginable debt crisis, est. 22 BILLION and counting... and all that because of a misguided belief in our monopolistic, capitalistic, criminalistic eocnomic system that we fail to recognize as our downfall. It has (or certainly is) reaching its end. Congress knows it; economists know it; bankers have to swallow the truth... but none of it (yet) is made public. Any sudden bolt towards Socialized Anything may cause terror in the country. Afterall do any on us want a D.J. Trump to be trusted to allow socialism without a battle, if not a war??

What is the next step to our economic salvation? Western Europe has embraced their reality that a benign (important!), democratic socialism is an answer to keep their people safe, healthy and as close to equal that those Nations are the happiest in the world.. far ahead of the U.S. in the "happiness polls."

Agreed it is not PERFECT but there is no perfection that suits EVERYONE all the time. Something we must learn to accept.

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Re: (S8 - 287]) Sunday Stream ~ Political Ranting

Post by mtmynd » October 16th, 2017, 5:55 pm

still.trucking wrote:
October 12th, 2017, 9:30 am

Good column Cecil. Thank you for writing.
Please pardon my ramble.
It's good seeing you here, Truck. It's been a long while since we talked... too long.

But time I feel is not so much on my side but behind me pushing me to do this and do that before I bow out. It's true that at my young age (nearing 73), I still like to paint, write and cook and even garden... my life may be shorter than it's ever been but my friggin' mind never seems to age, always clickin' away with this or that any of which sounds good to me!

Lucky for me, I have (6) pieces of artwork up at a local gallery along with 4 other smaller pieces in a "minatures show". Sold one aleady!! :)

Thanks for stopping in... your reply made me smile, amigo...
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Re: (S8 - 287]) Sunday Stream ~ Political Ranting

Post by mnaz » October 17th, 2017, 3:15 am

Pretty much agree on all points Cec. At some point it has to get down to balance, and we seem to tilting out of balance. It seems we can hardly even talk to each other because of so many years of divide and conquer shit.

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